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George Keith (c.1638-1716)
TraditionAnglican, QuakerReference Academic Titlen/a
NotesQuaker; later converted to Anglican
Primary Sources (102 titles, 104 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The Necessity of Faith; and of the Revealed Word of God; to be the Foundation of All Divine and Saving Faith; in a Sermon [on Heb. Xi. 6] Preach'd at the Lecture in Lewis, ... Sussex (1707)
New England's spirit of persecution transmitted to Pennsilvania, and the pretended Quaker found persecuting the true Christian-Quaker in the tryal of Peter Boss, George Keith, Thomas Budd, and William Bradford, at the sessions held at Philadelphia the nineth, tenth and twelfth days of December, 1692 : giving an account of the most arbitrary procedure of that court. (New York : [W. Bradford], 1693)
The plea of the innocent against the false judgment of the guilty being a vindication of George Keith and his friends, who are joyned with him in this present testimony, from the false judgment, calumnies, false informations and defamations of Samuell Jenings, John Simcock, Thomas Lloyd, and others joyned with them, being in number twenty eight : directed by way of epistle to faithful friends of truth in Pennsilvania, East and West-Jersey, and else-where, as occasion requireth. (Philadelphia : W. Bradford, 1692)
The Presbyterian and independent visible churches in New-England and else-where brought to the test, and examined according to the doctrin of Holy Scriptures ... : more particulary directed to those in New-England, and more generally to those in old England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. : with a call and warning from the Lord to the people of Boston and New-England, to repent, &c. : and two letters to the preachers in Boston, and an answer to the gross abuses, lies and slanders of Increase Mather and Nath. Morton, &c. (London : bor Thomas Northcott ..., 1691)
Quakerism no popery, or, A particular answere to that part of Iohn Menzeis, professor of divinity in Aberdeen, (as he is called) his book, intituled Roma mendax Wherein the people called Quakers are concerned, whom he doth accuse as holding many popish doctrins, and as if Quakerism, (so he nick-names our religion,) were but popery-disguised. In which treatise his alleadged grounds for this his assertion, are impartialy and fairly examined and confuted: and also his accusation of popery against us, justly retorted upon himself, and his bretheren. By George Keith. (London : [s.n.], in the year, 1675)
The Quakers creed concerning the man Christ Jesus transcribed verbatim out of a treatise entituled, The way cast up, lately written by George Keith, a Quaker, with animadversions upon it. (London : Jonathan Robinson ..., 1678)
The Quakers Creed Concerning the Man Christ Jesus, Transcribed ... Out of a Treatise Entituled, The Way Cast Up, by G. K., a Quaker, with Animadversions Upon it (1678)
The Quakers creed containing twelve articles of their antichristian doctrine, for which many have denyed them. Publish'd by some, who have joyned with Mr. George Keith, in the City of London, and did formerly meet with him at Turners-Hall, and in divers parts of the country, as Huntington, Reading, Bedford, and Colchester. (London : John Gwillim, against Crosby-Square, in Bishopsgate-street, 1700)
The Rector Corrected: Or, The Rector of Arrow, Shooting His Arrow Beside the Mark. In Answer to Thomas Wilson's Book, Called, The Quaker's False Interpretation of Holy Scripture. In which Answer it is Manifested, that T. W's Interpretations of the Scripture ... are False, Etc (1680)
A refutation of three opposers of truth by plain evidence of the holy Scripture, viz. I. Of Pardon Tillinghast, who pleadeth for water-baptism, its being a Gospel-precept, and opposeth Christ within, as a false Christ. To which is added, something concerning the Supper, &c. II. Of B. Keech, in his book called, A tutor for children, where he disputeth against the sufficiency of the light within, in order of salvation; and calleth Christ in the heart, a false Christ in the secret chamber. II. Of Cotton Mather, who in his appendix to his book, called, Memorable providences, relating to witchcrafts, &c. doth so weakly defend his father Increase Mather from being justly chargeable with abusing the honest people called Quakers, that he doth the more lay open his fathers nakedness; and beside the abuses and injuries that his father had cast upon that people, C. Mather, the son, addeth new abuses of his own. And a few words of a letter to John Cotton, called a minister, at Plymouth in New Engl (Philadelphia : William Bradford, 1690)
A rod for Trepidantium Malleus, or A letter to Sam. Reconcileable. (London : printed, and sold by M. Fabian at Mercers Chappel in Cheapside, 1700)
A salutation of dear and tender love to the seed of God arising in Aberdeen in two epistles : directed unto friends of truth in that place whom the Lord hath called ... to bear their testimony for his glorious truth (against an evil, adulterous, and persecuting generation) ... (Aberdeen? : [s.n], 1665)
A seasonable information and caveat against a scandalous book of Thomas Elwood, called An epistle to Friends, &c. by George Keith. (London : R. Levis, 1694)
A Second Friendly Epistle to Mr. George Keith, and the Reformed Quakers. Who are now convinc'd, that water baptism is an ordinance of Christ ... but are enquiring about the mode, and form of administration ... By the Reformed Quakers old friend, Trepidantium Malleus [i.e. Samuel Young]. [With a ... (John Marshal, 1700)
A serious appeal to all the more sober, impartial & judicious people in New-England to whose hands this may come ... together with a vindication of our Christian faith ... (Philadelphia in Pennsylvania : William Bradford, 1692)
A serious call to the Quakers inviting them to return to Christianity. (London : W. Haws, at the Rose in Ludgate-street, 1700)
A serious call to the Quakers, inviting them to return to Christianity. To which is added a true copy of the last will and testament of that grand Impostor G. Fox, etc (1702)
A serious dialogue betwixt a church-man and a Quaker (London : Brab. Aylmer, 1699)
A sermon [on 1 Pet. iii,16] preach'd at Turners-hall, by G. Keith, in which he gave an account of his joyning in communion with the Church of England. With additions by himself (London, 1700)
A sermon preach'd at the parish-church of St. Helen's, London, May the 19th, 1700 by George Keith. (London : J. Gwillim ..., 1700)
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