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Oxford, England
Faculty (43) | Disputations (6) | Secondary Sources (1) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
John RainoldsPresident of Corpus Christi (1598-1607) 36Reformeden
Thomas AdamsFellow, later Dean of Brasenose College (1649-1662) 1Reformedn/a
John WallisSavilian Prof. of Geometry (1649-1703) 42Reformeden | DNB2
Thomas GoodwinPresident of Magdalen College (1650-1660) 92Puritan, Reformeden | EMLO
John OwenVice-Chancellor (1652-1660) 430Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Thomas PiercePresident of Magdalen College (1661-1672) 6Anglican, Arminian-Remonstranten
Thomas CockmanMaster of University College (1729-1742) 2Anglican, Reformeden
David DurellVice-Chancellor (1765-1768) 2Anglicanen
Philip BartonFellow, Winchester College (?-?) 3Anglicann/a
Thomas Coopern/a5Anglican, Reformedn/a
William PinkeFellow, Magdalen College (?-?) 0Puritan, Reformedn/a
Joseph SmithProvost, Queen's College (?-?) 1Anglicann/a
Faculty of Arts
Louis Du MoulinCamden Prof. of History (1648-1660) 31ReformedHaag2
Faculty of Astronomy and Mathematics
John KeillProf. of Astronomy and Mathematics (?-?) 34Anglicann/a
Faculty of Philosophy
John RainoldsGreek Reader at Corpus Christi (1572-1580) 36Reformeden
Matthias PasorProf. of Oriental Languages (1626-1629) 21ReformedDBNL | DNB1 | EMLO
Seth WardSavilian Prof. of Astronomy (1649-1660) 18Anglicanen
Faculty of Theology
Adam WodehamProf. of Theology (1340-1358) 2n/an/a
Richard SmythRegius Prof. of Divinity (1535-1548) 28Roman CatholicDNB1
Hugh WestonLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1540-1549) 0Roman CatholicDNB1
Peter Martyr VermigliRegius Prof. of Divinity (1548-1553) 192Reformeden it | DNB1 | HLS
Richard SmythRegius Prof. of Divinity (1554-1556) 28Roman CatholicDNB1
Laurence HumphreyRegius Prof. of Divinity (1560-1589) 10ReformedAthenae | DNB2
Francis BabingtonLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1561-1563) 0Reformeden | DNB1
James CalfhillLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1564-1564) 8Reformeden
Edward CradockeLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1565-1594) 0n/aen
John RainoldsLecturer in Controversial Theology (1588-1598) 36Reformeden
Thomas HollandRegius Prof. of Divinity (1589-1612) 0Reformedn/a
Henry AirayProvost of Queen's College (1599-?) 2Anglican, Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2 | EMLO
Robert AbbotRegius Prof. of Divinity (1612-1615) 30Anglican, Reformeden | Bayle | DNB1 | EMLO
Sebastian BenfieldLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1613-1614) 2Reformeden
John PrideauxRegius Prof. of Divinity (1615-1642) 16Reformeden
Thomas LaurenceLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1638-1648) 0Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrantn/a
Robert SandersonRegius Prof. of Divinity (1642-1648) 84Anglican, Reformeden | DNB1
Francis CheynellLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1648-1652) 13Reformeden
Joshua HoyleRegius Prof. of Divinity (1648-1654) 0Reformedn/a
John ConantRegius Prof. of Divinity (1654-1660) 1ReformedEMLO
William CreedRegius Prof. of Divinity (1661-1663) 0Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrantn/a
Richard AllestreeRegius Prof. of Divinity (1663-1679) 98Anglicanen | EMLO
William JaneRegius Prof. of Divinity (1680-1707) 3Anglican, Reformeden
Thomas HydeLaudian Prof. of Arabic (1691-1703) 11Anglicanen | DNB1
John PotterRegius Prof. of Divinity (1707-1737) 9Anglicann/a
Faculty of Theology / Exeter College
Sixtinus AmamaProf. of Hebrew (1615-1615) 27Reformednl en | ADB | DBNL | EMLO

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