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Franeker, Netherlands
(Est. 1585)
Faculty (59) | Disputations (26) | Related Primary Sources (1) | Secondary Sources (2)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Michael WolferdusRector (1650-1655) 1ReformedDBNL
Henricus Gulielmus BernsauProf. of (?-?) 9Reformedn/a
Faculty of Greek
Johannes ArceriusProf. of Greek (1585-?) 4Reformedn/a
Faculty of Law
Ulrich HuberProf. of Law (1665-1679) 70Reformeden nl | DBNL
Ulrich HuberProf. of Law (1683-1694) 70Reformeden nl | DBNL
Faculty of Medicine
Augustinus Lollius AdamaProf. of Medicine (1608-1616) 1n/an/a
Faculty of Philosophy
Lollius Epoeus AdamaProf. of Philosophy (1585-1609) 7ReformedDBNL
Henricus de VenoProf. of Philosophy (1602-1613) 2Reformedn/a
Arnold VerhelProf. of Philosophy (1618-1664) 4Reformedn/a
Georg PasorProf. of Greek (1626-1637) 53Reformedde | ADB
Johannes Phocylides HolwardaProf. of Philosophy (1639-1651) 5Reformeden nl
Christian SchotanusProf. of Greek (1639-1644) 28ReformedADB | DBNL | GAMEO
Christophorus MunsterusProf. of Logic (1651-1660) 1n/aNNBW
Ulrich HuberProf. of Eloquence & History (1657-1665) 70Reformeden nl | DBNL
Abrahamus GraviusProf. of Philosophy (1659-1683) 5Reformedn/a
Johannes GreydanusProf. of Philosophy (1660-1668) 2Reformedn/a
Nicolaus BlancardProf. of Greek & Antiquities (1669-1690) 0Reformedn/a
Johannes RegiusProf. of Philosophy (1685-1738) 8Reformedn/a
Ruard AndalaProf. of Philosophy (1701-1713) 80ReformedDBNL
Antonius BrugmansProf. of Philosophy (1756-1766) 7ReformedDBNL
Johannes HachtingProf. of Philosophy (?-1630) 0ReformedNNBW
Johannes Henricus Van SwindenProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 2Reformedn/a
Faculty of Philosophy & Theology
Hermann Alexander RöellProf. of Philosophy & Theology (1685-1704) 17Reformedde nl | ADB | NNBW
Faculty of Rhetoric, History
Pierius WinsemiusProf. of Rhetoric, History (?-?) 10Reformedn/a
Faculty of Theology
Joannes DrusiusProf. of Hebrew (1585-1616) 158Reformeden nl | ADB | DBNL
Henricus Antonides van der LindenProf. of Theology (1585-1614) 6Reformednl | ADB | DBNL
Sibrandus LubbertusProf. of Theology (1585-1625) 73Reformeden | NDB
Martin LydiusProf. of Theology (1585-1601) 1ReformedADB
Johannes MaccoviusProf. of Theology (1615-1644) 40Reformeden de | ADB | Bayle | GAMEO | Scholasticon
Sixtinus AmamaProf. of Hebrew (1616-1629) 27Reformednl en | ADB | DBNL | EMLO
Johannes AcroniusProf. of Theology (1617-1619) 3Reformeden de | ADB | DBNL
William AmesProf. of Theology (1622-1633) 210Puritan, Reformeden de | ADB | DNB1 | DNB2 | EMLO | NNBW | Scholasticon
Meinardus SchotanusProf. of Theology (1626-1637) 3ReformedADB
Johannes BogermanProf. of Theology (1633-1637) 17Reformeden nl | ADB | DBNL | GAMEO
Johannes CoccejusProf. of Hebrew & Theology (1636-1650) 160Reformeden nl | EMLO | NDB | NNBW | Rotermund | Scholasticon
Nicolaus VedelProf. of Theology (1639-1642) 67ReformedDBNL
Johannes CloppenburgProf. of Theology (1643-1652) 52Reformeden | DBNL | EMLO | GAMEO
Christian SchotanusProf. of Theology (1644-1671) 28ReformedADB | DBNL | GAMEO
Nicolaus ArnoldiProf. of Theology (1651-1680) 18ReformedADB | EMLO | NNBW
Johannes Gerardus TerentiusProf. of Hebrew (1651-1677) 1ReformedADB | NNBW
Johannes ValckenierProf. of Theology & Church History (1654-1668) 4Reformedn/a
Johann Melchior SteinbergProf. of Theology (1669-1670) 4ReformedADB | NNBW
Herman WitsiusProf. of Theology (1675-1680) 272Reformedde en | DBNL
Johannes MarckiusProf. of Theology (1676-1680) 101Reformedde | NNBW
Johannes van der WaeyenProf. of Hebrew & Theology (1677-1701) 33ReformedDBNL
Campegius Vitringa, SrProf. of Oriental Languages (1680-1722) 242Reformeden de | NNBW
Jacob RhenferdProf. of Hebrew (1682-1712) 11ReformedNNBW
Henricus Philiponeus de HautecourProf. of Theology (1686-1715) 1Reformedn/a
Nicolaus GuertlerProf. of Theology (1707-1711) 45ReformedADB | Rotermund | Strieder
Ruard AndalaProf. of Theology (1713-1727) 80ReformedDBNL
Albert SchultensProf. of Hebrew (1713-1729) 110Reformeden | DBNL | Zedler
Campegius Vitringa, JrProf. of Theology (1715-1723) 4ReformedNNBW
Albertus Wilhelmus MelchiorisProf. of Theology (1723-1738) 2ReformedNNBW
Herman VenemaProf. of Theology (1723-1774) 132Reformednl | NNBW
Petrus LaanProf. of Theology (1738-1743) 6ReformedNNBW
Bernhard De MoorProf. of Theology (1744-1745) 65ReformedNNBW
Aegidius GillissenProf. of Theology (1749-1765) 3ReformedDBNL
Jan van VoorstProf. of Theology (1788-1797) 4n/aNNBW
Johannes RatelbandProf. of Theology (?-?) 4Reformedn/a

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