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Apollonius, Willem (1602-1657)
Ius maiestatis circa sacra, sive tractatus theologicus, de jure magistratus circa res ecclesiasticas (Medioburgum Zelandorum, 1642)
Jus maiestatis circa sacra, sive tractatus theologicus, de jure magistratus circa res ecclesiasticas, oppositus Cl. D. Professoris Nicolai Vedelii tractatui, de Episcoparu Constantini Magni, ex authoritate, & jussu classis VValachriana adornatum
Medioburgi Zelandorum : Apud Iacobum Fierensium, 1642GB 
Boddaert, Pieter (1694-1760)
Zedige Verdediging Van De Wolke Van Getuigen Voor De Lere Der Rechvaardiginge Door En Uit Het Gelove (Middelburg : Sas, 1759)
Bradshaw, William (1571-1618)  en
A triall of subscription by way of a preface vnto certaine subscribers; and, reasons for lesse rigour against non-subscribers. Both modestly written; that neither should offend. (Middelburg : [R. Schilders], 1599)
Brahé, Jan Jacob (1726-1776)
Aanmerkingen over de vyf Walchersche Artikelen (Middelburg, 1758)
Nodige Verdediging Van Waarheid En Eere ... / 1 (Middelburg, 1760)
Nodige Verdediging Van Waarheid En Eere ... / 2 (Middelburg, 1761)
Vertoog van Jan Jacob Brahe aan de Weel-Eerwaarde Classis van Walcheren wegens de handelingen ... genaamd Aanmerkingen over de 5 Walcheren Artikelen, en deszelfs Antwoord op de zogenaamde bezwaren van Do. A. van der Sloot ([Middelburg] : Callenfels, 1759)
Vertoog van Jan Jacob Brahe aan de Weel-Eerwaarde Classis van Walcheren wegens de handelingen ... genaamd Aanmerkingen over de 5 Walcheren Artikelen, en deszelfs Antwoord op de zogenaamde bezwaren van Do. A. van der Sloot : En nascrift ([Middelburg], 1760)
Brand, Hendrik (1555-1627)
Collatio Scripto Inter Sex Ecclesiastas Delphis Batavorum ... 1613. ... Habita (Middelburg : Hellen Van de Vivere, 1615)
Clapham, Henoch (fl.1585-1614)
Henoch Clapham his demaundes and answeres touching the pestilence methodically handled, as his time and meanes could permit. (Middelburg : [Richard Schilders], 1604)
Coccejus, Johannes (1603-1669)  en nl
Bedenkingen over Moses laatste woorden, vertoonende de grondwaarheden des Christelijken godsdienstes en regel der prophetien mitsgaders Jacobs testament, Bileams voorsegginge, Davids laatste woorden, (Middelburg : Jakobus Noenaard, 1681)
De leere van het verbond en testament Gods, kort en grondig verklaart, vol. 1 (Middelburg : Jacobus Noenaard, 1677)
Fenner, Dudley (c.1558-1587)
The artes of logike and rethorike [sic] plainelie set foorth in the English tounge, easie to be learned and practised : togither vvith examples for the practise of the same for methode, in the gouernement of the familie, prescribed in the word of God, and for the whole in the resolution or opening of certayne partes of Scripture, according to the same. (Middelburg : [R. Schilders], 1584)
A brief treatise vpon the first table of the lavve orderly disposing the principles of religion, whereby we may examine our selues. Written by Maister Dudley Fenner, Minister of the Gospell. (Middelburg : R. Schilders, 1588)
Finch, Henry (c.1558-1625)  en
The sacred doctrine of diuinitie gathered out of the worde of God. Togither with an explication of the Lordes prayer. (Middelburg : [Richard Schilders], 1589)
Forbes, John (c.1568-1634)  
A letter first written and sent by Io. Forbes, pastour of the English Church at Middelburgh vnto certen of the companie of marchands adventurers at Stoade, at their earnest desire, for resolving this question: how a Christian man may discerne the testimonie of Gods spirit, from the testimonie of his owne spirit, in witnessing his adoption. And now againe renewed and enlarged by the authour, at the desire of divers good Christians, for the comfort of their troubled co[n]sciences, and published by those of his flocke, to whom he did dedicate it for the publike vse of the Church. (At Middelburgh : Richard Schilders, 1616)
A treatise tending to cleare the doctrine of iustification. Written by Io. Forbes, pastour of the English Church at Middelburgh, for the instruction of his flocke: and now published by some of them for the good of others. (At Middelburgh : Richard Schilders, 1616)
A Treatise Tending to Cleare the Doctrine of Ivstification, vol. 1 (Middelburg : Richard Schilders, 1616)
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