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Keith, George (c.1638-1716)
A vision concerning the mischievous seperation [sic] among Friends in Old England (Philadelphia : Will. Bradford, 1692)
Knapp, Georg Christian (1753-1825)
Lectures on Christian theology
Philadelphia : J. W. Moore, 1856IA 
Philadelphia : T. Wardle, 1845IA 
Knox, John (c.1514-1572)  en
Writings of the Rev. John Knox, Minister of God's Word in Scotland (Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1842)
Knox, Vicesimus (1752-1821)
Christian philosophy, or, An attempt to display by internal testimony, the evidence and excellence of revealed religion : with an appendix, on Mr. Paine's pamphlet, on prayer, etc. (Philadelphia : Emmor Kimber, 1804)
Essays, moral and literary (Philadelphia : H. and P. Rice, and B. Johnson, 1792)
Notices sur le président de Thou (par Vicesimus Knox) et sur Jacques Harris,... (par lord Malmesbury), trans. Antoine-Marie-Henri Boulard ([Philadelphia] ; London : in the year 1795, Philadelphia re-Lang and Ustick, for selves and Matthew Carey ..., 1818)
The spirit of despotism ([Philadelphia] ; London : in the year 1795, Philadelphia re-Lang and Ustick, for selves and Matthew Carey ..., 1795)
Lathrop, Joseph (1731-1820)
Exposition of the Epistle to the Ephesians in a series of discourses : with a preliminary sermon on the evidences of the Gospel, especially those derived from the conversion, ministry and writings of the Apostle Paul (Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1864)
Exposition of the Epistle to the Ephesians in a series of discourses; with a preliminary sermon on the evidences of the Gospel, especially those derived from the conversion, ministry and writings of the Apostle Paul; (Philadelphia : Presbyterian Bd. of Publication, 1864)
A funeral sermon, delivered October 25, 1796, at the interment of Mrs. Mary Gay, relict of the Reverend Doctor Gay, pastor of the First Church in Suffield (Philadelphia : H., 1797)
Latimer, Hugh (c.1485-1555)  en
Select sermons and letters (Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840)
Seven sermons before Edward VI, on each Friday in Lent, 1549 (Philadelphia, 1869)
Lawson, George (1749-1820)
Practical expositions of the whole books of Ruth and Esther : with three sermons on the duties of parents to their children (Philadelphia : W.S. Rentoul, 1870)
Leighton, Robert (1611-1684)  en
Practical commentary upon the first Epistle general of Peter; to which is prefixed a brief memoir of the author (Philadelphia : Presbyterian Bd. of Publication)
Vol. 1 (1864)
Vol. 2 (1864) IA 
Lobwasser, Ambrosius (1515-1585)  en de
Die Psalmen Davids : nach Dr. Martin Luthers Uebersetzung (Philadelphia : King und Baird, 1858)
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)  de en
Der kleine Catechismus des sel. D. Martin Luthers : nebst den gewöhnlichen Morgen- Abend- und Tisch- Gebeten (Philadelphia : Gedruckt für J. und R. Johnson, 1805)
Lutheran Church
The book of concord : or, The symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Philadelphia : United Lutheran Publication House, 1911) [People's edition]
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