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Bede (c.672-735)
Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum libri V, a venerabili Beda,... scripti... ab... Anglo-Saxonum rege Aluredo (sive Alfredo) examinati ejusque paraphrasi saxonica eleganter explicati... quibus accesserunt Anglo-Saxonicae leges et ultimo leges Henrici I, nunc primum editae (Gulielmo Lambardo interprete, Abrahamo Wheloco edente), ed. William Lambarde, trans. William Lambarde (Cantabrigiae : ex officina R. Daniel, 1644)
Bedell, William (bap.1572-1642)  en
Two biographies of William Bedell, bishop of Kilmore : with a selection of his letters and an unpublished treatise (Cambridge [Eng.] : The University Press, 1902)
Two biographies of William Bedell, bishop of Kilmore, with a selection of his letters and an unpublished treatise; (Cambridge [Eng.] : The University press, 1902)
Bennet, Thomas (1673-1728)
A Confutation of Quakerism : or, A plain proof of the falshood of what the principal Quaker writers (especially Mr. R. Barclay in his Apology and other works) do teach concerning the neccessity of immediate revelation in order to a saving Christian faith ... (Cambridge : University-Press, for Edmund Jeffery [etc.], 1709)
Bèze, Théodore de (1519-1605)  fr en
Jesu Christi Domini Nostri Novum Testamentum: sive Novum Foedus, cujus Graeco contextui respondent interpretationes duae: una, vetus; altera, Theodori Bezae. Ejusdem Theod. Bezae Annotationes, in quibus ratione interpretationis vocum redditâ, additur synopsis doctrinae in evangelica historia, et Epistolis Apostolicis comprehensae, et ipse quoque contextus quasi brevi Commentario explicatur. Omnia nunc demum, ultima adhibita manu, ex collatione exemplarium ominum quam accuratissime emendata, et aliquantulum aucta. Accessit etiam Joachimi Camerarii in Novum Foedus Commentarius, in quo & figurae sermonis, & verborum significatio, et orationis sententia, ad illius Doederi intelligentiam certiorem, tractantur. / added author(s): Joachim Camerarius
Cambridge : ex officina Rogeri Danielis, Almae Academiae Typographi, 1642GB 
Job expounded by Theodore Beza : partly in manner of a commentary, partly in manner of a paraphrase ; faithfully translated out of Latine into English ALSO Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher. Solomons Sermon made to the people, teaching every man howe to order his life, so as they may come to true and everlasting happiness. With a paraphrase or short exposition thereof made by Theodore Beza. Translated out of the Latine into English. (Cambridge : John Legatt, 1589)
Testamentum novum (Cambridge u.a. : Bell u.a. Deighton, 1864)
Biel, Gabriel (c.1420-1495)
Defensorium obedientiae apostolicae et alia documenta
Cambridge : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1968IA 
Blackburne, Francis (1705-1787)
The works, theological and miscellaneous ... of Francis Blackburne... : with some account of the life and writings of the author by himself (Cambridge : B. Flower)
Vol. 1 (1804)
Vol. 2 (1804) IA 
Vol. 3 (1804) IA 
Vol. 4 (1804) IA 
Vol. 5 (1804) IA 
Vol. 6 (1804) IA 
Vol. 7 (1804) IA 
The works, theological and miscellaneous, including some pieces, not before printed / 1 (Cambridge, 1804)
The works, theological and miscellaneous, including some pieces, not before printed / 2 (Cambridge, 1804)
The works, theological and miscellaneous, including some pieces, not before printed / 3 (Cambridge, 1804)
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