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Thomas Doolittle (c.1630-1707)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen | DNB2Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (5 titles, 5 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Earthquakes explained and practically improved occasioned by the late earthquake on Sept. 8, 1692 in London, many other parts in England, and beyond sea (London : John Salusbury ..., 1693)
Mah ashiv l'Yahweh, or, A serious enquiry for a suitable return for continued life, in and after a time of great mortality by a wasting plague (anno 1665) answered in XIII directions (London : R.I. for J. Jacobson, and are to be sold by A. Brewster ... and R. Boulter ..., 1666)
The saints convoy to heaven a discourse occasioned by (and in part preached upon) the death and funeral of Mr. Benjamin Lindsey, who deceased the 21st of February, 1697 (London : John Lawrence ..., 1698)
A treatise concerning the Lord's Supper: with three dialogues for the more full information of the weak, in the nature and use of this sacrament (T. Fleet, for the booksellers, and sold at their shops., 1727)
Von würdigem Gebrauch Des Heiligen Abendmahls : Nebst Drey Gesprächen ; Aus der achtzehenden Englischen Edition übersetzt (Berlin : Nicolai, 1735)

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