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Websites (14) | Early Modern Sources (100 titles, 199 vols.) | Modern Sources (45)Suggest a New Source
Cappelli's Dizionario di Abbreviature Latini ed Italiani (Milano, 1912)
Cappelli's Lexicon Abbreviaturarum (Leipzig, 1928)
Corpus Automatum Multiplex Electorum Neolatinitatis Auctorum (CAMENA) - Thesaurus EruditionisEarly Modern primary source references
Dictionnaires d'autrefois (ARTFL Project)French dictionaries of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries (Full-text search)
Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatisBased on the glossary of medieval Latin by Du Cange (1610-1688)
Grimm's Deutsches Wörterbuch, 16 vols. (Leipzig, 1854-1960)
Johann Ramminger Neulateinische WortlisteUp to 17000 newly-coined Latin words from Petrarch to the 18th c.
Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid
Latin OnlineBy Winfred P. Lehmann and Jonathan Slocum. A Project of the Linguistic Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin.
Leo English-German Dictionary
Lexicons of Early Modern English (LEME)
Lexin-lexikonSwedish-English / Swedish-Finnish
Middle English DictionaryLexicon for c.1100-1500
Numen: The Latin LexiconThis Latin word study tool allows the lookup of multiple words at once.

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