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Aalst, Gerardus v. (†1816) 2n/a
Aalst, Gerardus van (†1759) 6Reformed
Aalstius, Johannes (†1712) 8ReformedDBNL
Abbadie, Jacques (†1727) 266Reformedfr en | DNB1 | DNB2 | Haag2 | NDB
Abbot, George (†1633) 15Anglican, Reformeden de | Bayle | DNB1 | EMLO
Abbot, Robert (†1617) 30Anglican, ReformedTheology, Oxford (1612-1615)en | Bayle | DNB1 | EMLO
Abbot, Robert (†c.1663) 8n/a
Abbott, George (†1649) 8Reformeden | DNB2
Abbring, Johannes (†1715) 4Reformed
Abelly, Louis (†1691) 157Roman Catholicfr en | BBKL | CE
Abernethie, Thomas (fl.1638-1641) 3n/a
Abernethy, John (†1740) 29Reformeden
Abernethy, John (†1639) 4n/a
Abernethy, John (†1831) 31n/a
Abernethy, John (†1802) 7Reformed
Abicht, Johann G. (†1740) 76LutheranPhilosophy, Leipzig (1702-1711); Theology, Leipzig (1711-1717); Rector, Danzig (1717-1730); Theology, Wittenberg (1730-1739)de en | ADB | Zedler
Abillon, André d', S.J. (†1664) 3Roman Catholic
Abra de Raconis, Charles F. (†1646) 15Roman CatholicPhilosophy, Paris (1610-1616); Theology, Paris (1616-?)en fr | Scholasticon
Abrahamsz, Galenus (†1702) 16AnabaptistDBNL
Abresch, Petrus (†1811) 8Reformed
Acanthius, Georg D. (fl.1549-1554) 3n/a
Acatius, Ferdinand, S.J. (†1691) 1n/a
Accetti, Hieronimous (†1622) 0Roman Catholic
Accolti, Benedetto (†1547) 4n/a
Accoramboni, Felice (fl.1540-1590) 1Roman CatholicDBI
Achard, Antoine (†1772) 1Reformeden | HLS
Achenbach, Carl C. (†1720) 2ReformedTheology, Heidelberg (1696-1700)Zedler
Acherley, Roger (†1740) 4n/a
Achillini, Alexander (†1512) 16n/aen it
Aconcio, Giacomo (†1566) 19Reformeden it
Acosta, José de, S.J. (†1600) 60Roman CatholicTheology, Rome (Gregorianum) (1594-?)en | Scholasticon
Acquaviva, Claudio, S.J. (†1615) 28Roman CatholicCE | DBI | Scholasticon
Acronius, Johannes (†1627) 3ReformedTheology, Franeker (1617-1619)en de | ADB | DBNL
Acronius, Ruardus (†1612) 32ReformedADB | NNBW
Adair, Archibald (†1647) 5Reformed
Adam, Jean, S.J. (†1684) 3Roman Catholic
Adam, Johannes (†1634) 0Reformedde
Adam, Melchior (†1622) 34Reformeden de | NDB
Adama, Augustinus L. (†1616) 1n/a
Adama, Lollius E. (†1609) 7ReformedPhilosophy, Franeker (1585-1609)DBNL
Adami, Cornelius (†1721) 4ReformedDBNL
Adami, Johann S. (†1713) 7Lutherande
Adami, Tobias (†1642) 2n/a
Adams, Amos (†1775) 6Reformeden
Adams, George (†1782) 0Anglican
Adams, George (†1795) 17n/a
Adams, Rice (†1738) 1Anglican
Adams, Thomas (†1652) 27Puritan, Reformeden | BBKL | DNB2
Adams, Thomas (†1670) 1ReformedFellow, later Dean of Brasenose College, Oxford (1649-1662)
Adams, Thomas (†1668) 2n/a
Adamson, John (fl.1719-) 2Reformed
Adamson, Patrick (†1592) 6Reformeden
Addison, Lancelot (†1703) 3Anglican, Reformeden | DNB2 | EMLO
Adelphus, Johannes (†1523) 37n/a
Adiutus, Josephus (†1668) 8LutheranTheology, Wittenberg (1646-1668)de
Adriaan van Utrecht (†1523) 18Roman Catholic
Adrianus de Nancy, O.F.M. Cap. (†1745) 0Roman Catholic
Aegidius de Presentatione, O.E.S.A. (†1626) 4Roman Catholic
Aelhuysen, Johannes van (†1685) 3n/a
Aemilius, Antonius (†1660) 2ReformedPhilosophy, Utrecht (1636-1660)EMLO
Aemilius, Georg (†1569) 14Lutherande | BBKL | NDB
Aepinus, Franz A. (†1750) 9LutheranPhilosophy, Rostock (1712-1721); Theology, Rostock (1721-1750)de | ADB | Scholasticon
Aepinus, Johann (†1553) 19Lutherande en | NDB | VGT
Aerichalcus, Sebastian (†1555) 0Lutheran
Aerssen, François van (†1641) 43Reformednl en
Affelmann, Johannes (†1624) 26LutheranTheology, Rostock (1609-1624)de | ADB | BBKL
Afhacker, Aegidius (†1623) 4Roman Catholic
Agas, Benjamin (†1689) 0Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Agricola, Franciscus (†c.1624) 49Roman Catholic
Agricola, Joannes (†1566) 15Lutherande en | VGT
Agricola, Johann (†1590) 0Lutherande | NDB
Agricola, Mikael (†1557) 0Lutherande en
Agricola, Stephan (†1547) 2Lutheran
Agrippa of Nettesheim, Heinrich C. (†1535) 23n/a
Aguilar, José de, S.J. (†1708) 7Roman CatholicScholasticon
Agustín y Albanell, Antonio (†1586) 21Roman Catholic
Aidy, Andrew (†1630) 3Reformedpl
Aikenhead, Thomas (†1697) 1n/a
Ainsworth, Henry (†1622) 51Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2
Ainsworth, William (fl.1652-) 2Anglican, Reformed
Airay, Christopher (†1670) 1n/aen | DNB1
Airay, Henry (†1616) 2Anglican, Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2 | EMLO
Alagona, Pietro, S.J. (†1624) 23Roman CatholicScholasticon
Alamanni, Cosmo, S.J. (†1634) 3Roman CatholicScholasticon
Alamanni, Luigi (†1556) 6Roman Catholicen fr
Alarcón, Diego de, S.J. (†1634) 2Roman CatholicTheology, Alcalá de Henares (1626-1631); Theology, Madrid (Colegio Imperial) (1633-1634)Scholasticon
Alard, Franz (†1578) 2Lutherande
Alard, Wilhelm (†1645) 17Lutherande
Alardin, Kasparus (†1692) 1Reformed
Albani, Giovanni G. (†1591) 1Roman Catholic
Alber, Matthaeus (†1570) 6Lutherande
Alber, Matthaeus (†1570) 8Lutheran
Albergonius, Eleutherius, O.F.M. (†1636) 1Roman Catholic
Alberthoma, Robertus (†1772) 6Reformed
Alberti, Georg W. (†1758) 12Lutheran
Alberti, Johannes (†1762) 3ReformedTheology, Leiden (1740-1762)en nl | DBNL
Alberti, Leandro, O.P. (†1552) 28Roman CatholicCE
Alberti, Valentin (†1697) 140LutheranPhilosophy, Leipzig (1663-1672); Theology, Leipzig (1672-1697)de en | BBKL | NDB
Albertini, Georgio M., O.P. (†1810) 1Roman Catholic
Albertinus, Arnaldus (†1544) 5Roman Catholic
Alberus, Erasmus (†1553) 41Lutherande en
Albinus, Christoph (†1650) 2Lutheran
Albret, Jeanne d' (†1572) 1Reformed
Alcalá, Pedro de, O.P. (†1740) 1Roman Catholic
Alcázar, Luis, S.J. (†1613) 1Roman Catholic
Alciati, Terenzio, S.J. (†1651) 0Roman CatholicPhilosophy, Rome (Gregorianum) (1602-1605); Theology, Rome (Gregorianum) (1609-1623)DBI | Scholasticon
Alciato, Andrea (†1550) 18n/a
Aldendorp, Goris van (†1672) 3AnabaptistNNBW
Aldrete, Bernardo de, S.J. (†1657) 7Roman CatholicTheology, Salamanca (?-1657)Scholasticon
Aldrich, Henry (†1710) 7Anglicanen
Aldridge, William (†1797) 1n/a
Alegambe, Philippe, S.J. (†1642) 1Roman Catholic
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' (†1783) 51n/a
Alers, Heinrich (†1714) 1ReformedTheology, Bremen (1668-?)Rotermund
Alesius, Alexander (†1565) 62Lutheran, ReformedArts, Wittenberg (1532-1535); Theology, Cambridge (1535-1539); Theology, Frankfurt (1540-1542); Theology, Leipzig (1542-1565)en de | BBKL | DNB1 | DNB2 | NDB
Alessandri, Alessandro (†1523) 1n/a
Alexander, John (†1743) 1Reformed
Alexander, John (†1716) 0Reformed
Alexander, John (fl.1689-) 1Jewish, Reformed
Alexandre, Noël, O.P. (†1724) 99Roman Catholicen fr
Alexandre, Pierre (fl.1556-1560) 2Reformed
Alexius, Caspar (†1626) 4ReformedTheology, Geneva (1610-1611); Philosophy, Geneva (1612-1617); Philosophy, Geneva (1623-1626)BBKL
Alfield, Thomas (†1585) 1Roman Catholic
Alford, Joseph (fl.1649-) 0Reformed
Alison, Richard (fl.1588-1606) 3n/a
Alizet, Benoît (fl.1570-1596) 2Reformed
Allard, Pierre (†1608) 1Roman Catholic
Allatius, Leo (†1669) 49Roman Catholicen
Alleine, Joseph (†1668) 21Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Alleine, Richard (†1681) 3Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2
Alleine, Theodosia (fl.1672-) 1Puritan, Reformed
Alleine, William (†1677) 1Puritan, Reformeden
Allen, Daniel (fl.1699-) 0n/a
Allen, Ethan (†1789) 12n/a
Allen, James (†1710) 0n/a
Allen, Joshua (fl.1742-1743) 0n/a
Allen, Richard (fl.1696-1700) 1Reformed
Allen, Richard1n/a
Allen, Thomas (†1755) 1Anglicanen
Allen, William (†1594) 16Roman Catholicen | DNB2
Allen, William (†1686) 2Baptist
Allestree, Richard (†1681) 98AnglicanTheology, Oxford (1663-1679)en | EMLO
Alley, William (†1570) 1Anglican
Allin, John (†1671) 1Puritan, Reformeden
Allinga, Petrus (†1692) 15ReformedDBNL
Allix, Pierre (†1717) 73Reformeden fr | DNB1 | EMLO
Almain, Jacques (†1515) 11Roman Catholicen fr
Alphen, Hieronymus S. (†1742) 10ReformedTheology, Utrecht (1714-1742)de | NNBW
Alsop, Vincent (†1703) 15Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Alsted, Johann H. (†1638) 212ReformedPhilosophy & Theology, Herborn (1608-1629)en de | EMLO | NDB | Scholasticon
Altamura, Ambrosius de, O.P. (†1677) 4Roman Catholic
Altenhofen, Heinrich (fl.1591-1592) 0ReformedTheology, Herborn
Altenrath, Georg (fl.1596-) 3Reformed
Altenstaig, Johannes (†1525) 72Roman CatholicADB
Altham, Michael (†1705) 2Roman Catholic
Althamer, Andreas (†1539) 81Lutherande en | BBKL | NDB
Althofer, Christoph (†1660) 44LutheranADB
Althusius, Johannes (†1638) 42ReformedLaw, Herborn (1586-1592); Law, Steinfurt (1592-1596)en de | BBKL | NDB | Scholasticon
Althusius, Samuel (†1669) 3n/a
Alting, Heinrich (†1644) 67ReformedTheology, Heidelberg (1613-1622); Theology, Groningen (1627-1644)en | ADB | EMLO | NNBW
Alting, Jacob (†1679) 97ReformedTheology, Groningen (1643-1677)en nl | ADB | Bayle | DBNL | EMLO
Alting, Menso (†1612) 19Reformedde en | DBNL | EMLO | NDB
Altmann, Johann G. (†1758) 24ReformedPhilosophy, Bern (1734-1757)de | ADB | HLS | Leu
Altmann, Johann (†1723) 1ReformedLeu
Alvarez, Baltasar (†1580) 0Roman Catholic
Alvarez, Balthasar, S.J. (†1630) 0Roman Catholic
Alvarez, Diego, O.P. (†1635) 12Roman CatholicTheology, Rome (Angelicum) (1596-1606)CE | Scholasticon
Àlvarez de Paz, Jacobo, S.J. (†1620) 24Roman Catholic
Alveldt, Augustin von (†c.1535) 14Roman Catholicde en | BBKL
Alvinczi, Péter (†1634) 3Reformedhu
Amaduzzi, Giovanni C. (†1792) 1Roman Catholicit en
Amama, Sixtinus (†1629) 27ReformedTheology / Exeter College, Oxford (1615-1615); Theology, Franeker (1616-1629)nl en | ADB | DBNL | EMLO
Amat de Graveson, Ignace H., O.P. (†1733) 16Roman Catholic
Amato, Francesco, O.E.S.A.0Roman Catholic
Ambrose, Isaac (†1664) 33Puritan, Reformeden
Amedeus, Alexander (fl.1679-1681) 0ReformedTheology, Edinburgh (1679-1681)
Amerbach, Veit (†1577) 0Lutheran, Roman Catholicen
Amerpoel, Johannes (†1671) 2Reformed
Ames, William (†1633) 210Puritan, ReformedTheology, Franeker (1622-1633)en de | ADB | DNB1 | DNB2 | EMLO | NNBW | Scholasticon
Ames, William (fl.1662-) 7Quaker
Ames, William (†1689) 1n/a
Amico, Bartolomeo, S.J. (†1649) 3Roman Catholicen | Scholasticon
Amico, Bernardinus, O.F.M. (†1620) 0Roman Catholic
Amicus, Franciscus, S.J. (†1651) 21Roman CatholicScholasticon
Amling, Wolfgang (†1606) 27Lutheran, ReformedRector, Zerbst (1566-?)de | NDB | VGT
Ammann, Johannes J. (†1573) 2ReformedPhilosophy, Zürich (1526-?)HLS
Ammendorf, Philipp J. (†1784) 1ReformedTheology, Duisburg (1749-1784)Zedler
Ammon, Christoph F. (†1850) 1Lutheran
Amo, Anton W. (†c.1759) 3n/a
Amory, Thomas (†1774) 4Reformeden
Ampelander, Wolfgang (fl.1585-1595) 1Reformed
Amport, Christian, Jr (fl.1587-) 1Reformed
Amport, Christian, Sr (†1590) 7ReformedPhilosophy, Bern (1573-1578); Theology, Bern (1574-1574); Theology, Bern (1578-1590)HLS
Amport, Jakob (†1636) 6ReformedPhilosophy, Lausanne (1608-1610); Theology, Lausanne (1610-1636)HLS
Amsdorff, Nicolaus von (†1565) 138LutheranTheology, Wittenberg (1511-1524)de en | NDB | VGT
Amyraut, Moïse (†1664) 158ReformedTheology, Saumur (1626-1664)fr en | Bayle | EMLO | Haag2
Ancillon, David, Jr (†1723) 1ReformedADB
Ancillon, David, Sr (†1692) 9Reformedfr | ADB | Haag2
Andala, Ruard (†1727) 80ReformedPhilosophy, Franeker (1701-1713); Theology, Franeker (1713-1727)DBNL
Anderdon, Christopher (†1694) 0Roman Catholic
Anderdon, John (†1685) 3n/a
Anderson, David (†1733) 0ReformedTheology, Aberdeen (1711-1733)
Anderson, George (†1756) 1Reformed
Anderson, George (fl.1655-1710) 0ReformedTheology, Aberdeen (1704-1710)
Anderson, James (†1739) 1Anglicanen
Anderson, John (†1721) 4Reformed
Anderson, Walter (†1800) 1n/a
Anderton, Lawrence (†1643) 5Roman Catholic
Anderton, Thomas (†1671) 2Roman Catholic
Andrade, Diogo de Paiva de, S.J. (†1575) 6Roman Catholic
Andreä, Samuel (†1699) 43ReformedRector, Herborn (1669-1671); Philosophy, Marburg (1674-1683); Theology, Marburg (1676-1699)de | ADB
Andrea della Croce (†1675) 4Roman Catholic
Andreae, Abraham (†1607) 1Lutheranen sv | NBL | SBH
Andreae, Abraham (fl.1699-1705) 1ReformedTheology, Frankfurt
Andreae, Conrad (fl.1574-1582) 0LutheranTheology, Marburg (1580-1582)
Andreae, Jakob (†1590) 207LutheranTheology, Tübingen (1562-1590)de en | NDB | VGT
Andreae, Johann V. (†1654) 7Lutheranen
Andreae, Laurentius (†1633) 0Lutheran
Andreae, Tobias (†1676) 15ReformedPhilosophy, Groningen (1635-1676)DBNL | EMLO
Andrewes, Bartimaeus (†1616) 0Puritan, Reformed
Andrewes, John2Puritan, ReformedDNB1
Andrewes, Lancelot (†1626) 24Anglican, ReformedDNB2 | EMLO
Aneau, Barthélémy (†1561) 1Roman Catholicen
Angell James, John (†1859) 43n/a
Angelocrator, Daniel (†1635) 18Reformeden de | ADB
Angelucci, Teodoro1n/a
Anger, Melchior (†1607) 1Reformed
Angermann, Adalbert, O.F.M. (fl.1700-) 2Roman Catholic
Anglés, José, O.F.M. Obs. (†1588) 19Roman Catholic
Anhaltinus, Georgius (†1553) 4LutheranVGT
Anhorn, Bartholomaeus, Jr (†1700) 12ReformedHLS | Leu
Anhorn, Bartholomaeus, Sr (†1640) 0ReformedHLS | NDB
Annand, William (†1689) 0Anglican, Reformeden
Annat, François, S.J. (†1670) 25Roman Catholic
Annesley, Samuel (†1696) 13Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2
Annet, Peter (†1769) 30n/a
Anonymous/Pseud. Arminian (†1650) 19Arminian-Remonstrant
Anonymous/Pseud. Reformed (†1600) 4Reformed
Anonymous/Pseud. Reformed (†1650) 12Reformed
Anonymous/Pseud. Reformed (†1700) 5Reformed
Anonymous/Roman Catholic1Roman Catholic
Anreiter, Thomas, S.J. (†1652) 5Roman CatholicArts, Dillingen (1616-1622); Philosophy, Dillingen (1622-1624); Theology, Dillingen (1626-1644); Theology, Dillingen (1644-1647)Scholasticon
Antesignan, Pierre (†1561) 16Reformed
Antoine, Paul G., S.J. (†1745) 7Roman Catholic
Antolínez, Agustín, O.E.S.A. (†1626) 1Roman CatholicTheology, Valladolid (1591-1594); Theology, SalamancaScholasticon
Anton, Paul (†1730) 139Lutherande | NDB
Antonius, Johannes, S.J. (†1647) 0Roman CatholicPhilosophy, Dillingen (1640-1643)
Antonius a Spiritu Sancto, O.C.D. (†1677) 1Roman Catholic
Apáti, Miklós (†1724) 0Reformedhu
Apollonius, Willem (†1657) 14ReformedNNBW
Aportanus, Georg (†1530) 0Reformed
Appart, Abraham1Reformed
Appelius, Johannes C. (†1798) 1Reformed
Applegarth, Robert (fl.1776-) 1n/a
Appleton, Nathaniel (†1784) 8n/a
Apsley, Allen (†1683) 0n/a
Apthorp, East (†1816) 15Anglican
Aquarius, Matthias, O.P. (†1591) 8Roman CatholicScholasticon
Aquila, Caspar (†1560) 21Lutherande en | NDB
Araujo, Francisco de, O.P. (†1664) 26Roman Catholicen | CE | Scholasticon
Arbussy, Joseph (†1694) 1ReformedTheology, Montauban (1654-1659)
Arbussy, Théophile (†1681) 3ReformedTheology, Montauban (1674-1681)Haag2
Arbuthnot, John (†1735) 2n/a
Arcerius, Johannes (†1604) 4Reformed
Archdekin, Richard, S.J. (†1693) 28Roman CatholicTheology, Leuven (1665-?)en
Archer, Jean (†1588) 1n/a
Archer, John (fl.1642-1645) 3n/a
Arctander, Niels Lauridsen (†1616) 16Lutheran
Arcularius, Daniel (†1596) 15LutheranTheology, Marburg (1570-1596)Zedler
Arcularius, Johann D. (†1710) 1n/a
Arentson, Engel (†1706) 4Anabaptist
Aresi, Paolo (†1644) 20Roman Catholic
Aretius, Benedictus (†1574) 150ReformedPhilosophy, Bern (1548-1563); Theology, Bern (1563-1574)en de | HLS | Leu | NDB | VGT
Argenti, Giovanni, S.J. (†1626) 7Roman Catholic
Arguerius, Johannes (fl.1567-) 1n/a
Arias, Francisco (†1605) 22Roman Catholicen
Arias Montano, Benito (†1598) 70Roman Catholic
Arminius, Jacob (†1609) 183Arminian-RemonstrantTheology, Leiden (1603-1609)en nl | ADB | Bayle | DBNL
Armitage, Timothy (†1655) 2Puritanen
Armour, John (fl.1635-) 0n/a
Arnauld, Antoine (†1694) 218Roman Catholicfr en | BBKL | CE
Arnauld, Antoine, Sr (†1619) 1Roman Catholic
Arnd, Josua (†1687) 17LutheranPhilosophy, Rostock (1654-1656)Zedler
Arnd, Karl (†1721) 15n/a
Arndt, Johann (†1621) 103Lutherande en
Arnisaeus, Henning (†1636) 39Lutheran
Arnold, Gottfried (†1714) 32LutheranTheology, Giessen (1697-1698)en de
Arnold, Lorenz (fl.1589-1596) 2Lutheran
Arnold, Valentin (†1793) 0ReformedPhilosophy, Herborn (1745-1770); Theology, Herborn (1770-1793)ADB
Arnoldi, Bartholomaeus (†1532) 65Roman CatholicCE
Arnoldi, Nicolaus (†1680) 18ReformedTheology, Franeker (1651-1680)ADB | EMLO | NNBW
Arnou, Nicolas, O.P. (†1692) 7Roman CatholicScholasticon
Arnoux, Jean, S.J. (†1636) 3Roman Catholic
Arriaga, Rodrigo de, S.J. (†1667) 26Roman CatholicBBKL
Arriba, Francisco (†1623) 1Roman Catholic
Arrowsmith, John (†1659) 14Puritan, ReformedTheology, Cambridge (1651-1656)en | DNB2
Arrubal, Pedro de, S.J. (†1608) 3Roman CatholicScholasticon
Arthur, James, O.P. (†c.1670) 0Roman Catholic
Arthur, Michael (†1786) 1n/a
Artis, Gabriel d' (†1730) 11ReformedHaag2
Artois, Josue d' (fl.1638-) 0Reformed
Artomedes, Sebastian (†1602) 9Lutherande | NDB
Artopoeus, Peter (†1563) 25Lutherande
Arubal, Petrus de0Roman Catholic
Asbrand, Johann P. (†1779) 1Reformedde | ADB | BBKL
Ascham, Antony (†1650) 7Puritan, Reformeden
Ascham, Roger (†1568) 29AnglicanEMLO
Ash, John (†1779) 4Baptist
Ashe, John (†1735) 0n/a
Ashe, Simeon (†1662) 9Anglican, Reformeden | DNB1 | EMLO
Ashley, Jonathan (†1780) 2n/a
Ashmole, Elias (†1692) 4n/a
Ashton, Abdias (†1633) 1Puritanen
Ashwell, George (†1694) 6Anglican, Reformeden | DNB2
Ashwood, Bartholomew (†1678) 3Puritan, ReformedDNB2
Askew, Egeon (†1637) 1Anglican, Reformeden
Askewe, Anne (†1546) 1n/a
Aslakssøn, Cort (†1624) 5Lutheran, ReformedPhilosophy, Copenhagen (1600-1607); Theology, Copenhagen (1607-1624)no | NBL
Aspinwall, William (†1662) 1Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Aspinwell, William (fl.1648-1662) 1Reformed
Assheton, William (†1711) 1n/a
Assonleville de Bouchert, Guillaume d. (fl.1589-) 6Roman Catholic
Astell, Mary (†1731) 5n/a
Aston, Thomas (†1646) 2Anglican
Astruc, Jean (†1766) 3Roman Catholicen fr | BBKL | CE
Astudillo, Diego de, O.P. (†1536) 0Roman Catholic
Asty, Robert (†1681) 0Puritan, Reformed
Atkey, Anthony (†1734) 1n/a
Atterbury, Francis (†1732) 51Anglicanen | EMLO
Attersoll, William (†1640) 2Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2
Atwood, George (†1807) 2n/a
Aubert, Jacques (†1587) 14Reformed
Aubert de Versé, Noël (†1714) 16Roman Catholic, Socinian-Unitarianen | Haag2
Aubertin, Edme (†1652) 5ReformedHaag2
Aubery, Claude (†1596) 43ReformedPhilosophy, Lausanne (1576-1592)Haag2 | Leu
Aubigné, Théodore A. (†1630) 3Reformeden fr
Aubrey, John (†1697) 33n/a
Auchincloss, John (†1800) 0n/a
Auerbach, David (†1647) 3LutheranTheology, Leipzig (1639-1647)de
Auger, Émond, S.J. (†1591) 7Roman Catholic 
Aurifaber, Johann (†1568) 0LutheranArts, Wittenberg (1540-1550); Theology, Rostock (1550-1554); Theology, Königsberg (1554-1557)de en | NDB
Aurifaber, Johann (†1575) 1Lutherande en | NDB
Aurogallus, Matthaeus (†1543) 7LutheranTheology, Wittenberg (1521-1543)de en | NDB
Austin, Benjamin (fl.1641-1650) 2Puritan, Reformed
Austrosylvius, Petrus J. (†1647) 0Reformed
Aventinus, Johannes (†1534) 3n/a
Aventrot, Juan (†1632) 1ReformedDBNL
Avermann, Bernhardus E. (fl.1652-) 0n/a
Aversa, Raffaele, C.R.M. (†1657) 11Roman Catholic
Avianus, Christian (†1626) 5Lutheran
Avila, Francisco de, O.P. (†1604) 0Roman CatholicQuetif
Avinck, Theodorus (†1787) 2Reformed
Ayala, Balthasar (†1584) 1Roman Catholicnl
Aylesbury, Thomas (†1660) 1Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
Ayloffe, William (fl.1700-) 0n/a
Aymon, Jean (†1720) 7Reformedfr
Aysma, Johannes (fl.1686-) 1Reformed
Azor, Juan, S.J. (†1603) 39Roman Catholicen
Azpilcueta, Martín de (†1586) 118Roman Catholicen es | BBKL | CE | Scholasticon

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