Annet, Peter (1693-1769) |
The free enquirer [microform] ( London : R. Carlile, 1826) | IA | | |
| BSB | | |
The history and character of St. Paul, examined: in a letter to Theophilus, a Christian friend. Occasioned by observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul, in a letter to Gilbert West .. ( London : and sold by F. Page, 1700) | IA | | |
A letter to the Rev. Dr. S. Chandler [microform] : from the writer of The history of the man after God's own heart ( London : J. Carlile, 1820) | IA | | |
The life of David [microform], or, The history of the man after God's own heart .. ( London : J. Carlile, 1820) | IA | | |
The miraculous conception [microform], or, The divinity of Jesus Christ considered as the foundation of the Christian religion ( London : R. Carlile, 1819) | IA | | |
The resurrection defenders stript of all defence .. | |
London : author; and sold at pamphlet shops, 1745 | IA | | |
London : author; and sold at pamphlet shops ..., 1745 | IA | | |
The resurrection of Jesus considered: in answer to The tryal of The witnesses: by a moral philospher ( London, [n.d.]) | GB | | |
The sequel of the resurrection of Jesus considered in answer to the Sequel to the trial [sic] of the witnesses ( London : R. Rose, 1749) | IA | | |
Social bliss considered : in marriage and divorce; cohabiting unmarried, and public whoring : containing things necessary to be known by all that seek mutual felicity, and are ripe for the enjoyment of it; with the speech of Miss Polly Baker; and notes thereon ( London : and sold by R. Rose, 1749) | IA | | |
Supernaturals examined: in four dissertations on three treatises: viz. I. On the observations of the history and evidence of the resurrection of Christ ... II. and III. on miracles and prophecies, shewing the impossibility of the one, and the falsity of the other ... IV. On the defence of the peculiar institutions and doctrines of Christianity | |
London : F. Page, 1700 | IA | | |
London : F. Page, 1750 [Date uncertain] | IA | | |
Anonymous/Pseud. Reformed (c.1550-1600) |
A brief discourse of the troubles at Frankfort, 1554-1558 A.D., ed. Edward Arber ( London : Elliot Stock, 1908) [Attributed to either William Whittingham or Thomas Wood] | GB | | |
Anonymous/Pseud. Reformed (c.1650-1700) |
A Brief Relation of the Persecution and Sufferings of the Reformed Churches of France: Translated Out of French, and Published for More General Information ( London : A. Maxwell, 1668) | GB | | |
Apollonius, Willem (1602-1657) |
A consideration of certaine controversies at this time agitated in the kingdome of England: concerning the government of the church of God ( London : G. M. for Tho. Underhill, 1645) | GB | | |
Aretius, Benedictus (1505-1574) en de |
A short history of Valentinus Gentilis : the tritheist, tryed, condemned and put to death by the Protestant reformed city and church of Bern ( London : E. Whitlock, 1696) | IA | | |
A short history of Valentinus Gentilis, the tritheist ( London : E. Whitlock, 1696) | GB | | |
A short history of Valentinus Gentilis, the tritheist tryed, condemned, and put to death by the Protestant reformed city and church of Bern in Switzerland, for asserting the three divine persons of the Trinity, to be [three distinct, eternal spirits, &c.] ( London : E. Whitlock ..., 1696) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Arias, Francisco (1533-1605) en |
The charity of Jesus Christ ( London : St. Joseph's Library, 1880) | GB | | |