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Frankfurt, Germany
(Est. 1498)
Faculty (69) | Disputations (203) | Related Primary Sources (6) | Secondary Sources (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Friedrich ReichelProf. of Hebrew (1642-?) 9Reformedn/a
Friedrich ReichelProf. of Theology (1649-?) 9Reformedn/a
Georg GrabowRector (1684-?) 7LutheranADB
William Fowlern/a1n/an/a
Jodocus WillichProf. of (?-?) 14Lutherande | ADB
Faculty of Eloquence
Marcus RhodeProf. of Eloquence (1671-?) 38Lutherann/a
Faculty of Law
Marcus RhodeProf. of Law (1676-?) 38Lutherann/a
Faculty of Medicine
Cornelis BontekoeProf. of Medicine (?-?) 42n/an/a
Faculty of Philosophy
Wolfgang JobstProf. of Physics (1546-1573) 5LutheranNDB
Abdias PrätoriusProf. of Hebrew (1557-1563) 24LutheranADB | VGT
Michael HaslobProf. of Poetry (1572-1589) 4LutheranADB
Urban PieriusProf. of Philosophy (1572-1577) 17Lutherande pl | ADB | Rotermund | VGT
Edo HilderichProf. of History & Hebrew (1575-1578) 4LutheranADB
Jacobus ColerusProf. of Hebrew (1576-1577) 3LutheranADB
Wilhelm HildenProf. of Greek & Mathematics (1586-1587) 5LutheranADB
Christoph PelargusProf. of Logic (1586-1591) 70Lutheran, Reformedde | ADB
Christoph NeanderProf. of Latin and Logic (1589-1594) 3n/an/a
Joachim GartzeProf. of Greek (1591-1593) 8LutheranADB
Christoph NeanderProf. of Ethics (1594-?) 3n/an/a
Theodor EbertProf. of Hebrew (1615-1630) 20ReformedZedler
Gregor FranckeProf. of Greek (1615-1617) 13ReformedADB | Zedler
Gottlieb PelargusProf. of Philosophy (1632-?) 4Reformedde | Zedler
Friedrich BeckmannProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1647-1652) 7Reformedn/a
Johann Walther LesleProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1649-1653) 3ReformedZedler
Johann Seobald FabriciusProf. of Logic, Greek, and History (1652-?) 2Reformedn/a
Johann Seobald FabriciusProf. of Practical Philosophy (1654-1668) 2Reformedn/a
Elias GrebenitzProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1654-1661) 36ReformedZedler
Johann Walther LesleProf. of Moral Philosophy (1654-1661) 3ReformedZedler
Johann RiesselmannProf. of Hebrew (1660-1668) 1ReformedZedler
Johann SimonisProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1662-1669) 18ReformedZedler
Philipp BuchProf. of Physics (1664-1676) 4Reformedn/a
Isaac SchoockProf. of Moral Philosophy (1665-1660) 26Reformedn/a
Isaac SchoockProf. of Ethics & Politics (1666-1681) 26Reformedn/a
Johann Christoph BecmannProf. of History (1667-1690) 91Reformedde | NDB
Abraham ColvillProf. of Mathematics (1667-1672) 1Reformedn/a
Petrus van MastrichtProf. of Hebrew (1667-1670) 61Reformedde | ADB | NNBW
Samuel StrimesiusProf. (extraordinarius) of Philosophy (1672-1674) 47Reformedde | ADB | Zedler
Samuel StrimesiusProf. of Physics (1674-1679) 47Reformedde | ADB | Zedler
Barthold HoltzfusProf. of Philosophy (1685-1698) 38Reformedde
Alexander Gottlieb BaumgartenProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 1n/an/a
Tobias MagirusProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 26Reformedn/a
Caleb TrygophorusProf. of Logic (?-?) 16LutheranZedler
Faculty of Philosophy and Law
Joachim Georg DarjesProf. of Philosophy and Law (1763-?) 84Lutherann/a
Faculty of Theology
Alexander AlesiusProf. of Theology (1540-1542) 62Lutheran, Reformeden de | BBKL | DNB1 | DNB2 | NDB
Andreas MusculusProf. of Theology (1546-1581) 76Lutheranen de | NDB
Urban PieriusProf. of Theology (1577-1578) 17Lutherande pl | ADB | Rotermund | VGT
Christoph PelargusProf. of Theology (1591-1633) 70Lutheran, Reformedde | ADB
Johann BergiusProf. of Theology (1615-1620) 32Reformedde | BBKL | NDB
Wolfgang CrellProf. of Metaphysics & Theology (1616-1627) 3ReformedEMLO | Zedler
Gregor FranckeProf. of Theology (1617-1651) 13ReformedADB | Zedler
Conrad BergiusProf. of Theology (1624-1634) 7ReformedNDB | Rotermund
Gottlieb PelargusProf. of Theology (1642-1672) 4Reformedde | Zedler
Georg Conrad BergiusProf. of Theology (1651-?) 3Reformedde | Zedler
Friedrich BeckmannProf. of Theology (1653-1667) 7Reformedn/a
Elias GrebenitzProf. of Theology (1661-1689) 36ReformedZedler
Johann Walther LesleProf. of Theology (1661-1679) 3ReformedZedler
Johann RiesselmannProf. of Theology (1668-1698) 1ReformedZedler
Johann SimonisProf. of Theology (1672-1698) 18ReformedZedler
Philipp BuchProf. of Theology (1676-1696) 4Reformedn/a
Samuel StrimesiusProf. of Theology (1679-1703) 47Reformedde | ADB | Zedler
Johann Christoph BecmannProf. of Theology (1690-1717) 91Reformedde | NDB
Barthold HoltzfusProf. of Theology (1698-1717) 38Reformedde
Johann Arnold NoltenProf. of Theology (1717-?) 4ReformedZedler
Philippus OuseelProf. of Theology (1717-1724) 17ReformedZedler
Dietrich Siegfried ClaessenProf. (extraordinarius) of Theology (1720-?) 4Reformedde
Eberhard Heinrich Daniel StoschProf. of Theology (1749-1781) 19ReformedADB
Abraham AndreaeProf. of Theology (?-?) 1Reformedn/a
Martin DieterichProf. (extraordinarius) of Theology (?-?) 4Lutherann/a
Paul GyöngyösiProf. of Theology (?-?) 18Reformedn/a

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