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Primary Sources (6898 titles, 8946 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | | Ward, Samuel (1577-1640) en | The papists powder treason 1588, Deo trin-vni Britanniae bis ultori in memoriam classis invincibilis subversae submersae : proditionis nesandae detectae disiectae : To God, in memorye of his double deliverance from ye invincible navie and ye unmatcheable powder treason, 1605 ( [London] : and sould by P. Stent, sould by Iohn Overton, 1680) | EEBO-TCP | | |
A peace-offring to God for the blessings we enioy vnder his Maiesties reigne with a thanksgiuing for the Princes safe returne on Sunday the 5. of October. 1623. In a sermon preached at Manitree in Essex, on Thursday the 9. of October, next after his Highnesse happy arriuall. By Samuel Ward of Ipswich. ( London : A[ugustine] Math[ewes] for Iohn Marriot, and Iohn Grismand, and are to be sold at their shops in St. Dunstons Churchyard, and in Pauls Alley at the signe of the Gunne, 1624) | EEBO-TCP | | |
VVoe to drunkards. A sermon by Samuel Ward preacher of Ipswich. ( London : A[ugustine] Math[ewes] for Iohn Marriott, and Iohn Grismand, and are to be sold at their shops in St. Dunstons Church-yard, and in Pauls Alley at the signe of the Gunne, 1622) | EEBO-TCP | | |
| Ward, Samuel (1572-1643) en | The vvonders of the load-stone. Or, The load-stone newly reduc't into a divine and morall vse. By Samuel Ward, of Ipswich. B.D. ( London : E[lizabeth] P[urslowe] for Peter Cole, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the glove and Lyon in Cornehill, over against the Conduit, 1640) [N.B., A translation of Ward’s "Magnetis reductorium theologicum tropologicum," erroneously published as the work of Samuel Ward of Ipswich.] | EEBO-TCP | | |
| Ward, Seth (1617-1689) en | Against resistance of lawful powers a sermon preached at White-Hall, Novemb. Vth, 1661 ( London : Tho. Roycroft; for John Martin, James Allestry, and Tho. Dicas ..., 1661) | EEBO-TCP | | |
An apology for the mysteries of the Gospel being a sermon preached at White-Hall, Feb. 16, 1672 ( London : E.T. and R.H. for James Collins ..., 1674) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The case of Joram a sermon preached before the House of Peers in the Abby-church at Westminster, January 30, 1673 ( London : Andrew Clark, for James Collins ..., 1674) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The Christians victory over death a sermon at the funeral of the Most Honourable George Duke of Albemarle, &c. : in the Collegiate Church of S. Peter, Westminster, on the XXXth of April M.DC.LXX ( London : James Collins ..., 1670) | EEBO-TCP | | |
A sermon against the anti-Scripturists also another concerning the sinfulness, danger, and remedies of infidelity, preached at White-Hall ( London : J.M. for James Collins ..., 1670) | EEBO-TCP | | |
A sermon preached before the peers, in the abby-church at Westminster October 10, MDCLXVI ( London : E.C. for James Collins ..., 1666) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Seven sermons preached by the Right Reverend Father in God, Seth Lord Bishop of Sarum. ( London : James Collins ..., 1674) | EEBO-TCP | | |
| IA | | |
Six sermons preached by ... Seth, Lord Bishop of Sarum. ( London : Andrew Clark, for James Collins ..., 1672) | EEBO-TCP | | |
| Warren, Edward (fl.1656-) | Caleb's inheritance in Canaan by grace, not works : an answer to a book entituled The doctrine of Baptism and distinction of the covenants, lately published by Tho. Patient ... ( London : George Sawbridge, 1656) | IA | | |
| Warren, Erasmus (-1718) | Geologia, or, A discourse concerning the earth before the deluge : Wherein the form and properties ascribed to it, in a book intituled The theory of the earth, are excepted against: and it is made appear, that the dissolution of that earth was not the cause of the universal flood. Also a new explication of that flood is attempted. By Erasmus Warren, rector of Worlington, in Suffolk. ( London : R. Chiswell, 1690) | e-rara | | |
The second part of the Essay towards shewing the reasonableness of the doctrine of the holy and undivided Trinity. Wherein The Ever Blessed Trinity is plainly and briefly explicated according to the Scripture and that Essay. And the Vitalities or Persons in it are farther Asserted and Maintained. By Erasmus Warren, Rector of Worlington in Suffolk ( London : J. H., 1710) | GB | | |
| Waterhouse, Edward (1619-1670) | Fortescutus illustratus; or, A commentary on that nervous treatise De laudibus legum Angliae, written by Sir John Fortscue Knight ( London : Roycroft, 1663) | IA | | |
| Waterland, Daniel Cosgrove (1683-1740) | A critical history of the Athanasian creed : representing the opinions of ancients and moderns concerning it ( London : SPCK, 1850) | IA | | |
A critical history of the Athanasian creed. Representing the opinions of antients and moderns concerning it: with an account of the manuscripts, versions, and comments, and such other particulars as are of moment for the determining the age, and author, and value of it, and the time of its reception in the Christian churches ( Oxford and London : James Parker and co., 1870) | IA | | |
A Second vindication of Christ's Divinity, or, a second defense of some queries relating to Dr. Clarke's scheme of the Holy Trinity : in answer to the countraly Clergy-man's reply ; wherein the learned Doctor's scheme as it now stands, after the latest correction, alteration, and explanation, is distinctly and fully consider'd ( London : W. and J. Innys, 1723) | IA | | |