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Theological and Church-Historical Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

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Alsted, Johann Heinrich (1588-1638)  en de
Lexicon theologicum in quo theologiae termini explicantur juxta seriem locorum communium. Accedit monitio de lectione Novi Testamenti (Antonius Hummius, 1612)
Altenstaig, Johannes (c.1460-1525)
Lexicon theologicum complectens vocabulorum descriptiones, diffinitiones et interpretationes... concinnatum a Joanne Altenstaig... Opus hoc, quod vetustate consenuerat, nova hac editione ab infinitis pura mendis repurgavimus (Antverpiae : Belleri, 1576)
Lexicon theologicum quo tanquam claue theologiae fores aperiuntur, et omnium fere terminorum, et obscuriorum vocum, quae s. theologiae studiosos facile remorantur, etymologiae, ambiguitates, ... explicantur. Post summum laborem Joannis Altenstaig Minelheimensis s. theologiae doctoris ... (sumptibus Petri Henningii, bibliopolae sub signo Cuniculi, 1619)
Vocabularius Joannis Altenstaig Mindelhaimensis: Vocum q[uae] in opere gra[m]matico plurimor[um] co[n]tinent[ur]: breuis [et] vera interp[re]tatio. Opus emendatu[m] et denuo reuisum ... (Gran, 1511)
Vocabularius Theologie
Hagenau : Gran, 1517HAB 
Hagenaw, 1517BSB 
Althamer, Andreas (c.1500-1539)  de en
Sylva biblicorum nominum: qua virorum, mulierum, populorum, civitatum, montium, fluviorum et eiusmodi locorum propria vocabula, quorum in sacris Bibliis mentio, explicantur : denuo diligentius excusa (Volfius, 1535)
Sylva Biblicorvm Nominum, qua uirorũ, mulierum populorum, ciuitatum, montium, fluuiorum & eiusmodi locorũ propria uocabula, quorum in sacris Biblijs mentio explicantur (Sub Praelo Friderici Peypus, 1530)
Anonymous/Pseud. Reformed (c.1550-1600)
Dictionaire en theologie contenant entiere declaration des mots, phrases et manieres de parler de la saincte Escriture tant du vieil que du nouveau Testament ([Genève] : Jean Crespin, 1560)
Archer, Jean (c.1516-1588)
Dictionarium theologicum : ex sacrosanctis Biblijs ueteris translationis, & S. Patribus, qui à tempore Apostolorum usq[ue] ad Gregorium Magnum Romanum episcopum circiter floruerunt, ad uerbum excerptum in quo omnia ferè nomina uirorum, mulierum, populorum, urbium, montium, fluuiorum, & eiusmodi locorum : itemq[ue] uocabula & phrases, quorum in praedictis Bibliis mentio fis, explicantur (Basileae : Bartholomaeus Franco, 1567)
Arguerius, Johannes (fl.1567-)
Dictionarium theologicum, ex sacrosanctis Bibliis veteris translationis et S. Patribus (Basileae, 1567)
Arnd, Josua (1626-1687)
Lexicon antiquitatum ecclesiasticarum (Gripswaldiae : typis Matthaei Doischeri, 1669)
Beck, Jakob Christoph (1711-1785)
Neu-vermehrtes Historisch- und Geographisches Allgemeines Lexicon: In welchem das Leben und die Thaten der Patriarchen, Propheten, Apostel, Vätter der ersten Kirchen, Päbsten, Cardinälen, Bischöffen, Prälaten, vornehmer Gelehrten und Künstlern, nebst denen so genannten Ketzern; Wie ..., vol. 6 (Brandmüller, 1744)
Brown of Haddington, John (1722-1787)
A dictionary of the Holy Bible : containing an historical account of the persons : a geographical and historical account of the places : a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects ... and the explication of the appellative terms, mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testament : The whole comprising whatever important is known concerning the antiquities of the Hebrew nation and church of God : forming a sacred commentary, a body of Scripture history, chronology, and divinity, and serving in a great measure as a concordance to the Bible., vol. 2 (Pittsburgh : From the Ecclesiastical and Literary Press of Zadok Cramer, 1807)
A dictionary of the Holy Bible : containing, an historical account of the persons; a geographical and historical account of the places; a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects, whether natural, artificial, civil, religious, or military; and the explication of the appellative terms mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testament .. (Edinburgh : W. Anderson and J. Fairbairn)
Vol. 1 (1789)
Vol. 2 (1789) IA 
A dictionary of the Holy Bible : containing, an historical account of the persons; a geographical and historical account of the places; a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects, whether natural, artificial, civil, religious, or military; and the explication of the appellative terms, mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testament ..
Edinburgh : Murray & cochrane, 1797IA 
Pittsburgh : From the Ecclesiastical and Literary Press
Vol. 1 (1807) IA 
A dictionary of the Holy Bible: containing an historical account of the persons; a geographical account of the places; a literal, critical, and systematical description of other objects ... mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testaments ..., vol. 1 (Philadelphia : William W. Woodward, 1798)
Calmet, Augustine, O.S.B. (1672-1757)  en fr
Dictionnaire historique, critique, chronologique, geographique et literal de la Bible, vol. 2 (Geneve : Marc-Michel Bousquet et Compagnie, 1730)
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