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Dickinson, Jonathan (1688-1747)  en
Familiar letters upon a variety of religious subjects (Glasgow : John Bryce, 1775)
Dickson, David (1583-1662)  en
Expositio analytica omnium Apostolicarum Epistolarum, seu, Brevis introductio ad pleniores commentarios : in usum studiosorum theologiae (Glasguae : Georgius Andersonus & vaenuntur ab Andrea Crook & AEgidio Calvert, 1647)
The Psalms of David in metre : with the annotations of the Rev. David Dickson .. (Glasgow : J. and J. Duncan, 1788)
True Christian love : to be sung with any of the common tunes of the psalms (Glasgow : John Bryce, and sold by him at his shop, 1764)
True Christian love : to be sung with any of the common tunes of the Psalms ; to which is added Honey-drops or chrystal streams flowing from Christ, t (Glasgow : [s.l.], 1751)
Truth's victory over error, or, the true principles of the Christian religion, stated and vindicated against the following heresies, viz. Arians ... Vaninians, &c. The whole being a commentary on all the chapters of the Confession of Faith, by way of question and answer: in which, the saving truths of our holy religion are confirmed and established; and the dangerous errors and opinions of its adversaries detected and confuted. (Glasgow: : John Bryce, and sold at his shop in the Salt-market,, 1764)
Doddridge, Philip (1702-1751)
The rise and progress of religion in the soul : illustrated in a course of serious and practical addresses (Glasgow : William Collins, 1829)
Durham, James (1622-1658)
The blessednesse of the death of these that die in the Lord and more especially in ane evil time excellently discoursed in seven very searching but sweet sermons on Revel. 14, v. 13 : wherein several weighty cases relating to death in genereal and to dieing in Lord in particular are succinctly, solidly and satisfieingly handled (Glasgow?, 1681)
Christ crucified, or the marrow of the gospel : evidently holden forth in seventy two sermons on the whole fifty third chapter of Isaiah .. (Glasgow : Archibald M'Lean and Joseph Galbraith, for James Wilken, 1761)
Christ crucified, or, the marrow of the gospel : evidently set forth in LXXII sermons on the whole 53rd chapter of Isaiah .. (Glasgow : Alex. Adam for John Johnston)
Vol. 1 (1792)
Vol. 2 (1792) IA 
Christ crucified: or, The marrow of the gospel, evidently holden forth in LXXII sermons, on the whole 53. chapter of Isaiah. Wherein the text is clearly and judiciously opened up ... (Glasgow : Edinburgh the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, 1702)
A commentarie upon the book of the Revelation .. (Glasgow : Robert Sanders, 1680)
A Commentary upon the Book of the Revelation ... by ... James Durham ... [Edited by John Carstairs. With the text.] As also two sermons preached by the author, on Rev. XXII. 20. Together with a collection of some memorable things in his life (Glasgow : William Duncan, 1739)
The law unsealed, or, a practical exposition of the Ten Commandments. With a resolution of several momentous questions and cases of conscience (Glasgow : John Bryce, and sold at his shop, 1777)
The law unsealed: or, A practical exposition of the Ten Commandments With a resolution of several momentous questions and cases of conscience. By the learned, laborious, faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. James Durham, late minister of the Gospel at Glasgow. (Glasgow : Robert Sanders, 1676)
The law unsealed: or, A practical exposition of the Ten Commandments. With a resolution of several momentous questions and cases of conscience. By the learned, laborious, faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. James Durham, late minister of the Gospel at Glasgow. (Glasgow : Robert Sanders, printer to the city and University, and are to be sold in his shop, 1676)
Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758)  en
A careful and strict enquiry into the modern prevailing notions of that freedom of will, which is supposed to be essential to moral agency, virtue and vice, reward and punishment, praise and blame (Glasgow : David Niven, 1790)
Erskine, Ralph (1685-1752)  en nl
Comer’s conflict; or, the beginner’s battle with the devil when essaying to come to Christ by faith … The fourth edition ([Glasgow and other locations : various publishers], 1769)
Gospel sonnets : or Spiritual songs .. (Glasgow : James Knox, 1762)
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