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Primary Sources (18 titles, 20 vols.) Suggest a New Source
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Baxter, Richard (1615-1691)  en de
A call to the unconverted to turn and live (Pittsburgh, Pa. : The Burgum printing company, [n.d.])
A call to the unconverted..
Pittsburgh, Pa., 1840IA 
Pittsburgh, Pa., 1845IA 
Vozzvanīe k neobrashchennym (Pittsburgh, Pa., 1835)
Brown of Haddington, John (1722-1787)
A dictionary of the Holy Bible : containing an historical account of the persons : a geographical and historical account of the places : a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects ... and the explication of the appellative terms, mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testament : The whole comprising whatever important is known concerning the antiquities of the Hebrew nation and church of God : forming a sacred commentary, a body of Scripture history, chronology, and divinity, and serving in a great measure as a concordance to the Bible., vol. 2 (Pittsburgh : From the Ecclesiastical and Literary Press of Zadok Cramer, 1807)
A dictionary of the Holy Bible : containing, an historical account of the persons; a geographical and historical account of the places; a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects, whether natural, artificial, civil, religious, or military; and the explication of the appellative terms, mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testament .., vol. 1 (Pittsburgh : From the Ecclesiastical and Literary Press, 1807)
Select remains of the Rev. John Brown, [microform] late minister of the gospel at Haddington, who died June 19, 1787. Containing, I. Memoirs of his life; II. Letters to his friends; III. Religious tracts; IV. Advices to his children; V. An account of some of his dying sayings; and VI. Dying advices to his congregation (Pittsburgh : printed and published by Cramer, Spear and Eichbaum, 1810)
Select remains of the Rev. John Brown, late minister of the gospel at Haddington, who died June 19, 1787 : containing, I. Memoirs of his life; II. Letters to his friends; III. Religious tracts; IV. Advices to his children; V. An account of some of his dying sayings; and VI. Dying advices to his congregation ... to which is added, Address to students of divinity (Pittsburgh : and Cramer, Spear and Eichbaum, 1810)
Erskine, Ralph (1685-1752)  en nl
Gospel sonnets, or, Spiritual songs ... : Concerning creation and redemption, law and gospel, justification and sanctification, faith and sense, heaven and earth. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings (Pittsburgh : L. Loomis, 1831)
Horne, George (1730-1792)
A commentary of the Book of Psalms : in which their literal and historical sense, as they relate to King David and the people or Israel, is illustrated; and their application to Messiah, to the church, and to individuals as members thereof, is pointed out; with a view to render the use of the psalter pleasing and profitable to all orders and degreees of christians (New York ; Pittsburgh : Robert Carter, 1845)
McEwen, William (1735-1762)
An illustration of the types, allegories, and prophecies of the Old Testament (Pittsburgh : Elliott & English, 1849)
Paley, William (1743-1805)  en
Archdeacon Paley's View of the evidences of Christianity ... With a memoir (Philadelphia, J. Kay, jun. and Brother; Pittsburgh : J.I. Kay & Co, 1840)
Scougal, Henry (1650-1678)
The works of the Rev. Henry Scougal .. (Pittsburgh : J. I. Kay & co, 1830)
Sherlock, William (1641-1707)  en
A discourse concerning the divine providence (Pittsburgh : J.L. Read, 1851)
Willison, John (1680-1750)
The afflicted man's companion : or, A directory for persons and families afflicted by sickness or any other distress
Pittsburgh : Luke Loomis & Co. ; D. & M. Maclean, print., 1830IA 
The balm of Gilead for healing a diseased land : with the glory of the ministration of the spirit and a scripture prophecy of the increase of Christ's kingdom and the destruction of Antichrist (Pittsburgh : Luke Loomis, Johnston and Stockton, 1830)
An example of plain catechising upon the Assembly's Shorter catechism : humbly offered as an help for instructing the young and ignorant in the knowledge of the principles and duties of the Christian religion, with the grounds thereof, and that in a very comprehensive manner ; with a preface briefly demonstrating the truth of the Christian religion and the unreasonableness of infidelity (Pittsburgh : Published and sold by Luke Loomis, 1832)
A fair and impartial testimony, essayed in name of a number of ministers, elders, and christian people of the church of Scotland ... containing a brief historical deduction of the chief occurences in this church from her beginning to the year 1744 .. (Pittsburgh : Zadok Cramer, 1808)
A sacramental directory, or, A treatise concerning the sanctification of a communion sabbath (Pittsburgh : United Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1869)

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