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Giessen, Germany
(Est. 1607)
Faculty (28) | Disputations (78) | Secondary Sources (4) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Immanuel WeberProf. of (?-?) 7Lutherann/a
Faculty of Arts
Philipp Ludwig HannekenProf. of Rhetoric & Hebrew (1663-1667) 33LutheranNDB
Faculty of Logic and Metaphysics
Kaspar EbelProf. of Logic and Metaphysics (?-?) 10Lutherann/a
Faculty of Philosophy
Conrad DieterichProf. of Ethics (1605-1614) 49LutheranNDB
Christoph ScheiblerProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1610-1624) 48Lutherande
Johannes SteuberProf. of Physics & Greek (1614-1620) 5Lutherande
Johann Heinrich TonsorProf. of Physics (1620-1625) 3Lutherande | ADB
Johann WeissProf. of Ethics & Politics (1654-1683) 7Lutherann/a
Kilian RudraufProf. of Ethics, Logic, & Metaphysics (1659-?) 25LutheranZedler
Johann Heinrich Majus, JrProf. of Greek & Oriental Languages (1709-1732) 8LutheranADB
Heinrich WiedeburgProf. of Mathematics (?-?) 9LutheranZedler
Faculty of Theology
Johannes WinckelmannProf. of Theology (1605-1625) 35LutheranADB
Balthasar Mentzer, IProf. of Theology (1607-1624) 130Lutherande | NDB
Christoph HelwigProf. of Hebrew (1610-1617) 22Lutheranen de | Strieder
Johannes GiseniusProf. of Theology (1615-1619) 12LutheranADB
Justus FeuerbornProf. of Theology (1618-1625) 61Lutherande | ADB | NDB
Johannes SteuberProf. of Theology & Hebrew (1620-1625) 5Lutherande
Peter HaberkornProf. of Theology & Hebrew (1650-1676) 32Lutherande | NDB
Balthasar Mentzer, IIProf. of Hebrew (1651-1679) 3Lutherande | NDB
Johann Nicolaus MislerProf. of Hebrew & Theology (1652-1683) 6LutheranZedler
Michael Siricius, JrProf. of Theology (1657-?) 22Lutherande
Philipp Ludwig HannekenProf. of Theology (1667-1693) 33LutheranNDB
Kilian RudraufProf. of Theology (1675-1690) 25LutheranZedler
Johann Heinrich Majus, SrProf. of Theology (1688-1719) 24LutheranADB
Gottfried ArnoldProf. of Theology (1697-1698) 32Lutheranen de | GAMEO
Carl Friedrich BahrdtProf. of Theology (1771-1775) 39LutheranNDB
Johann Christoph BielefeldProf. of Theology (?-?) 4Lutherann/a
Bernhard DresingProf. of Theology (?-?) 1Lutherann/a

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