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Primary Sources (6 titles, 7 vols.) Suggest a New Source
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Barclay, Robert (1648-1690)
[ Quaker ]
An Apology for the true Christian divinity, being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers, 8th ed. (Providence, 1856)
Williams, Roger (c.1606-1683)
The bloudy tenent, of persecution, for cause of conscience : discussed in a conference between Truth and Peace : who, in all tender affection, present to the High Court of Parliament (as the result of their discourse) these (amongst other passages) of highest consideration, ed. Samuel Lunt Caldwell (Providence : Narragansett Club, 1867)
Experiments of spiritual life & health, and their preservatives in which the weakest child of God may get assurance of his spiritual life and blessednesse, and the strongest may finde discoveries of his Christian growth, and the means of it (Providence : Re-S.S. Rider, 1863)
Experiments of spiritual life & health, and their preservatives in which the weakest child of God may get assurance of his spirituall life and blessednesse ([Providence : S. Rider], 1863)
Experiments of spiritual life & health, and their preservatives: in which the weakest child of God may get assurance of his spiritual life and blessednesse, and the strongest may finde discoveries of his Christian growth, and the means of it (Providence : S.S. Rider, 1863) [Reprint of 1652 edition]
A key into the language of America
London, Printed by G. Dexter, 1643. [Providence : Reprinted 1827], 1827IA 

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