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Forbes, John (c.1568-1634)  
A Treatise Tending to Cleare the Doctrine of Ivstification, vol. 1 (Middelburg : Richard Schilders, 1616)
Forbes, Patrick (1564-1635)  en
A defence of the lavvful calling of the ministers of reformed churches, against the cavillations of Romanists. Whereto is subioined, an epistle to a recusant, for clearing and maintaining some points of the former treatise of defence, challenged by a Roman Elymas Bar-Iesus-it. With a short discovery of the adversarie his dottage in his impertinent and rediculously deceitfull demands. By Patrik Forbes, of Coirse. (Middelburgh : Richard Schilders, dwelling in the langen Delft, at the signe of the Olyphant, 1614)
An learned commentarie vpon the Reuelation of Saint Iohn : wherein both the course of the whole booke, as also the more abstruse and hard places thereof, are more cleerly and euidently explaned then heretofore they haue bene. Newly corrected, and the defectes and errors of the first edition, supplied & amended. By Patrik Forbes of Cotharis Whereunto is added an profitable treatise of the author, in defence of the lawfull calling of the ministers of reformed churches, against the cauillations of Romanistes: and an epistle to a recusant, cleering and maintayning some pointes of the said treatise, chalenged by a Roman Elymas Bar-Iesus-it.
Middelburg : R. Schilders, 1614GB 
Fruytier, Jacobus (1659-1731)
Klaer en kort vertoog van de valsheyt en gedeformeertheyt .. (Middelburg : Boter, 1696)
Gilby, Anthony (c.1510-1585)  en
A pleasant dialogue, betweene a souldior of Barwicke, and an English chaplaine Wherein are largely handled & laide open, such reasons as are brought in for maintenaunce of popishe traditions in our Eng. church. Also is collected, as in a short table, 120. particular corruptions yet remaining in our saide church, with sundrie other matters, necessary to be knowen of all persons. Togither with a letter of the same author, placed before this booke, in vvay of a preface. (Middelburg? : [R. Schilders?], 1581)
Gomarus, Franciscus (1563-1641)  en nl
Schermutselinghen van sommighe licht-gewapende cryghsknechten dat is, Aenwysinghe van de bedriegelicke ende onbehoorlicke wyse van doen, int verbreyden der gevaerlicker van outs begravener nieuwicheden, ghepleecht by de voorstanders van D. Arminius, sal. ghed. ende D. Conradvs Vorstivs (Middelbvrgh : voor Adr. van den Vivere, 1613)
Hayward, John (c.1564-1627)  en
Davids tranen, vvaer inne levendich wort verthoont de ware bekeeringhe eenes sondaers tot God (Middelbvrgh : Anthony de Later, 1636)
Het heylighdom der benaude ziele. 't Eerste deel tracterende van de doodt, het oordeel, de pijnen der hellen, ende de vreugden des hemels. Het tweede deel, de passien onses Heeren Iesu Christi. Midtsgaders vele heylige gebeden ende meditatien daer toe dienende (Middelburgh : Hans vander Hellen, 1633)
Hill, Joseph (1625-1707)  en
The interest of these united provinces : being a defence of the Zeelanders choice ... (Middelburg : Thomas Berry according to the Dutch copie Amsterdam, 1673)
Hulsius, Johannes (1657-1695)
De hedensdaegsche antinomiänerie, met die der Engelsche, en oude wet-bestryders vergeleken, en soo uyt het Woord Gods, als uyt de Formulieren van Eenigheyt der Gereformeerde Kerken klaer, en grondig wederlegt, en der selve schadelijkheyt aengewesen: Op order van de E. Classis van Walcheren (Middelburg : gedrukt by Aäron van Poulle, 1696)
Immens, Petrus (1664-1720)
De godvruchtige avondmaalganger, tot een heilig, heilryk en heuglyk genot van het hoogwaardige Avondmaal des Heeren bestuurd en aangemoedigd, door een schriftmaatig en gemoedelyk bericht aangaande het geloof, het verbond der genade en een Godewaardig gebruik van dat heilige bondzegel;, 2nd ed. (Middelburg : Leend. en Joh. Bakker, 1753)
Lansbergen, Philippus (1561-1632)  en nl
Chronologiae sacrae libri 3. In quibus annorum mundi series, ab orbe condito ad eversa per Romanos Hierosolyma, nova methodo, atque infallibili Apodeixi ostenditur. .. (Middelburgi Zelandiae : apud Zachariam, & Michaelem Romanum, 1645)
Commentationes In Motum Terrae Diurnum, & Annuum; Et In Verum Adspectabilis Caeli Typum (Middelburgi : Romanus, 1630)
Cyclometria nova : libri duo (Middelburgum, 1616)
In quadrantem ... introductio (Middelburgum, 1635)
Philippi Lansbergi uranometriae Libri Tres (Middelburgi Zelandiae : Romanus, 1628)
Philippi Lansbergii Commentationes In Motvm Terræ Diurnum & Annuum; Et In Vervm Adspectabilis Cæli Typvm ... /Ex Belgico Sermone in Latinum versæ, à Martino Hortensio Delfensi ... (Middelburgi : Zacharias Roman, 1630)
Philippi Lansbergii Progymnasmatvm astronomiæ restitvtæ liber I. de motv solis (Middelburgi : Schilder, 1619)
Lansberghe, Jacob van (1590-1657)
Apologia, Pro Commentationibus Philippi Lansbergii in Motum Terræ Diurnum & Annuum: Adversvs Libertvm Fromondvm Theologum Lovaniensem; & Joan. Baptistam Morinvm, Doct. Med. & Parisiis Mathematum Professorem Regium (Middelburgi Zelandiae, 1633)
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