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« Samuel Annesley (c.1620-1696)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Peter Annet (1693-1769)
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Critical examination of the life of St. Paul
R. Carlile, 1823GB 
London : R. Carlile, 1823IA 
Critical examination of the life of st. Paul, tr. from the Fr. of Boulanger [or rather from P.H.D. von Holbach's tr. of P. Annet.]. (1823)
David ou L'histoire de l'homme selon le cœur de Dieu (Reprod.) / [Peter Annet] ; ouvrage traduit de l'anglais, trans. Paul Henri Dietrich Holbach (1768)
David, ou histoire de l'homme suivant le coeur de Dieu (1768)
David, ou l'histoire de l'homme selon le ceur de Dieu (1768)
David, ou, L'histoire de l'homme selon le coeur de Dieu, trans. Paul Henri Thiry Holbach (baron d') (Freemann, 1768)
David, ou, L'histoire de l'homme selon le coeur de Dieu. Ouvrage tr.[by P.H.D. von Holbach] de l'angl. [The history of the man after God's own heart, by P. Annet. With] Saül et David, tragedie [by F.M.A. de Voltaire.]., trans. Paul Heinrich D. Holbach (freiherr von) (1768)
Deism fairly stated, and fully vindicated from the gross imputations and groundless calumnies of modern believers: Wherein some of the principal reasons contained in Dr. Benson's answer to Christianity not founded on argument are fully considered, and proved to be far from conclusive (W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1746)
Examen critique de la vie & des ouvrages de Saint Paul, trans. Paul Henri Thiry Holbach (baron d') (M. M. Rey, 1770)
Examen critique de la vie et des ouvrages de saint Paul / [traduit de l'anglais de Peter Annet par le baron d'Holbach]. Avec une dissertation sur Saint-Pierre, trans. Peter Annet, Paul Henri Dietrich Holbach (Londres, 1770)
Examen critique de la vie et des ouvrages de saint Paul. avec une Dissertation sur saint Pierre (Reprod.) / [traduit par le baron Paul Henri Dietrich d'Holbach] ; par feu M. [Nicolas-Antoine] Boulanger, trans. Paul Henri Dietrich Holbach (1770)
The history and character of St. Paul (Londres [i.e. Amsterdam] : [Rey], 1770)
The history and character of St. Paul, examined: in a letter to Theophilus, a Christian friend. Occasioned by observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul, in a letter to Gilbert West .. (London : and sold by F. Page, 1700)
A letter to the Rev. Dr. S. Chandler [microform] : from the writer of The history of the man after God's own heart (London : J. Carlile, 1820)
The life of David [microform], or, The history of the man after God's own heart .. (London : J. Carlile, 1820)
The miraculous conception [microform], or, The divinity of Jesus Christ considered as the foundation of the Christian religion (London : R. Carlile, 1819)
Remarks on a book entitled Deism fairly stated, and fully vindicated, &c., in a letter to the author ...: wherein it is proved, upon the author's own principles, that his undertaking is irrational, immoral, and unjust (W. Willock, 1746)
The resurrection defenders stript of all defence .. (London : author; and sold at pamphlet shops, 1745)
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