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Author | Vols. | Tradition | Faculty | Reference | Haak, Theodor (†1690) | 3 | Reformed | | en de | Haan, Arnold, S.J. (†1633) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Heidelberg (1629-1631) | | Haas, Veit (†1538) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1523-1533); Theology, Heidelberg (1529-1538) | | Haberkorn, Peter (†1676) | 32 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Marburg (1632-1633); Theology, Giessen (1650-1676) | de | NDB | Häberlin, Georg H. (†1699) | 40 | Lutheran | Theology, Tübingen | | Habermann, Johann (†1590) | 54 | Lutheran | Theology, Jena (1573-1574); Theology, Wittenberg (1574-1576) | en de | NDB | Haberreuter, Samuel (†1655) | 1 | Reformed | Philosophy, Lausanne (1624-1628); Philosophy, Bern (1633-1645) | | Habert, Isaac (†1668) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Habert, Louis (†1718) | 22 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Paris (1668-1678) | Scholasticon | Habichhorst, Andreas D. (†1704) | 23 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rostock (1672-1686); Theology, Rostock (1686-1704) | ADB | Hachting, Arnoldus (†1657) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hachting, Johannes (†1630) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hachting, Regner (†1665) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hacket, John (†1670) | 7 | Reformed | | en | Hacket, Roger (†1621) | 4 | Anglican | | | Hackspan, Theodoricus (†1659) | 37 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Altdorf (1636-1654); Theology, Altdorf (1654-1659) | ADB | Hadow, James (†1747) | 3 | Reformed | Theology, St Andrews | en | Haemstede, Adriaan C. (†1562) | 5 | Reformed | | ADB | DBNL | Hafenreffer, Matthias (†1619) | 66 | Lutheran | Theology, Tübingen (1592-1619) | en de | Hafftiz, Peter (†1601) | 4 | Lutheran | | NDB | Hagemann, Andreas (†1697) | 6 | Lutheran | | | Hagen, Petrus van der (†1671) | 13 | Reformed | | | Hagen, Petrus vander (†1762) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hagendorn, Ehrenfried (†1692) | 5 | n/a | | | Hagendorn, Georg A. (†1695) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Hagmaier, Christian (†1746) | 17 | Lutheran | Theology, Tübingen | | Hahn, Heinrich (†1668) | 20 | n/a | | | Hahn, Philipp (†1616) | 32 | Lutheran | | | Haidlberger, Georg, S.J. (†1683) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Haimo Halberstadensis (†853) | 21 | n/a | | | Haitsma, Aggaeus (†1784) | 7 | Reformed | | | Hakewill, George (†1649) | 4 | Anglican, Reformed | | en | Hakluyt, Richard (†1616) | 11 | n/a | | | Hakvoort, Barend (†1730) | 1 | Reformed | | | Halbach, Daniel (†1635) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Hale, Matthew (†1676) | 103 | Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Halen, Herman van (†1701) | 2 | Reformed | Theology, Utrecht (1681-1701) | de | Hales, John (†1656) | 29 | Anglican, Reformed | |  | Hall, Archibald (†1778) | 3 | Reformed | | | Hall, Edmund (†1687) | 0 | Anglican, Reformed | | en | Hall, John (†1656) | 8 | Reformed | | | Hall, John (†1704) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hall, John | 3 | n/a | | | Hall, Joseph (†1656) | 291 | Anglican, Reformed | | en | Hall, Richard (†1604) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Hall, Thomas (†1665) | 16 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Hall, Thomas (†1762) | 2 | n/a | | | Hallbauer, Friedrich A. (†1750) | 32 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1731-1740); Theology, Jena (1740-1750) | ADB | Haller, Berchtold (†1536) | 1 | Reformed | | en de | NDB | VGT | Haller, Johann (†1575) | 3 | Reformed | | HLS | Haller, Wolfgang (†1601) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hallet, Joseph (†1744) | 15 | n/a | | | Hallet, Joseph (†1689) | 1 | n/a | | | Hallier, Franc (†1659) | 1 | n/a | | | Hallier, Pierre (fl.1617-) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hallywell, Henry (†c.1703) | 7 | Anglican, Latitudinarian | | | Halma, François (†1722) | 23 | Reformed | | NNBW | Halyburton, Thomas (†1712) | 49 | Reformed | | | Hamann, Johann G. (†1788) | 95 | Lutheran | |  | Hamel, Johann S. (†1722) | 1 | Reformed | | | Hamelmann, Hermann (†1595) | 41 | Lutheran | | en de | Hamelsveld, IJsbrand v. (†1812) | 35 | Reformed | Theology, Utrecht (1784-1787) | | Hamer, Petrus (†1716) | 4 | Reformed | | | Hamilton, Archibald (†1593) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Hamilton, John (†1571) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | | Hamilton, Patrick (†1528) | 3 | Lutheran | | | Hamm, Johannes von (†1759) | 2 | Reformed | Philosophy, Herborn (1707-1715); Philosophy, Duisburg (1715-1759); Theology, Duisburg (1721-1759) | | Hammer, Alexander (†1771) | 12 | n/a | | | Hammer, Christoph (†1597) | 1 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1583-1597); Theology, Jena (?-1583) | | Hammer, Wilhelm, O.P. (†1564) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Hammond, Henry (†1660) | 114 | Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Hammond, Samuel (†1665) | 2 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Hamond, George (†1705) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Hampton, Barnabas (fl.1697-) | 4 | n/a | | | Hampton, Christopher (†1625) | 0 | Anglican | | | Hampton, William (†1677) | 0 | n/a | | | Hancocke, John (†1728) | 5 | Anglican | | | Händel, Matthias (fl.1628-) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Hane, Philipp F. (†1774) | 8 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Kiel (1725-1758); Theology, Kiel (1758-1769) | ADB | Hanewinckel, Gerhard (†1669) | 0 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bremen (1611-1669) | Rotermund | Hanfelt, Georg (†1592) | 3 | Reformed | | | Hangest, Jérôme de (†1538) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | | Hanneken, Meno (†1671) | 13 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Marburg (1626-1627); Theology, Marburg (1627-1646) | ADB | Hanneken, Philipp L. (†1706) | 33 | Lutheran | Arts, Giessen (1663-1667); Theology, Giessen (1667-1693); Theology, Wittenberg (1693-1706) | NDB | Happel, Wigand (†1572) | 3 | Lutheran | Theology, Marburg (1545-1559); Law, Marburg (1556-1572) | Zedler | Harbart, Burkhard (†1614) | 4 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1580-1614) | | Harder, Wolfgang (†1601) | 1 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1574-1592) | ADB | Hardeveldt, Anthonie van (†1777) | 3 | Reformed | | | Harding, Thomas (†1572) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Hardtschmidt, Johann N. (†1706) | 40 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Strassburg | Haag1 | Hardy, Nathanael (†1670) | 5 | Puritan, Reformed | | DNB1 | Haren, Jan (†1620) | 12 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | | Harkenroth, Eelhart F. (†1732) | 0 | n/a | | | Harmer, Thomas (†1788) | 22 | Reformed | | | Harpsfield, Nicholas (†1575) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Harrington, James (†1677) | 10 | Anglican | | DNB1 | Harris, Higgins (fl.1714-) | 1 | Anglican | | | Harris, James (†1780) | 48 | n/a | | | Harris, John (†1719) | 9 | Anglican | | en | Harris, Robert (†1658) | 5 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Harrison, Michael (fl.1690-1700) | 2 | Reformed | | | Harrison, Thomas (†1682) | 4 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Harscher, Johann, S.J. (†1650) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Freiburg | | Harsnett, Adam (†1639) | 0 | n/a | | | Harsnett, Samuel (†1631) | 3 | n/a | | | Hart, Henry (fl.1549-) | 0 | Anglican | | | Hart, John, S.J. (†1586) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Hart, John (fl.1656-1665) | 2 | n/a | | | Hart, John (†1574) | 0 | n/a | | | Hartknoch, Christoph (†1687) | 3 | n/a | | | Hartley, David (†1757) | 16 | Anglican | | | Hartley, Thomas (†1784) | 7 | n/a | | | Hartman, Nicolaas (†1748) | 35 | Reformed | | | Hartmann, Joachim (†1795) | 5 | Lutheran | Theology, Rostock (1748-1756); Philosophy, Rostock (1768-1774); Theology, Rostock (1774-1795) | ADB | Hartmann, Joachim (fl.1553-1574) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Hartmann, Johann A. (†1744) | 87 | Reformed | Philosophy, Kassel (1716-1722); Philosophy, Marburg (1722-1744) | ADB | Strieder | Hartnack, Daniel (†1708) | 7 | Lutheran | | | Hartung, Valentin (†1558) | 2 | Lutheran | Hebrew, Leipzig (1552-1556) | | Hartwech, Adam (†c.1640) | 1 | Reformed | | ADB | Harvey, Gideon (†c.1700) | 60 | Reformed | | | Harvey, Gideon, II (†1755) | 0 | n/a | | | Harvey, William (†1657) | 1 | n/a | | | Hascard, Gregory (†1708) | 3 | Anglican | | | Hase, Cornelius de (†1710) | 6 | Reformed | Theology, Bremen (1683-1710) | de | Rotermund | Hase, Theodor (†1731) | 28 | Reformed | Theology, Bremen (1708-1731) | ADB | Rotermund | Hasenkamp, Johann G. (†1777) | 1 | Reformed | | ADB | Haslob, Michael (†1589) | 4 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Frankfurt (1572-1589) | ADB | Hattem, Pontiaan van (†1706) | 2 | Reformed | | | Hauber, Johann (†1620) | 4 | Lutheran | | | Hauenreuter, Sebald (†1589) | 0 | n/a | | | Haug, Johann F. (†1753) | 4 | Lutheran | | NDB | Hauksbee, Francis (†1713) | 0 | n/a | | | Haunold, Christoph, S.J. (†1689) | 43 | Roman Catholic | | | Hautecour, Henricus P. (†1715) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Saumur (1677-1685); Theology, Franeker (1686-1715) | | Hauteville, Nicolas de (†1660) | 23 | n/a | | | Hauwenreuter, Johannes L. (†1618) | 46 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Strassburg (1573-1597) | ADB | Hauzeur, Mathias, O.F.M. (†1676) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Scholasticon | Havemann, Michael (†1684) | 14 | Lutheran | | Rotermund | Havens, Arnold (†1610) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Havighorst, Johann (†1732) | 1 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bremen (1707-1718); Theology, Bremen (1718-1732) | Rotermund | Hawke, Michael (fl.1655-1659) | 2 | Reformed | | | Hawker, Robert (†1827) | 56 | Anglican | | | Hay, George (†1811) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Hay, John, S.J. (†1618) | 27 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Vilnius (1575-1578); Theology, Tournon (1578-?) | CE | Hay, John (†1709) | 1 | n/a | | | Hayter, Thomas (†1756) | 10 | Anglican | | | Hayter, Thomas (fl.1788-1791) | 2 | Anglican | | | Hayward, John (†1627) | 13 | Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Hazart, Cornelius, S.J. (†1690) | 82 | Roman Catholic | | en | CE | DBNL | Heath, Benjamin (†1766) | 6 | Anglican | | | Heathcote, Ralph (†1795) | 15 | Anglican | | en | Hebenstreit, Georg (fl.1601-) | 4 | Lutheran | | | Hebenstreit, Georgius E. (†1781) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Hebenstreit, Johann C. (†1756) | 7 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1731-1746); Theology, Leipzig (1746-1756) | | Hebenstreit, Johann C. (†1795) | 12 | Lutheran | | | Hebenstreit, Johann P. (†1718) | 41 | Lutheran | Theology, Jena (1710-1718); Philosophy, Jena | | Hebenstreit, Johann B. (†1638) | 4 | Lutheran | | | Hebenstreit, Johann D. (†1734) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Hebenstreit, Johann E. (†1757) | 14 | Lutheran | | | Hebenstreit, Johann F., I (†1727) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Hebenstreit, Johann F., II (†1760) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Hederich, Benjamin (†1748) | 10 | n/a | | | Hedio, Kaspar (†1552) | 13 | Reformed | | de | NDB | VGT | Hedworth, Henry (†1705) | 2 | Socinian-Unitarian | | | Heerbrand, Jacob (†1600) | 115 | Lutheran | Theology, Tübingen (1557-1599) | de en | NDB | VGT | Heereboord, Adrian (†1661) | 63 | Reformed | Philosophy, Leiden (1641-?) | en | DBNL | Scholasticon | Heermann, Johann (†1647) | 28 | Lutheran | | en de | Heerwart, Heinrich P. (†1674) | 4 | Lutheran | | | Heeser, Johannes (†1716) | 4 | Reformed | | DBNL | Hegius, Alexander (†1498) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Hegmann, Johann G. (†1785) | 0 | Reformed | Philosophy, Herborn (1763-1775); Theology, Herborn (1775-1785) | | Heidanus, Abraham (†1678) | 42 | Reformed | Theology, Leiden (1648-1676) | en | ADB | Bayle | NNBW | Heidanus, Caspar (†1586) | 8 | Reformed | | DBNL | NDB | Heidegger, Gotthard (†1711) | 3 | Reformed | | | Heidegger, Johann H. (†1698) | 225 | Reformed | Theology, Steinfurt (1659-1665); Theology, Zürich (1667-1698) | en de | HLS | NDB | Heidenreich, Esaias (†1589) | 41 | Lutheran | | pt | Heidenreich, Johannes (†1617) | 34 | Lutheran | | | Heider, Wolfgang (†1626) | 22 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1587-1626) | de | ADB | Heidfeld, Johannes (†1624) | 13 | Reformed | Theology, Herborn | ADB | Heigham, John (fl.1623-1639) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Heiland, Samuel (†1592) | 10 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Tübingen | Scholasticon | Heilbrunner, Jakob (†1618) | 45 | Lutheran | | NDB | Heilbrunner, Philipp (†1616) | 26 | Lutheran | | ADB | VGT | Hein, Johann (†1686) | 0 | Reformed | Philosophy, Herborn (1642-1650); Theology, Herborn (1650-1657); Theology, Kassel (1657-1661); Theology, Marburg (1661-1686) | Zedler | Heine, Johan F. (†1749) | 2 | n/a | | | Heine, Johann C. (†1714) | 3 | n/a | | | Heineccius, Abraham (fl.1620-1626) | 0 | Lutheran | | | Heineccius, Johann C. (†1791) | 0 | Lutheran | | | Heinecke, Johann (†1741) | 10 | n/a | | | Heinsius, Daniel (†1655) | 76 | Reformed | | en nl | Heinsius, Ulrich (†1684) | 7 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena | | Heisen, Heinrich (†1770) | 2 | Lutheran, Reformed | | Rotermund | Helborn, Peter (†1573) | 3 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1558-1563); Theology, Leipzig (1563-1573) | | Helding, Michael (†1561) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | en | Hell, Caspar, S.J. (†1634) | 17 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Ingolstadt (1621-1624) | Scholasticon | Hellenbroek, Abraham (†1731) | 23 | Reformed | | nl | Helm, Lambert L. (†1596) | 11 | Reformed | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1565-1580); Philosophy, Heidelberg (1584-1596) | de | Helmichius, Wernerus (†1608) | 1 | Reformed | | | Heltai, Gáspár (†1574) | 8 | Reformed | | en hu | Helvétius, Claude A. (†1771) | 12 | n/a | | | Helwig, Christoph (†1617) | 22 | Lutheran | Theology, Giessen (1610-1617) | en de | Strieder | Helwys, Thomas (†c.1616) | 1 | Baptist | | | Hemelman, Jorge, S.J. (†1637) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hemessen, Gerhard von (†1783) | 2 | Reformed | | Rotermund | Hemmingsen, Niels (†1600) | 345 | Lutheran | | en de | Hempel, Ernst W. (†1799) | 4 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Leipzig (1776-1787); Theology, Leipzig (1787-1799) | | Hemsterhuis, François (†1790) | 13 | n/a | | | Hemsterhuis, Tiberius (†1766) | 6 | n/a | | | Henao, Gabriel de, S.J. (†1704) | 23 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Henckel, Johann O. (†1682) | 2 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rinteln (1662-1669); Theology, Rinteln (1666-1682) | Zedler | Henderson, Alexander (†1646) | 8 | Reformed | | en de | Henechius, Henricus (†1647) | 0 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rinteln (1622-1626) | | Henghel, Daniel van (†1689) | 6 | Reformed | | | Henichius, Johannes (†1671) | 15 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rinteln (1643-1645); Theology, Rinteln (1651-1671) | de | ADB | Strieder | Henley, John (†1756) | 5 | n/a | | | Henneguier, Hieronymus, O.P. (†1712) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Henning, Simon (†1661) | 5 | Lutheran | | Rotermund | Hennings, Ambrosius (†1691) | 0 | Lutheran | | Rotermund | Henno, François, O.F.M. Rec. (fl.1708-1718) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hennuyer, Jean (fl.1536-) | 0 | n/a | Paris | | Henrici, Daniel (†1666) | 4 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1642-1666) | | Henry, Matthew (†1714) | 105 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Henry, Philip (†1696) | 10 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Henry of Ghent (†1293) | 21 | n/a | | | Henry VIII (King of England) (†1547) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Henschen, Gottfried, S.J. (†1681) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en de | Henshaw, Joseph (†1679) | 3 | Anglican | | en | DNB1 | Henten, John, O.P. (†1566) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | en | Henwood, James | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Henzi, Nicolaus (†1635) | 4 | Reformed | | HLS | Henzi, Samuel (fl.1664-1686) | 0 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bern (1664-1669); Theology, Bern (1669-?) | Leu | Herberger, Valerius (†1627) | 73 | Lutheran | | en de | Herbert of Cherbury, Edward (†1648) | 41 | Anglican | | | Herberts, Herman (†1607) | 0 | Anabaptist | | | Herberts, Herman (†1607) | 0 | Arminian-Remonstrant | |  | Herbet, Jean, S.J. (†c.1578) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Herbinius, Johannes (†1679) | 5 | Lutheran | | de pl | ADB | Herborn Academy (†1817) | 1 | Reformed | | en de | Herder, Adrianus d. (†1699) | 2 | Reformed | | | Herder, Johann G. (†1803) | 1 | n/a | | | Herdesianus, Christoph (†1585) | 42 | Lutheran, Reformed | | de | ADB | Heresbach, Conrad (†1576) | 4 | n/a | | | Herice, Valentín de, S.J. (†1636) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Herincx, Willem, O.F.M. Obs. (†1678) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en | Scholasticon | Herle, Charles (†1659) | 4 | Reformed | | en | Herlin, Johann H. (†1611) | 4 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bern (1596-1598); Theology, Bern (1598-1611) | | Hermann, Amand, O.F.M. Obs. (†1700) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hermann, Caelestin, O.S.B. (fl.1720-1740) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hermann, Johann J. (†1630) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Herborn (1609-1630) | de | Hermann, Johann (†1615) | 0 | Lutheran | | | Hermann of Wied (†1552) | 1 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | en | Hermes Trismegistus | 14 | n/a | | | Hermkhuysen, Bernardus van (†1700) | 1 | Reformed | | | Hermsen, Hermanus (†1786) | 2 | Reformed | | | Herport, Anton (†1688) | 3 | Reformed | | HLS | Herrera, Pedro de, O.P. (†1630) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hervaeus Natalis (†1323) | 2 | n/a | | | Hervet, Gentian (†1584) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Hervey, James (†1758) | 57 | Anglican, Reformed | | | Herwart, Marquard, O.F.M. Obs. (fl.1693-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Herwart von Hohenburg, Hans F. (†1632) | 2 | n/a | | | Herzog, Johann W. (†c.1812) | 5 | Reformed | | | Heshusen, Heinrich (†1597) | 5 | Lutheran | |  | Heshusen, Tilemann (†1588) | 276 | Lutheran | Theology, Rostock (1556-1557); Theology, Heidelberg (1558-1559); Theology, Jena (1569-1571); Theology, Helmstedt (1577-?) | en de | NDB | Rotermund | Hess, Johann (†1547) | 3 | Lutheran | | en de | NDB | VGT | Hess, Johann J. (†1828) | 16 | Reformed | | | Hessels, Jean (†1566) | 57 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven | CE | Hesterburg, Joachim | 0 | Lutheran | | | Heumann, Christoph A. (†1764) | 47 | Lutheran | ; Göttingen; Jena | | Heunisch, Caspar (†1690) | 0 | Lutheran | | | Heurnius, Justus (†1651) | 4 | Reformed | | | Heussenius, Nicolaas | 0 | Reformed | | | Heuster, Tilemann | 0 | Reformed | | | Hevenesi, Gabriel, S.J. (†1715) | 33 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hewitt, John (†1658) | 2 | Anglican | | | Hexham, Henry (†1650) | 2 | n/a | | en | Hey, John (†1814) | 9 | Anglican | | | Heyden, Sebald (†1561) | 12 | n/a | | | Heydon, John | 0 | n/a | | | Heylyn, John (†1759) | 0 | n/a | | | Heylyn, Peter (†1662) | 70 | Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Heywood, Henry (fl.1740-) | 0 | Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Heywood, Oliver (†1702) | 12 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Heywood, Thomas (†1641) | 2 | n/a | | | Hibbert, Henry (†1678) | 0 | n/a | | | Hickes, George (†1715) | 39 | Anglican | | | Hickey, Anthony, O.F.M. Obs. (†1641) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Hickman, Henry (†1692) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Hide, Thomas (†1597) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Hierocles of Alexandria (fl.430-) | 27 | n/a | | | Hieron, Samuel (†1617) | 8 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Higden, William (†1715) | 7 | Anglican | | | Higford, William (†1657) | 2 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Higgins, John (fl.1570-1602) | 1 | n/a | | | Highmore, Nathaniel (†1685) | 3 | n/a | | en | Higinius, Adam, S.J. (†1612) | 13 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1589-1592); Theology, Dillingen (1599-1608) | | Higins, John (fl.1602-) | 0 | n/a | | | Hilary of Poitiers (†367) | 0 | n/a | | | Hildebrand, Hermann (fl.1664-1680) | 2 | Reformed | Philosophy, Herborn (1668-1674); Theology, Herborn (1677-?) | | Hildebrand, Hermann (†1649) | 1 | Reformed | | Rotermund | Hildebrand, Joachim (†1691) | 27 | Lutheran | | | Hilden, Wilhelm (†1587) | 5 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Leipzig (1575-1581); Philosophy, Frankfurt (1586-1587) | ADB | Hilderich, Edo (†1599) | 4 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Wittenberg (1559-1564); Philosophy, Jena (1564-1567); Philosophy, Wittenberg (1567-1573); Philosophy, Frankfurt (1575-1578); Theology, Heidelberg (1578-1580); Theology, Altdorf (1580-1599) | ADB | Hildersham, Arthur (†1632) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Hildrop, John (†1756) | 11 | Anglican | | | Hill, Edmund T. (†c.1644) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Hill, George (†1819) | 19 | Reformed | Theology, Aberdeen (1778-?) | | Hill, Henry (†1707) | 0 | n/a | | | Hill, John (†1775) | 0 | n/a | | | Hill, John (fl.1614-) | 0 | n/a | | | Hill, John (†1746) | 11 | n/a | | | Hill, Joseph (†1707) | 2 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Hill, Nicholas (†1610) | 4 | n/a | | | Hill, Richard (†1808) | 10 | n/a | | | Hill, Robert (†1623) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Hill, Rowland (†1833) | 3 | Anglican, Reformed | | DNB1 | Hill, Samuel (†1716) | 0 | Anglican, Reformed | | | Hill, Thomas (†1653) | 12 | Anglican, Reformed | | en | Hill, William (fl.1605-1616) | 0 | Anglican | | | Hillenius, Cornelius (†1632) | 4 | Reformed | | NNBW | Hillenius, Jesaïas (†1759) | 2 | Reformed | | | Hiller, Martin (†1651) | 16 | Lutheran | | | Hiller, Matthaeus (†1725) | 66 | Lutheran | | | Hilpert, Johann (†1680) | 5 | Lutheran | | | Hilton, Walter, O.E.S.A. (†1396) | 6 | n/a | | en | Himmel, Enoch (fl.1594-) | 4 | Reformed | | | Himmel, Johann (†1642) | 31 | Lutheran | Theology, Jena (1617-1642) | de | ADB | Himmlisch, Johannes F. (†1577) | 3 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1560-1562); Theology, Jena (1568-1572) | de | NDB | Hinde, William (†1629) | 5 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Hinderhöfer, Onuphrius (†1607) | 1 | n/a | | | Hingeston, James (†1777) | 1 | Anglican | | | Hipsted, Johann (†1682) | 2 | Reformed | Bremen | Rotermund | Zedler | Hirnhaym, Jerome (†1679) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Hirt, Johann F. (†1793) | 14 | Lutheran | | | Hizler, Georg (†1591) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Hoadly, Benjamin (†1761) | 83 | Anglican | | | Hoar, Leonard (†1675) | 0 | Puritan, Reformed | President, Harvard (1672-1675) | en | DNB1 | Hoard, Samuel (†c.1658) | 2 | Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Hobbes, Thomas (†1679) | 90 | n/a | | en | Hobson, Paul (†1666) | 0 | Baptist | | en | Hoburg, Christian (†1675) | 14 | n/a | | | Hochstetter, Andreas A. (†1717) | 28 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Tübingen (1697-1705); Theology, Tübingen (1705-1717) | de | Hoddesdon, Henry (fl.1583-1618) | 1 | Reformed | | | Hodges, Thomas (†1672) | 1 | Reformed | | | Hodson, William (fl.1617-1640) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Hody, Humphrey (†1720) | 16 | Anglican | | | Hoe von Hoenegg, Matthias (†1645) | 54 | Lutheran | | SB | Hoeke, Petrus van (†1711) | 2 | Reformed | | | Hoekstra, Sytse B. (†1768) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hoen, Cornelis H. (†1524) | 2 | Reformed | | en | Hoffman, Andreas | 1 | Reformed | | | Hoffman, Melchior (†1543) | 8 | Anabaptist | | en | Hoffmann, Christoph (†c.1553) | 6 | Lutheran | | | Hoffmann, Gottfried (†1728) | 46 | Lutheran | Theology, Tübingen (1707-1728) | | Hoffmeister, Johann (†1547) | 136 | Roman Catholic | | | Hofmann, Carl G. (†1774) | 31 | Lutheran | | de | Hofmann, Daniel (†1611) | 112 | Lutheran | | ADB | BBKL | Hofmann, Jacob | 0 | Reformed | | | Hofmann, Johann J. (†1706) | 23 | Reformed | Philosophy, Basel (1667-1683); Philosophy, Basel (1683-1706) | HLS | Hofmann, Paul G. (†1748) | 1 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1713-1748) | | Hofmeister, Sebastian (†1533) | 10 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | |  | Hofstede, Petrus (†1803) | 13 | Reformed | | | Hog, James (†1734) | 9 | Reformed | | | Hojer, Andreas (†1636) | 3 | Lutheran | | | Holcot, Robert (†1349) | 14 | n/a | | | Holden, Henry (†1662) | 7 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Paris (1623-?) |  | Holdsworth, Richard (†1649) | 8 | Reformed | Theology, Cambridge (1643-1649) | en | Holland, Hezekiah (fl.1638-1660) | 1 | Reformed | | en | Holland, Thomas (†1612) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Oxford (1589-1612) | | Hollatz, David (†1713) | 5 | Lutheran | | en | Hollatz, David (†1771) | 51 | Lutheran | | | Hollatz, David (†1743) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Hollebeek, Ewald (†1796) | 30 | Reformed | Theology, Groningen (1752-1762) | | Hollebeek, Jacobus (†1650) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hollings, Edmund (†1612) | 2 | n/a | | | Holmannus, Johannes (†1586) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Leiden (1582-?) | NNBW | VGT | Holmes, Nathaniel (†1678) | 3 | Puritan | | en | Holt, William, S.J. (†1599) | 0 | Roman Catholic | |  | Holtius, Nicolaus (†1773) | 23 | Reformed | | | Holtzfus, Barthold (†1717) | 38 | Reformed | Philosophy, Frankfurt (1685-1698); Theology, Frankfurt (1698-1717) | de | Holtzhalb, David (†1731) | 4 | Reformed | | | Holwarda, Johannes P. (†1651) | 5 | Reformed | Philosophy, Franeker (1639-1651) | en nl | Holyoke, Edward (†1769) | 2 | n/a | | | Holywood, Christopher (†1626) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Homberger, Jeremias (†1599) | 22 | Lutheran | | | Homborg, Johann (†1656) | 15 | Lutheran | | | Home, Henry (†1782) | 1 | n/a | | | Home, Lord Kames, Henry (†1782) | 25 | n/a | | | Hommius, Festus (†1642) | 43 | Reformed | | ADB | Hondius, Jacobus (†1691) | 6 | Reformed | | | Honert, Joan van den (†1758) | 118 | Reformed | Theology, Utrecht (1727-1734); Theology, Leiden (1734-1758) | de | Honert, Taco Hajo van den (†1740) | 65 | Reformed | | | Honorius Augustodunensis (†1154) | 11 | n/a | | | Honyman, Andrew (†1676) | 5 | Reformed | | | Hoogstraten, Jacobus van (†c.1527) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Hoogveldt, Robbert van (†1669) | 6 | Anabaptist | | | Hoogvliet, Nicolaas (†1777) | 7 | Reformed | | | Hooke, Luke J. | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Hooke, Robert (†1703) | 22 | n/a | | en | Hooker, Richard (†1600) | 32 | Anglican, Reformed | | en | Hooker, Thomas (†1647) | 20 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Hoole, Charles (†1667) | 17 | Anglican | |  | Hooper, John (†1555) | 30 | Reformed | | en | Hoornbeeck, Johannes (†1666) | 226 | Reformed | Theology, Utrecht (1644-1654); Theology, Leiden (1654-1666) | nl en | ADB | DBNL | Höpfner, Heinrich (†1642) | 43 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Leipzig (1612-1617); Theology, Leipzig (1617-1642) | ADB | Hopkins, Ezekiel (†1690) | 40 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Hopkins, John (†1570) | 1 | Anglican, Reformed | | | Hopkins, Matthew (†1647) | 1 | n/a | | | Hopkins, Samuel (†1803) | 22 | Reformed | | en | Hopkins, Samuel (†1755) | 1 | Reformed | | | Höpner, Johann (†1645) | 56 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1619-1645) | | Hoppers, Joachim (†1576) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | nl | Horch, Heinrich (†1729) | 26 | Reformed | Theology, Herborn (1690-1698) | de | NDB | Horlacher, Conrad (fl.1684-1707) | 14 | Lutheran | | | Horn, John (†1676) | 0 | n/a | | | Hornby, Charles (fl.1712-1716) | 5 | n/a | | | Horne, George (†1792) | 45 | Anglican | | | Horne, William (fl.1585-) | 0 | n/a | | | Horneck, Anthony (†1697) | 31 | Anglican, Reformed | | NDB | Horneius, Conrad (†1649) | 65 | Lutheran | | de | NDB | Horneius, Johannes (†1668) | 16 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rinteln (1649-1650); Philosophy, Helmstedt (1650-1668) | | Hornius, Georgius (†1670) | 40 | Reformed | Philosophy, Harderwijk (1648-1652); Philosophy, Leiden (1653-1670) | de | ADB | NNBW | Hornschuch, Hieronymous (†1616) | 0 | n/a | | | Horowitz, Isaiah (†1630) | 2 | Jewish | | | Horsley, Samuel (†1806) | 24 | Anglican | | | Horst, Herman van der (†1765) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hort, Robert | 4 | Anglican | | | Hortensius, Lambertus (†1574) | 48 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | | Horthemels, Johannes (†1776) | 1 | Reformed | | | Hortin, Jakob (†1734) | 5 | Reformed | Theology, Bern (1718-1734) | | Horton, Thomas (†1673) | 2 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Hosmann, Gustav C. (†1766) | 6 | Lutheran | Theology, Kiel (1733-1766) | | Hospinian, Rudolf (†1626) | 108 | Reformed | | en | HLS | Hospinian, Rudolf (†1698) | 3 | Reformed | | | Hospinianus, Johannes (†1575) | 12 | Reformed | Philosophy, Basel (1546-1575) | | Hotchkis, Thomas | 2 | n/a | | | Hotham, Charles (†1672) | 0 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Hotham, Durant (†1691) | 0 | n/a | | | Hotman, François (†1590) | 130 | Reformed | Law, Geneva (1573-1578) | en fr | HLS | Hottinger, Johann J. (†1735) | 48 | Reformed | Theology, Zürich (1698-1735) | en | ADB | HLS | Hottinger, Johann H., I (†1667) | 239 | Reformed | Theology, Zürich (1642-1655); Theology, Heidelberg (1655-1661); Rector, Zürich (1661-1667) | en de | HLS | NDB | Hottinger, Johann H., II (†1692) | 2 | Reformed | Theology, Zürich (1671-1692) | HLS | Hottinger, Johann H., III (†1750) | 15 | Reformed | Philosophy, Marburg (1704-1710); Theology, Marburg (1710-1717); Theology, Heidelberg (1723-1750) | HLS | NDB | Hottinger, Salomon (†1713) | 13 | Reformed | Philosophy, Zürich (1691-1713) | HLS | Hotton, Godefroid (†1656) | 3 | Reformed | | NNBW | Houbakker, Joannes (†1715) | 1 | Anabaptist | | | Houbraque, Guillaume (†c.1584) | 0 | Reformed | | | Houten, Josias van den (†1623) | 1 | Reformed | | | Howe, John (†1705) | 128 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Howe, Obadiah (†1683) | 0 | Puritan | | | Howell, William (†1714) | 3 | Anglican | | DNB1 | Howgill, Francis (†1669) | 3 | Quaker | | | Howie, John (†1793) | 12 | Reformed | | | Howie, Robert (†1645) | 13 | Reformed | | | Howson, John (†1632) | 3 | Anglican | | en | Hoyle, Joshua (†1654) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Dublin (1621-1648); Theology, Oxford (1648-1654) | | Hozjusz, Stanisław (†1579) | 61 | Roman Catholic | | en | Huarte, Juan (†1588) | 62 | n/a | | | Hubberthorn, Richard (†1662) | 0 | Quaker | | | Hubbocke, William | 0 | n/a | | | Huber, Samuel (†1624) | 120 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1592-1595) | | Huber, Ulrich (†1694) | 70 | Reformed | Philosophy, Franeker (1657-1665); Law, Franeker (1665-1679); Law, Franeker (1683-1694) | en nl | DBNL | Huberinus, Caspar (†1553) | 71 | Lutheran | | de | Hübmaier, Balthasar (†1528) | 14 | Anabaptist | | HLS | Hübner, Johann R. (†1692) | 14 | Reformed | Theology, Bern (1658-1659); Theology, Bern (1663-?) | | Hübner, Paul (fl.1557-1599) | 3 | Lutheran | | | Hubner, Petrus (fl.1586-) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hudde, Johannes (†1704) | 1 | n/a | | NNBW | Hudson, Samuel (†1683) | 1 | Reformed | | | Huens, Augustin (†1578) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | ADB | Huet, Pierre-Daniel (†1721) | 152 | Roman Catholic | | | Huet, Théodore F. (†1733) | 7 | Reformed | | | Hugenpoth, Johann H. (†1675) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Duisburg (1666-1675) | | Hughes, George (†1667) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Hugo, Hermann, S.J. (†1629) | 32 | Roman Catholic | | fr | DBNL | Hugo a Sancto Caro, O.P. (†1263) | 46 | n/a | | | Hugo de Sancto Victore (†1141) | 83 | n/a | | | Hugot, Nicolas (fl.1748-) | 8 | n/a | | | Huguenin, David (†1704) | 1 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | Theology, Duisburg (1689-1702); Philosophy, Duisburg (1691-1702) | | Hugues, Isaac | 1 | Reformed | Philosophy, Saumur (1634-1660) | | Hugwald, Ulrich (†1571) | 1 | Anabaptist, Reformed | | de | Hull, John (†1627) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hülse, Conrad (†1740) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Hülsemann, Johann, Sr (†1661) | 109 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1629-1646); Theology, Leipzig (1646-1661) | BBKL | NDB | Hulsius, Antonius (†1685) | 28 | Reformed | | NNBW | Hulsius, Heinrich (†1723) | 6 | Reformed | Theology, Duisburg (1681-1723) | ADB | Hulsius, Johannes (†1695) | 3 | Reformed | | | Hulsius, Lievin (†1606) | 28 | n/a | | | Hulsius, Paulus (†1712) | 13 | Reformed | Theology, Groningen (1708-1712) | NNBW | Hulsius, Wilhelm (†1659) | 0 | Reformed | | de | Humblot, François, O.Min. (†1612) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | Calmet | Hume, Alexander (†1609) | 0 | Reformed | | | Hume, David (†1776) | 82 | n/a | | DNB1 | Humfrey, John (†1719) | 9 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Hummel, Johann H. | 1 | Reformed | | | Humphrey, John (†1719) | 1 | Reformed | | | Humphrey, Laurence (†1589) | 10 | Reformed | Theology, Oxford (1560-1589) | DNB2 | Humphreys, John | 1 | Anglican | | | Hund, Martin (†1666) | 2 | Reformed | Theology, Duisburg (1655-1666) | ADB | Hundeshagen, Johann C. (†1681) | 71 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena | | Hunger, Albert (†1604) | 77 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | Hunnius, Aegidius (†1603) | 402 | Lutheran | Theology, Marburg (1576-1591); Theology, Wittenberg (1592-1603) | en de | ADB | VGT | Hunnius, Nikolaus (†1643) | 90 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1617-1623) | en de | Hunold, Johannes J. (†1704) | 3 | Lutheran | | | Hunter, Henry (†1802) | 36 | n/a | | | Huntington, Joseph (†1794) | 1 | Socinian-Unitarian | | | Hurly, James | 1 | Anglican | | | Hurrion, John (†1731) | 12 | Reformed | | | Hurst, Henry (†1690) | 0 | n/a | | | Hurtado, Gaspar, S.J. (†1647) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | | Hurtado, Tomás (†1659) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Hurtado de Mendoza, Pedro, S.J. (†1651) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | en | Hus, Jan (†1415) | 94 | n/a | | | Hussey, Joseph (†1726) | 3 | Baptist | | | Hutcheson, Francis (†1746) | 98 | n/a | | en | Hutcheson, George (†1674) | 4 | Reformed | | | Hutchinson, John (†1737) | 39 | n/a | | en | DNB1 | Hutchinson, Roger (†1555) | 6 | Reformed | | | Hutten, Leonard (†1632) | 1 | Anglican, Reformed | | en | Hutten, Ulrich von (†1523) | 14 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | en | Hutter, Elias (†c.1605) | 7 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1577-1579) | | Hutter, Georg (†1669) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Hutter, Jacob (†1536) | 0 | Anabaptist | | | Hutter, Leonhard (†1616) | 315 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1596-1616) | en de | NDB | Hutton, Charles (†1823) | 18 | n/a | | | Hutton, Matthew (†1606) | 9 | Reformed | Theology, Cambridge (1561-1562); Theology, Cambridge (1562-1567) | DNB1 | Hutzing, Enoch (†1678) | 1 | Lutheran | Arts, Danzig (1628-?); Theology, Rostock (1637-1643) | | Huygens, Constantijn, Jr (†1697) | 0 | n/a | | | Huygens, Constantijn, Sr (†1687) | 38 | n/a | | | Huygens, Gommaire (†1702) | 50 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Leuven (1652-1668); Theology, Leuven (1672-1702) | DBNL | Huysinga, Johannes (†1702) | 1 | Reformed | | | Hyde, Thomas (†1703) | 11 | Anglican | Theology, Oxford (1691-1703) | en | DNB1 | Hyperius, Andreas (†1564) | 132 | Reformed | Theology, Marburg (1541-1564) | en de | NDB | VGT |
| |