Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758) en |
A Divine and Supernatural Light, Immediately imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God, Shown to be both a Scriptural, and Rational Doctrine. A Sermon Preach’d at Northampton, [Mass.], And Published at the Desire of some of the Hearers., ed. Reiner Smolinski [Electronic Texts in American Studies] ( Boston : S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1734) | UNL |  |   |
The Great Christian doctrine of original sin defended, evidences of it's truth produced, and arguments to the contrary answered : containing, in particular, a reply to the objections and arguings of Dr. John Taylor, in his book, intitled, The Scripture doctrine of original sin proposed to free and candid examination, 1st ed. | |
1st ed. / Boston : S. Kneeland, 1758 | IA |  |   |
The Great Christian doctrine of original sin defended, evidences of its truth produced, and arguments to the contrary answered : containing in particular, a reply to the objections and arguings of Dr. John Taylor, in his book, intitled, The Scripture doctrine of original sin proposed to free and candid examination | |
Boston; London : G. Keith [etc.], 1766 | GB |  |   |
A History of the work of redemption : containing the outlines of a body of divinity, in a method entirely new ( Boston : Draper & Folsom, 1782) | IA |  |   |
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8th, 1741., ed. Reiner Smolinski [Electronic Texts in American Studies] ( Boston : S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1741) | UNL |  |   |
Some thoughts concerning the present revival of religion in New-England, and the way in which it ought to be acknowledged and promoted : humbly offered to the publick, in a treatise on that subject ... ( Boston : S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1742) | IA |  |   |
A treatise concerning religious affections: in three parts. Part I. Concerning the nature of the affections, and their importance in religion. Part II. Shewing what are no certain signs that religious affections are gracious, or that they are not. Part III. Shewing what are distinguishing signs of truly gracious and holy affections, 1st ed. ( Boston : S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1746) | IA |  |   |
Two dissertations : I. Concerning the end for which God created the world ; II. The nature of true virtue ( Boston : S. Kneeland, 1765) | IA |  |   |
Eliot, John (1604-1690) en |
A brief narrative of the progress of the gospel among the Indians of New England. 1670 ( Boston : J. K. Wiggin & W. P. Lunt, 1868) | IA |  |   |
Emlyn, Thomas (1663-1741) |
Extracts from An humble inquiry into the Scripture account of Jesus Christ [microform] ( Boston : S. Hall, 1790) | IA |  |   |
Funeral consolations, or, A discourse from John XIV, 28 : if ye loved me ye would rejoice, because I said, I go to the Father : being the sermon preached by the author after the death of his wife, Mrs. Esther Emlyn, who died, Oct. 13, 1701, in the 30th year of her age ( Boston, 1811) | IA |  |   |
Erasmus, Desiderius (c.1466-1536) en de |
Briefe an Desiderius Erasmus von Rotterdam, hrsg. von Joseph Förstemann und Otto Günther ( Boston, Lincolnshire : Leipzig O. Harrassowitz, 1904) | IA |  |   |
Erskine, Ebenezer (1680-1754) |
A collection of sermons on several subjects ( Boston : Rogers and Fowle, 1744) | IA |  |   |
Flavel, John (c.1630-1691) en |
| IA |  |   |
Fordyce, James (1720-1796) en |
Addresses to young men. ( Boston : Manning & Loring, for S. Hall, W. Spotswood, J. White, Thomas & Andrews, D. West, E. Larkin, W.P. Blake, and J. West., 1795) | IA |  |   |
Fuller, Andrew (1754-1815) |
The Calvinistic and Socinian systems examined and compared, as to their moral tendency : in a series of letters addressed to the friends of vital and practical religion ; to which is added, a postscript, establishing the principle of the work against the exceptions of Dr. Toulmin, Mr. Belsham, &c. ( Boston : Lincoln & Edmands, 1815) | IA |  |   |
The complete works of Rev. Andrew Fuller : with a memoir of his life ( Boston : Lincoln, Edmands & Co.) | |
| IA |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1833) | IA |  |   |