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« Redmond Caron (c.1605-1666)
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Nathanael Carpenter (1589-1628)
TraditionAnglican, ReformedReference | DNB2Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (5 titles, 6 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (4) | Philosophy (1) | Other (1)
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Achitophel, or, The picture of a wicked politician devided into three parts : a treatise presented heretofore in three sermons to the Vniversitie of Oxford and now published (Dublin : Imthe Company of Stationers, 1627)
Achitophel, or, The picture of a wicked politician Diuided into three parts. ([London] : [by Humphrey Lownes and R. Young] for M[ichael] S[parke], 1629)
Chorazin and Bethsaida's vvoe, or warning peece A judicious and learned sermon on Math. II. vers. 21. Preached at St. Maries in Oxford, by tha[t] renowned and famous divine, Mr. Nathanael Carpenter, Batchellor in Divinity, sometime Fellow of Exceter Colledge; late chaplaine to my Lords Grace of Armah in Ireland. (London : T. Cotes, for Micha[el] Sparke, dwelling at the blue Bible in Greene-Arbor, 1633)
Philosophia libera (Francofurtum, 1621)

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