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Zürich, Switzerland
Faculty (86) | Disputations (426) | Related Primary Sources (4) | Secondary Sources (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Rudolf HospinianRector (1576-?) 108Reformeden | HLS
Johann Heinrich Hottinger, IRector (1661-1667) 239Reformeden de | HLS | NDB
Faculty of Logic & Metaphysics
Johann Caspar WaserProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1658-?) 36ReformedLeu
Faculty of Logic & Rhetoric
Johann Caspar WaserProf. of Logic & Rhetoric (1649-?) 36ReformedLeu
Faculty of Philosophy
Jacob CeporinusProf. of Greek & Hebrew (1525-1525) 19ReformedHLS
Johannes Jakob AmmannProf. of Latin, Rhetoric, & Logic (1526-?) 2ReformedHLS
Burkhard LeemannProf. of Hebrew (1560-1571) 8ReformedHLS | Leu
Johann Jacob FriesProf. of Logic (1573-1576) 5ReformedHLS | Leu
Heinrich ErniProf. of Philology (1601-1611) 32ReformedHLS
Johann Jakob BreitingerProf. of Logic & Rhetoric (1605-1611) 40Reformedde | HLS | Leu | NDB
Kaspar WaserProf. of Greek (1607-1611) 49Reformedde | HLS | Leu
Heinrich ErniProf. of Logic (1611-1612) 32ReformedHLS
Johann Rudolf LavaterProf. of Logic (1611-?) 11ReformedLeu | Zedler
Johann Jacob UlrichProf. of Greek (1611-1625) 22ReformedADB | HLS
Christoph GeigerProf. of Physics (1623-1625) 1ReformedHLS
Johann Peter TomannProf. of History (1627-?) 31ReformedLeu
Johann Rudolf StuckiProf. of Hebrew & Logic (1630-1639) 67ReformedADB | HLS
Hans Rudolf GeigerProf. of Physics (1637-?) 3ReformedLeu
Johann WirzProf. of Logic (1639-1651) 23ReformedHLS | Leu
Hans Kaspar WyssProf. of Greek & Latin (1641-?) 1ReformedLeu
Johann Caspar SchweizerProf. of Hebrew (1646-1649) 14ReformedHLS | Zedler
Johann Heinrich OttProf. of Rhetoric (1651-1655) 23ReformedHLS | Zedler
Johann Caspar SchweizerProf. of Greek & Latin (1656-?) 14ReformedHLS | Zedler
Johann LavaterProf. of Rhetoric (1657-1667) 27ReformedHLS
Johann LavaterProf. of Philosophy (1667-?) 27ReformedHLS
Hans Kaspar WolfProf. of Greek & Latin (1678-1684) 16ReformedLeu
Johann Rudolf OttProf. of Ethics (1680-1682) 20ReformedHLS
Johann Heinrich FriesProf. of Eloquence (1682-1684) 2ReformedHLS | Leu
Johann Rudolf OttProf. of History (1682-1695) 20ReformedHLS
Johann Heinrich FriesProf. of Languages (1684-?) 2ReformedHLS | Leu
Johann Heinrich SchweizerProf. of Greek (1684-1692) 13ReformedHLS | Zedler
Salomon HottingerProf. of Physics (1691-1713) 13ReformedHLS
Johann Heinrich SchweizerProf. of Hebrew (1692-1705) 13ReformedHLS | Zedler
Johann Rudolf OttProf. of Philosophy (1695-1716) 20ReformedHLS
Johann Jacob UlrichProf. of Ethics (1710-) & Natural Law (1724-) (1710-1728) 5ReformedHLS
Johann Jakob BreitingerProf. of Hebrew (1731-1740) 0Reformeden de | HLS | Leu
Johann ScheuchzerProf. of Physics (1733-1738) 3ReformedHLS
Johann Jakob ScheuchzerProf. of Physics (1733-1733) 87ReformedHLS
Johann Jakob BreitingerProf. of Logic & Rhetoric (1740-1745) 0Reformeden de | HLS | Leu
Johann Jakob BreitingerProf. of Greek (1745-?) 0Reformeden de | HLS | Leu
David HoltzhalbProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 4ReformedHLS
David LavaterProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 21Reformedn/a
Heinrich LavaterProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 6Reformedn/a
Hans Jakob WolfProf. of Greek (?-?) 4Reformedn/a
Faculty of Theology
Konrad PellikanProf. of Greek, Hebrew, & Old Testment (1526-1556) 71Reformeden de | HLS | VGT
Ulrich ZwingliProf. of Old Testament (1526-1531) 383Reformeden de | ADB | GAMEO | VGT
Theodor BiblianderProf. of Old Testament (1532-1560) 39Reformeden de | Bayle | HLS | NDB | VGT
Peter Martyr VermigliProf. of Old Testament (1556-1562) 192Reformeden it | DNB1 | HLS
Josias SimmlerProf. of Old Testament (1560-1576) 51Reformeden de | ADB | HLS | VGT
Johann WolfProf. of Old Testament (1562-1572) 22Reformeden de | ADB
Johann Wilhelm StuckiProf. of Old Testament (1571-1607) 31ReformedADB | HLS | VGT
Heinrich BullingerProf. of New Testament (1572-1575) 670Reformeden de | GAMEO | HLS | NDB | VGT
Johann Jacob FriesProf. of Old Testament (1576-1611) 5ReformedHLS | Leu
Ulrich ZwingliProf. of New Testament (1585-?) 4ReformedLeu
Raphael EglinusProf. of New Testament (1592-1592) 51ReformedADB
Marcus BeumlerProf. of Greek (1601-1607) 81ReformedHLS | Zedler
Marcus BeumlerProf. of Catechesis & Old Testament (1607-1611) 81ReformedHLS | Zedler
Kaspar WaserProf. of Theology (1611-1625) 49Reformedde | HLS | Leu
Heinrich ErniProf. of Theology (1612-1639) 32ReformedHLS
Hans Rudolf LeemannProf. of Catechetical Theology (1618-1621) 3ReformedLeu
Johann Peter TomannProf. of Catechetical Theology (1621-1627) 31ReformedLeu
Johann Jacob UlrichProf. of Theology (1625-1638) 22ReformedADB | HLS
Johann Peter TomannProf. of Theology (1636-1651) 31ReformedLeu
Felix WyssProf. of Catechetical Theology (1638-1646) 16ReformedLeu | Zedler
Johann Rudolf StuckiProf. of Theology (1639-1660) 67ReformedADB | HLS
Johann Heinrich Hottinger, IProf. of Church History, Oriental Languages, & Rhetoric (1642-1655) 239Reformeden de | HLS | NDB
Johann Caspar SchweizerProf. of Catechetical Theology (1649-1656) 14ReformedHLS | Zedler
Johann WirzProf. of New Testament (1651-1658) 23ReformedHLS | Leu
Johannes MüllerProf. of Hebrew (1655-1656) 47ReformedHLS
Johann Heinrich OttProf. of Hebrew & Church History (1655-1682) 23ReformedHLS | Zedler
Johannes MüllerProf. of Church History & Catechesis (1656-1659) 47ReformedHLS
Johannes MüllerProf. of Theology (1659-?) 47ReformedHLS
Johann Heinrich ZellerProf. of Theology (1660-1672) 10ReformedLeu
Johann Heinrich HeideggerProf. of Theology (1667-1698) 225Reformeden de | HLS | NDB
Hans Kaspar WolfProf. of Catechetical Theology (1668-1676) 16ReformedLeu
Johann Heinrich Hottinger, IIProf. of Hebrew (1671-1692) 2ReformedHLS
Johann Heinrich FriesProf. of Catechetical Theology (1676-1682) 2ReformedHLS | Leu
Hans Kaspar WolfProf. of Theology (1684-1710) 16ReformedLeu
Hans Heinrich BulotProf. of Hebrew (1696-?) 1ReformedLeu
Johann Jakob CramerProf. of Oriental Languages (1696-1697) 4ReformedADB
Johann Jakob HottingerProf. of Theology (1698-1735) 48Reformeden | ADB | HLS
Johann Baptist OttProf. of Hebrew (1702-1732) 7ReformedZedler
Johann Rudolf CramerProf. of Hebrew (?-?) 4Reformedn/a
Johann Jakob LavaterProf. of Theology (?-?) 1Reformedn/a
Johann Jacob UlrichProf. of Church History (?-?) 0Reformedn/a
Johann Jakob ZimmermannProf. of Theology (?-?) 18ReformedADB

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