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Saumur, France
(Est. 1596)
Faculty (33) | Disputations (7) | Secondary Sources (2) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Samuel BouchereauRector (1600-1630) 1ReformedHaag2
Isaac D'HuisseauRector (1630-1670) 19Reformedn/a
Louis de La Forgen/a16n/an/a
Louis de La Forgen/a16n/an/a
Faculty of Philosophy
William CraigProf. of Philosophy (1603-1614) 0Reformedn/a
Robert BoydProf. of Philosophy (1606-1608) 9Reformeden | DNB1
Marc DuncanProf. of Philosophy (1606-1640) 2ReformedHaag2
Franco BurgersdijckProf. of Philosophy (1614-1619) 52Reformeden nl | EMLO | NNBW | Scholasticon
Adam StuartProf. of Philosophy (1619-1621) 3Reformedn/a
Josué de la PlaceProf. of Philosophy (1621-1625) 24Reformedn/a
Jacques De BrissacLecturer (1626-1628) 0Reformedn/a
Jehan DruetProf. of Philosophy (1628-1683) 2Reformedn/a
Isaac HuguesProf. of Philosophy (1634-1660) 1Reformedn/a
Etienne GaussenProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1661-1664) 12ReformedHaag1
Jean-Robert ChouetProf. of Philosophy (1664-1669) 4ReformedHaag2 | HLS
Pierre de VillemandyProf. of Philosophy (1669-1683) 12Reformedn/a
VolmannProf. of Philosophy (?-1614) 0Reformedn/a
Faculty of Theology
Antoine RenaudProf. of Theology (1603-1606) 0ReformedHaag1
Michel BérauldProf. of Theology (1606-1608) 3ReformedHaag2
Robert BoydProf. of Theology (1608-1614) 9Reformeden | DNB1
Louis CappelProf. of Hebrew (1613-1657) 34Reformeden | EMLO | Haag2
William CraigProf. of Theology (1614-1615) 0Reformedn/a
Franciscus GomarusProf. of Theology (1614-1618) 159Reformeden nl | ADB | Bayle | DBNL
John CameronProf. of Theology (1618-1621) 26Reformeden | Bayle | Haag2
Moïse AmyrautProf. of Theology (1626-1664) 158Reformedfr en | Bayle | EMLO | Haag2
Josué de la PlaceProf. of Theology (1631-1655) 24Reformedn/a
Louis CappelProf. of theology (1633-1657) 34Reformeden | EMLO | Haag2
Etienne GaussenProf. of Theology (1664-1675) 12ReformedHaag1
Claude PajonProf. (elect) of Theology (1666-1667) 21Reformedfr | Haag1
Etienne de BraisProf. of Theology (1675-1679) 5ReformedHaag2
Théodore BarinProf. of Theology (1677-1684) 5ReformedHaag2
Henricus Philiponeus de HautecourProf. of Theology (1677-1685) 1Reformedn/a
Andrew RamsayProf. of Theology (?-?) 1ReformedDNB1

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