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« Robert Applegarth (fl.1776-)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Nathaniel Appleton (1693-1784)
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Primary Sources (8 titles, 8 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The Clearest and Surest Marks of Our Being So Led by the Spirit of God, as to Demonstrate that We are the Children of God. Set Forth in Several Discourses, Etc (D. Henchman, 1743)
The Comfortable Reflections, and Glorious Prospects of a Distinguish'd Saint, at the Approach of Death. Exhibited in a Sermon Preach'd ... After the Funeral of ... Benjamin Wadsworth, Etc (D. Henchman, 1737)
A Discourse occasioned by the Death of ... Mrs. Martha Gerrish, etc (1736)
A faithful and wise servant, had in honour, throughout the churches. A discourse occasioned by the much lamented death of the Rev. Edward Wigglesworth, D.D. Hollis professor of divinity in Harvard College, Cambridge; who departed this life, January 16, 1765. in the 73rd year of his age. Having faithfully and laudably discharged the office of professor for more than 42 years (1765)
God and not Ministers to have the Glory of all Success given to the preached Gospel: illustrated in two discourses ... occasioned by the late powerful ... preaching of ... Mr. Whitefield, etc (S. Eliot, 1741)
Gospel Ministers must be fit for the Master's use ... A sermon ... at the ordination of Mr. John Sargent, etc (S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1735)
The Right Method of Addressing the Divine Majesty in Prayer ... Set Forth in Two Discourses on ... the Day of General Fasting and Prayer, Etc (Edes & Gill, 1770)
A Thanksgiving Sermon on the Total Repeal of the Stamp-Act, preached in Cambridge, New England, etc (Edes & Gill, 1766)

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