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Rostock, Germany
(Est. 1419)
Faculty (93) | Disputations (136) | Related Primary Sources (3) | Secondary Sources (1) | Websites (2)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
David ChytraeusProf. of Theology (1561-1600) 354Lutherande | EMLO | NDB | VGT
Tilemann HeshusenProf. of Theology (1556-1557) 276Lutheranen de | NDB | Rotermund
Johannes CaseliusProf. of Rhetoric (1563-?) 203Lutherann/a
Johann Georg DorscheProf. of Theology (1654-1659) 170LutheranNDB
Johannes DraconitesProf. of Theology (1551-1560) 134Lutherande | NDB | VGT
Johann FechtProf. of Theology (1690-1716) 127LutheranBBKL | NDB
Johann TarnowProf. extraordinarius of Theology (1614-1629) 115LutheranADB
Eilhard LubinProf. of Poetry (1596-1604) 100LutheranNDB
Eilhard LubinProf. of Theology (1604-1621) 100LutheranNDB
Zacharias Grapius, JrProf. of Physics & Metaphysics (1698-1704) 93LutheranADB
Zacharias Grapius, JrProf. of Theology (1704-1713) 93LutheranADB
Heinrich MüllerProf. of Arts (1651-1662) 54Lutherande en | NDB
Heinrich MüllerProf. of Theology (1662-1675) 54Lutherande en | NDB
Albrecht Joachim von KrackewitzProf. of Hebrew & Christian Catechesis (1699-1708) 54LutheranNDB
Albrecht Joachim von KrackewitzProf. of Theology (1708-1721) 54LutheranNDB
Christian KortholtProf. of Greek (1663-1665) 43LutheranBBKL | NDB
August Varenius, SrProf. of Hebrew & Christian Catechesis (1644-1663) 42LutheranADB
August Varenius, SrProf. of Theology (1663-1684) 42LutheranADB
Daniel Georg MorhofProf. of Rhetoric & Poetry (1660-1665) 40Lutheranen de | NDB
Daniel Georg MorhofProf. of History (1673-?) 40Lutheranen de | NDB
Johannes AffelmannProf. of Theology (1609-1624) 26Lutherande | ADB | BBKL
Simon PauliProf. of Theology (1560-1591) 23LutheranADB
Andreas Daniel HabichhorstProf. of Eloquence & History (1672-1686) 23LutheranADB
Andreas Daniel HabichhorstProf. of Theology (1686-1704) 23LutheranADB
Johann Peter GrünenbergProf. of Theology (1698-1712) 23Lutherann/a
Michael Siricius, JrProf. of Theology (1675-1685) 22Lutherande
Johann Joachim WeidnerProf. of Theology (1716-1732) 22LutheranADB
Johann CothmannProf. of Theology (1626-1650) 19Lutherann/a
Justus Christoph SchomerProf. of Theology (1680-1693) 19Lutherande | ADB
Christian Albert DöderleinProf. of Theology (1758-1760) 18Lutherande | ADB
Josua ArndProf. of Logic (1654-1656) 17LutheranZedler
Matthias WasmuthProf. of Logic (1657-1665) 17LutheranADB
Paul TarnowProf. of Theology (1604-1633) 15LutheranADB
Stephan KlotzProf. of Theology (1632-1636) 15LutheranADB
Johann Caspar VelthusenProf. of Theology (1789-1791) 13LutheranADB
Johann Quistorp, IProf. of Theology (1615-1648) 12LutheranADB
Michael CobabusProf. of Mathematics (1652-1670) 12LutheranADB
Michael CobabusProf. of Theology (1670-1686) 12LutheranADB
Lucas Bacmeister, IProf. of Theology (1562-1608) 11Lutherande | NDB | VGT
Owen GüntherProf. of Physics, Metaphysics (1566-?) 11Lutherann/a
Caspar MauritiusProf. of Logic (1644-1650) 11LutheranADB
Caspar MauritiusProf. of Theology (1650-1662) 11LutheranADB
Franz Albert AepinusProf. of Logic (1712-1721) 9Lutherande | ADB | Scholasticon
Franz Albert AepinusProf. of Theology (1721-1750) 9Lutherande | ADB | Scholasticon
Valentin SchachtProf. of Theology (1569-1607) 8Lutherann/a
Johann Friedrich KönigProf. of Theology (1663-1664) 8Lutherande | BBKL | NDB
Franz WolfProf. of Logic (1672-1676) 8Lutherande
Franz WolfProf. of Theology (1681-1697) 8Lutherande
Samuel BohlProf. of Theology (1638-1639) 7Lutherann/a
Bernhard Friedrich QuistorpProf. of Theology (1749-1760) 7LutheranADB
Johann KirchmannProf. of (?-?) 7n/an/a
Michael WatsonProf. of Philosophy (1654-1658) 6LutheranADB | Scholasticon | Zedler
Heinrich Askanius EngelkeProf. of Theology (1704-1713) 6Lutherann/a
Lucas Bacmeister, IIProf. extraordinarius of Theology (1600-1613) 5Lutherande
Hermann SchuckmannProf. of Theology (1644-1661) 5Lutherann/a
Joachim HartmannProf. of Theology (1748-1756) 5LutheranADB
Joachim HartmannProf. of Physics & Metaphysics (1768-1774) 5LutheranADB
Joachim HartmannProf. of Theology (1774-1795) 5LutheranADB
Valentin LegdaeusProf. extraordinarius of Theology (1623-1634) 4Lutherann/a
Johann Nicolaus QuistorpProf. of Theology (1693-1715) 4LutheranADB
Hermann Christoph EngelkeProf. of Theology (1716-1742) 4LutheranADB
David LobechProf. extraordinarius of Theology (1594-1603) 3LutheranNDB
Georgius VenetusProf. of Theology (1556-1558) 2LutheranADB
Paul PetreiusProf. of Theology (1604-1611) 2Lutherann/a
Christian SledanProf. of Theology (1605-1614) 2LutheranADB
Elias TaddelProf. of Theology (1640-1643) 2Lutherann/a
Johann Quistorp, IIProf. of Theology (1649-1669) 2LutheranADB
Jacob TydaeusProf. of Philosophy (1657-1658) 2Lutherann/a
Enoch Swantenius, SrProf. of Theology (1669-1674) 2LutheranADB
Samuel StarckProf. of Theology (1694-1697) 2Lutherann/a
Johann Christian BurgmannProf. of Physics & Metaphysics (1730-1735) 2Lutherann/a
Johann Christian BurgmannProf. of Theology (1735-1775) 2Lutherann/a
Johann Freder, JrProf. of Theology (1592-1604) 1LutheranADB
Johann KleinProf. of Theology (1629-1631) 1Lutherann/a
Lucas Bacmeister, IIIProf. extraordinarius of Theology (1635-1673) 1Lutherande
Thomas Lindemann, JrProf. extraordinarius of Theology (1635-1638) 1Lutherann/a
Enoch HutzingProf. of Theology (1637-1643) 1Lutherann/a
Daniel MichaelisProf. extraordinarius of Theology (1649-1652) 1LutheranADB
Johann Christoph OttoProf. extraordinarius of Theology (1653-1663) 1Lutherann/a
Severin Walter SchlüterProf. of Theology (1673-1674) 1Lutherann/a
Johann Georg BindrimProf. of Theology (1677-1678) 1Lutherann/a
Peter SasseProf. of History (1741-1748) 1Lutherann/a
Peter SasseProf. of Theology (1748-1756) 1Lutherann/a
Johann SlekerProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 1Lutherann/a
Johann AurifaberProf. of Theology (1550-1554) 0Lutherande en | NDB
Johann KittelProf. of Theology (1560-1563) 0Lutherann/a
Heinrich StreviusProf. of Theology (1564-1565) 0Lutherann/a
Johann Heinrich BeckerProf. of Ethics (1730-1743) 0Lutherande
Bernhard Heinrich RönnbergProf. of Rhetoric (1739-1746) 0Lutherann/a
Johann Heinrich BeckerProf. of Theology (1743-1774) 0Lutherande
Bernhard Heinrich RönnbergProf. of Theology (1753-1753) 0Lutherann/a
Christian Ludwig Gerling, SrProf. of Theology (1777-1777) 0LutheranNDB
Joachim Heinrich Pries, JrProf. of Theology (1779-1796) 0Lutherann/a

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