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Joseph Bellamy (1719-1790)
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Primary Sources (23 titles, 32 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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A careful and strict examination of the external covenant, and of the principles by which it is supported. A reply to the Rev. Mr. Moses Mather'spiece, entituled, The visible church in covenant with God, further illustrated, &c. A vindication of the plan on which the churches in New-England were originally formed. Interspersed with remarks upon some things, advanced (Morris-town : New-Haven; Thomas and Samuel Green, 1770)
An essay on the nature and glory of the gospel of Jesus Christ: : as also on the nature and consequences of spiritual blindness, and the nature and effects of divine illumination. Designed as a supplement to the author's Letters and dialogues, on the nature of love to God, faith in Jesus Christ, and assurance of a title to eternal life. (Washington: : John Colerick ..., 1798)
Four sermons on the wisdom of God in the permission of sin (Henry P. Russell, for Cornelius Davis, N. York, 1804)
Letters and dialogues, between Theron, Paulinus, & Aspasio, upon the nature of love to God, faith in Christ, and assurance of a title to eternal life: With some remarks on the sentiments of the Rev. Messrs. Hervey and Marshal, on these subjects (D. Niven for J. Noble, 1792)
The Millennium : or the thousand years of prosperity, promised to the Church of God, in the Old Testament and in the New, shortly to commence, and to be carried on to perfection, under the auspices of Him, who in the vision, was presented to St. John.. (Elizabeth Town : Shepard Kollock, 1794)
Remarks on the Revd. Mr. Croswell's letter to the Reverend Mr. Cumming (S. Kneeland, 1763)
Sermons upon the following subject, viz. The divinity of Jesus Christ. The milllenium. The wisdom of God, in the permission of sin (Washington: : John Colerick ..., 1758)
Theron, Paulinus and Aspasio, or, Letters & dialogues upon the nature of love to God, faith in Christ, assurance of a title to eternal life : containing some remarks on the sentiments of the reverend Messieurs Hervey and Marshal on these subjects : published at the request of many (Washington : John Colerick, 1798)
Theron, Paulinus and Aspasio, or, Letters and dialogues upon the nature of love to God, faith in Christ, assurance of a title to eternal life : containing some remarks on the sentiments of the Reverend Messieurs Hervey and Marshal, on these subjects (Washington : John Colerick, 1798)
Theron, Paulinus, and Aspasio, or, Letters and dialogues : upon the nature of love to God, faith in Christ, assurance of a title to eternal life, containing some remarks of the sentiments of the Revd. Messieurs Hervey and Marshal, on these subjects (Boston : S. Kneeland, 1759)
True religion delineated, or, Experimental religion, as distinguished from formality on the one hand, and enthusiasm on the other, set in a scriptural and rational light ..
Morris-town : Re-Henry P. Russell, 1804IA 
True religion delineated; or, experimental religion, as distinguished from formality on the one hand, and enthusiasm on the other, set in a scriptural and rational light : in two discourses, in which some of the principal errors both of the Arminians and Antinomians are confuted ... (Morristown : Re-Henry P. Russell, 1804)
True religion delineated; or, Experimental religion, as distinguished from formality on the one hand, and enthusiasm on the other, set in a scriptural and rational light : In two discourses. In which some of the principal errors both of the Arminians and Antinomians are confuted, the foundation and superstructure of their different schemes demolished, and the truth as it is in Jesus, explained and proved. : The whole adapted to the weakest capacities, and designed for the establishment, comfort and quickening of the people of God, in these evil times. (Boston : S. Kneeland, in Queen-Street., 1750)
True religion delineated; or, Experimental religion, as distinguished from formality on the one hand, and enthusiasm on the other, set in a scriptural and rational light .. (Boston, Printed and sold by S. Kneeland : in Queen-street, 1750)
True religion delineated; or, Experimental religion, distinguished from formality on the one hand, and enthusiasm on the other, set in a scriptural and rational light: In two discourses. In which some of the principal errors, both of the Arminians and Antinomians are confuted, the foundation and ... (M. Gray, 1788)
The way out: Suggestions for social reform (G. P. Putnam's sons, 1884)
The works of Joseph Bellamy
Doctrinal Tract and Book Society, 1850GB 
Boston : Doctrinal Tract and Book Society
Vol. 1 (1853) IA 
Vol. 2 (1853) IA 
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