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George Keith (c.1638-1716)
TraditionAnglican, QuakerReference Academic Titlen/a
NotesQuaker; later converted to Anglican
Primary Sources (102 titles, 104 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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A sermon preach'd at Turners-Hall, the 5th of May, 1700 by George Keith ; in which he gave an account of his joyning in communion with the Church of England ; with some additions and enlargements made by himself. (London : W. Bowyer for Brab. Aylmer ..., and Char. Brome ..., 1700)
A sermon preached at the meeting of Protestant dissenters called Quakers in Turners-Hall, London, on the 16th of the second month, 1696 : being the publick day of thanksgiving for the deliverance of the King and Kingdom : to which is added a testimony ... to King William the III from the aforesaid people ... (London : B. Aylmer, 1696)
A short Christian catechisme for the instruction of children in the grounds and practice of Christian religion being (for the most part) an abridgment of a larger, formerly printed, where many questions and answers that were in the larger, are omitted, and others shortened, to fit the capacity of children, and some new questions, with their answers inserted, on several heads, which were not in the larger (London : Brabazon Aylmer ..., 1698)
Some of the many fallacies of William Penn detected in a paper called Gospel truths signed by him and three more at Dublin, the 4th of the 3d month, 1698, and in his late book called A defence of Gospel truths, against the exceptions of the B. of Cork's testimony concerning that paper : with some remarks on W.P., his unfair and unjust treatment of him : to which is added a synopsis or short view of W. Penn's deism, collected out of his book called A defense of the general rule of faith, &c. (London : Benj. Tooke ..., 1699)
The Standard of the Quakers Examined Or An Answer to the Apology of Robert Barclay (B. Aylmer, at the Three Pidgeons in Cornhill, and C. Brome at the Gund, at the West-End of St. Paul's, 1702)
The Standard of the Quakers Examined, Or an Answer to the Apology of R. Barclay (1702)
A supplement to a late treatise, called An essay for the discovery of some new geometrical problems concerning angular sections, resolving what was there problematically proposed; and with some rectification made in the former essay, showing an easie method truly geometrical, without any conick section, or cubick æquation, to sect any angle or arch of a circle into 3. 5. 7. or any other uneven number of equal parts. By G. K. (London : author, and are to be had at Three Pigeons over against Exchange, and at his House in Pudding-lane, at sign of Golden Ball, where he teacheth mathematical arts, 1697)
A testimony against that false & absurd opinion which some hold viz. that all true believers and saints immediately after the bodily death attain to all the resurrection they expect, and enter into the fullest enjoyment of happiness : and also that the wicked, immediately after death, are raised up to receive all the punishment they are to expect : together with a Scriptural account of the resurrection of the dead, Day of Judgment, and Christ's last coming and appearance without us : also, where, and what those heavens are into which the man Christ is gone, and entered into (Philadelphia : William Bradford, 1692)
The true Christ owned as he is, true God and perfect man containing an answer to a late pamphlet having this title The Quakers creed concerning the man Christ Jesus &c. writ by a nameless author : which pamphlet containeth many gross lies and wilful perversions beside some other great mistakes occasioned by the author his ignorance and blindness (London, 1679)
The true copy of a paper given in to the yearly meeting of the people called Quakers at their meeting-place in Grace-Church-street, Lonon, 15 day of the 3d. month 1695. By George Keith, which was read by him in the said meeting, by their allowance. With a brief narrative of the most material passages of discourse betwixt George White-head, Charles Marshal, and George Keith, the said day, and the day following, betwixt George White-head, William Penn, and Francis Canfield on the one side, and George Keith on the other; ... Together with a short list of some of the vile and gross errors of George Whitehead, John Whitehead, William Penn, their chief ministers, and now having the greatest sway among them (being of the same sort and nature with the gross errors charged on some in Pensilvania) most apparently opposite to the fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion ... And a proposition to VVilliam Penn, to prove his charge, that G.K. is an apostate. (London : R. Levis, 1695)
A true relation of a conference had betwixt G. Keith and T. Upsher, at Colchester the 6th of the fifth month, 1699 the truth of which is attested by three witnesses who took it from their mouths in short-hand and afterwards by joint consent writ it out at length : the question stated at the said conference was whether Thomas Upsher's preaching in the forenoon that faith in Christ, as he was born of the Virgin Mary, and dyed for our sins, &c. was absolutely necessary to salvation, ..., and in the afternoon his preaching that the light within ... is sufficient to salvation is a contradiction : and a brief account of the uncivil and illegal treatment used by some principal Quakers at Colchester and Bristol toward G Keith ... : and a postscript, containing some notes and observations on the assertions of T. Upsher and his brethren, detecting their self-contradictions : and a certificate from Parson Shelton of Colchester, to the truth of the case in debate ... and to the truth of the confer (London : Brab. Aylmer ..., 1699)
Truth and innocency defended against calumny and defamation in a late report spread abroad concerning the revolution of humane souls : with a futher clearing of the truth by a plain explication of my sence, &c. (Philadelphia : William Bradford, 1692)
Truths defence, or, The pretended examination by John Alexander of Leith of the principles of those (called Quakers) falsly termed by him Jesuitico-Quakerism, re-examined and confuted : together with some animadversions on the dedication of his book to Sir Robert Clayton, then Mayor of London (London : Benjamin Clark ..., 1682)
The Tryals of Peter Boss, George Keith, Thomas Budd, and William Bradford, Quakers for several great misdemeanors (as was pretended by their adversaries) before a court of Quakers at the sessions held at Philadelphia in Pensylvania, the ninth, tenth, and twelfth days of December, 1692 : giving also an account of the most arbitrary procedure of that court. (London : ReRichard Baldwin, 1693)
The universall free grace of the gospell asserted, or The light of the ... gospell ... shining forth universally (1671)
The universall free grace of the Gospell asserted, or, The light of the glorious Gospell of Jesus Christ, shining forth universally, and enlightning every man that coms [sic] into the world, and therby giving unto every man, a day of visitation wherin it is possible for him to be saved, which is glad tydings unto all people, being witnessed and testifyed unto, by us the people called in derision Quakers : and in opposition to all denyers of it, of one sort and another proved by many infallible arguments, in the evidence and demonstration of the spirit of truth, according to Scripture testimonies and sound reason : with the objections of any seeming weight against it, answered it, answered (London, 1671)
A Vindication of the Apostolick and Primitive Manner of Baptizing by Immersion: In a Letter to Mr. George Keith: with Remarks Upon A Second Friendly Epistle (H. Walwyn, 1700)
A vision concerning the mischievous seperation [sic] among Friends in Old England (Philadelphia : Will. Bradford, 1692)
The way cast up, and the stumbling-blocks removed from before the feet of those who are seeking the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward containing an answere to a postcript, printed at the end of Sam Rutherford's letters, third edition, by a nameless author, indeed not without cause, considering the many lyes and falshoods therein, against the people, called Quakers, which are here disproved, and refuted (1677)
The Way to the City of God Described, Etc (1678)
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