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Abbadie, Jacques (†1727) 266Reformedfr en | DNB1 | DNB2 | Haag2 | NDB
Abbot, George (†1633) 15Anglican, Reformeden de | Bayle | DNB1 | EMLO
Abbot, Robert (†1617) 30Anglican, ReformedTheology, Oxford (1612-1615)en | Bayle | DNB1 | EMLO
Abbot, Robert (†c.1663) 8n/a
Abbott, George (†1649) 8Reformeden | DNB2
Abelard, Peter (†1142) 24n/aen fr | EMLO
Abernethie, Thomas (fl.1638-1641) 3n/a
Abernethy, John (†1740) 29Reformeden
Abernethy, John (†1639) 4n/a
Abernethy, John (†1831) 31n/a
Abraham ibn Ezra (†1164) 8Jewishen
Acherley, Roger (†1740) 4n/a
Acosta, José de, S.J. (†1600) 60Roman CatholicTheology, Rome (Gregorianum) (1594-?)en | Scholasticon
Adam, Melchior (†1622) 34Reformeden de | NDB
Adams, Amos (†1775) 6Reformeden
Adams, George (†1795) 17n/a
Adams, Rice (†1738) 1Anglican
Adams, Thomas (†1652) 27Puritan, Reformeden | BBKL | DNB2
Adams, Thomas (†1670) 1ReformedFellow, later Dean of Brasenose College, Oxford (1649-1662)
Adams, Thomas (†1668) 2n/a
Adamson, John (fl.1719-) 2Reformed
Addison, Lancelot (†1703) 3Anglican, Reformeden | DNB2 | EMLO
Agrippa of Nettesheim, Heinrich C. (†1535) 23n/a
Aikenhead, Thomas (†1697) 1n/a
Ainsworth, Henry (†1622) 51Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2
Ainsworth, William (fl.1652-) 2Anglican, Reformed
Airay, Henry (†1616) 2Anglican, Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2 | EMLO
Albertus Magnus, O.P. (†1280) 219n/a
Aldrich, Henry (†1710) 7Anglicanen
Aldridge, William (†1797) 1n/a
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' (†1783) 51n/a
Alexander, John (†1743) 1Reformed
Alexander, John (fl.1689-) 1Jewish, Reformed
Alfield, Thomas (†1585) 1Roman Catholic
Alison, Richard (fl.1588-1606) 3n/a
Alleine, Joseph (†1668) 21Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Alleine, Richard (†1681) 3Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2
Alleine, Theodosia (fl.1672-) 1Puritan, Reformed
Alleine, William (†1677) 1Puritan, Reformeden
Allen, Ethan (†1789) 12n/a
Allen, Richard (fl.1696-1700) 1Reformed
Allen, Richard1n/a
Allen, Thomas (†1755) 1Anglicanen
Allen, William (†1594) 16Roman Catholicen | DNB2
Allen, William (†1686) 2Baptist
Allestree, Richard (†1681) 98AnglicanTheology, Oxford (1663-1679)en | EMLO
Alley, William (†1570) 1Anglican
Allin, John (†1671) 1Puritan, Reformeden
Allinga, Petrus (†1692) 15ReformedDBNL
Allix, Pierre (†1717) 73Reformeden fr | DNB1 | EMLO
Alsop, Vincent (†1703) 15Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Alsted, Johann H. (†1638) 212ReformedPhilosophy & Theology, Herborn (1608-1629)en de | EMLO | NDB | Scholasticon
Altham, Michael (†1705) 2Roman Catholic
Althamer, Andreas (†1539) 81Lutherande en | BBKL | NDB
Ambrose, Isaac (†1664) 33Puritan, Reformeden
Ames, William (†1633) 210Puritan, ReformedTheology, Franeker (1622-1633)en de | ADB | DNB1 | DNB2 | EMLO | NNBW | Scholasticon
Ames, William (fl.1662-) 7Quaker
Ames, William (†1689) 1n/a
Amory, Thomas (†1774) 4Reformeden
Amyraut, Moïse (†1664) 158ReformedTheology, Saumur (1626-1664)fr en | Bayle | EMLO | Haag2
Anderdon, John (†1685) 3n/a
Anderson, George (†1756) 1Reformed
Anderson, James (†1739) 1Anglicanen
Anderson, John (†1721) 4Reformed
Anderson, Walter (†1800) 1n/a
Anderton, Lawrence (†1643) 5Roman Catholic
Andrewes, Lancelot (†1626) 24Anglican, ReformedDNB2 | EMLO
Angell James, John (†1859) 43n/a
Annesley, Samuel (†1696) 13Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2
Annet, Peter (†1769) 30n/a
Anonymous/Pseud. Reformed (†1600) 4Reformed
Anonymous/Pseud. Reformed (†1700) 5Reformed
Apollonius, Willem (†1657) 14ReformedNNBW
Applegarth, Robert (fl.1776-) 1n/a
Appleton, Nathaniel (†1784) 8n/a
Apthorp, East (†1816) 15Anglican
Arbuthnot, John (†1735) 2n/a
Archer, John (fl.1642-1645) 3n/a
Aretius, Benedictus (†1574) 150ReformedPhilosophy, Bern (1548-1563); Theology, Bern (1563-1574)en de | HLS | Leu | NDB | VGT
Arias, Francisco (†1605) 22Roman Catholicen
Arminius, Jacob (†1609) 183Arminian-RemonstrantTheology, Leiden (1603-1609)en nl | ADB | Bayle | DBNL
Armitage, Timothy (†1655) 2Puritanen
Arnauld, Antoine (†1694) 218Roman Catholicfr en | BBKL | CE
Arndt, Johann (†1621) 103Lutherande en
Arnobius of Sicca (†330) 9n/a
Arrowsmith, John (†1659) 14Puritan, ReformedTheology, Cambridge (1651-1656)en | DNB2
Arthur, Michael (†1786) 1n/a
Ascham, Antony (†1650) 7Puritan, Reformeden
Ascham, Roger (†1568) 29AnglicanEMLO
Ash, John (†1779) 4Baptist
Ashe, Simeon (†1662) 9Anglican, Reformeden | DNB1 | EMLO
Ashley, Jonathan (†1780) 2n/a
Ashmole, Elias (†1692) 4n/a
Ashwood, Bartholomew (†1678) 3Puritan, ReformedDNB2
Askew, Egeon (†1637) 1Anglican, Reformeden
Askewe, Anne (†1546) 1n/a
Aspinwall, William (†1662) 1Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Aspinwell, William (fl.1648-1662) 1Reformed
Assheton, William (†1711) 1n/a
Astell, Mary (†1731) 5n/a
Aston, Thomas (†1646) 2Anglican
Athanasius (†373) 26n/aBBKL | CE
Athenagoras (†190) 6n/a
Atkey, Anthony (†1734) 1n/a
Atterbury, Francis (†1732) 51Anglicanen | EMLO
Attersoll, William (†1640) 2Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2
Aubrey, John (†1697) 33n/a
Augustine, Aurelius (†430) 141n/aBBKL | CE
Austin, Benjamin (fl.1641-1650) 2Puritan, Reformed
Ayala, Balthasar (†1584) 1Roman Catholicnl

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