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Primary Sources (3 titles, 3 vols.) Suggest a New Source
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Bacon, Roger (1214-1295)
Part of the Opus tertium of Roger Bacon, including a fragment now printed for the first time
Aberdeen : The University Press, 1912IA 
Aberdeen : University Press
Vol. 4 (1912) IA 
Boston, Thomas (1676-1732)
Memoirs of the life, times and writings, of the Rev. Thomas Boston of Ettrick : Written by himself. To which are aided original papers and letters (Aberdeen : King, 1852)
Memoirs of the life, times, and writings, of the Rev. Thomas Boston, of Ettrick (Aberdeen : G. and R. King, 1852)
The Whole Works of the Late Reverend and Learned Mr. Thomas Boston (Aberdeen : George and Robert King)
Vol. 1 (1848)
Vol. 2 (1848) GB 
Vol. 3 (1848) GB 
Vol. 4 (1849) GB 
Vol. 5 (1849) GB 
Vol. 6 (1849) GB 
Vol. 7 (1850) GB 
Vol. 8 (1850) GB 
Vol. 9 (1851) GB 
Vol. 10 (1851) GB 
Vol. 11 (1852) GB 
The whole works of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Thomas Boston, Minister of the Gospel at Etterick, vol. 1 (Aberdeen : G. and R. King, 1848)
The whole works of the late Reverend Thomas Boston, of Ettrick : now first collected and reprinted without abridgement; including his memoirs, written by himself
Aberdeen, [n.d.]IA 
Aberdeen : G. and R. King
Vol. 1 (1848) IA 
Vol. 3 (1848) IA 
Vol. 4 (1848) IA 

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