Share: | | Loidoromastix: that is, A scourge for a rayler containing a full and sufficient answer vnto the vnchristian raylings, slaunders, vntruths, and other iniurious imputations, vented of late by one Richard Parkes master of Arts, against the author of Limbomastix. VVherein three hundred raylings, errors, contradictions, falsifications of fathers, corruptions of Scripture, with other grosse ouersights, are obserued out of the said vncharitable discourse, by Andrevv Willet Professor of Diuinitie. ( [Cambridge] : Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. 1607. And are to be sold in Pauls Churchyard [, London,] by Richard Bankevvorth at the signe of the Sunne, 1607) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Papa Purus putus Antichristus Sive Decima Quaestio De Antichristo / Authore Andrea Willeto, interprete Thoma Draxo, Pastore Hardwicensi. Qui cum bona Authoris venia, de suo addidit varia, ad argumenti huius illustrationem, trans. Thomas Draxe ( Francofurti : Friedrich,van Hulsius, 1619) | HAB | | |
Papae Mastyx, Sive Quarta Controversia Generalis, De Romano Pontifice, Qui Vulgo Papa dicitur : Disputatio, solida, erudita, illustris ; Post praefationem, adiectus est Indiculus singularum Quaestionum, quae in hac quarta Controversia continentur / Autore Andrea Willetto, Sacrae Theologiae Professore eximio, Et Interprete Thoma Draxo, Pastore Hartwichensi, trans. Thomas Draxe ( Frankfurt, 1619) | HAB | | |
A retection, or discouerie of a false detection containing a true defence of two bookes, intituled, Synopsis papismi, and Tetrastylon papisticum, together with the author of them, against diuers pretended vntruths, contradictions, falsification of authors, corruptions of Scripture, obiected against the said bookes in a certaine libell lately published. Wherein the vniust accusations of the libeller, his sophisticall cauils, and vncharitable slaunders are displayed. ( At London : Felix Kyngston, for Thomas Man, 1603) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Sacrorum emblematum centuria una ... à ... scripturæ fontibus derivata et Anglolatinis versibus reddita. Lat. and Eng ( 1592) | GB | | |
Synopseos Papismi Controversia Tertia Generalis, De Conciliis : Disputatio Erudita Et Illustris, imprimis adversus Robertum Bellarminum Cardinalem, & alios Pontificios conscripta / Auctore D. Andrea Willetto, Sacrae Theologiae professore eximio, & interprete Thoma Draxo, verbi divini administro, trans. Thomas Draxe ( Francofurti : Friedrich,van Hulsius, 1618) | HAB | | |
Synopsis Papismi, Hoc est, Totius doctrinae Antichristianae, quae hodie a Synagoga Romana, inprimis vero Roberto Bellarmino defenditur, solida Refutatio : Cum Antithesi verae Christianae Fidei, & Antidoto Scripturarum contra meretricis Babylonicae abominationis calicem ; In quinque Libros divisa ; Addita est Appendix libri Bellarmini de Iubilaeo, atque Indulgentiis refutationem continens / Anglice primum conscripta ac quarto recognita, a ... Viro S. Theologiae D. Andrea Willeto, Nunc vero in Ecclesiae usum Latio donata, per Wolgangum Mayerum S. Theol. D. & Controvers. Profess. in Academia Basiliensi, trans. Wolfgang Mayer ( Oppenheimii : MariaGaller, Hieronymus Ruting, 1614) | HAB | | |
Synopsis papismi, or, a General view of the papacy: with general confutations of Romish errors from the Scriptures, Fathers, councils, etc. etc (Society's Office) | | | GB | | |
Vol. 6 (1852) | GB | | |
Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an antithesis of the true Christian faith, and an antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations: deuided into three bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of popish heresies and errors. Collected by Andrew Willet Bachelor of Diuinity. ( At London : Thomas Orwin, for Thomas Man, dwelling in Pater noster row at the signe of the Talbot, 1592) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Tetrastylon papisticum, that is, The foure principal pillers of papistrie the first conteyning their raylings, slanders, forgeries, vntruthes: the second their blasphemies, flat contradictions to scripture, heresies, absurdities: the third their loose arguments, weake solutions, subtill distinctions: the fourth and last the repugnant opinions of new papistes with the old; of the new one with an other; of the same writers with themselues: yea of popish religion with and in it selfe. Compiled as a necessarie supplement or fit appertinance to the authors former worke, intituled Synopsis papismi: to the glorie of God for the dissuading of light-minded men from trusting to the sandie foundation of poperie, and to exhort good Christians stedfastlie to hold the rockie foundation of faith in the Gospell. ( [London] : Robert Robinson for Thomas Man dwelling in Pater noster row at the signe of the Talbot, 1593) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Thesaurus ecclesiæ: that is, the treasure of the church consisting of the perpetuall intercession and most holy praier of Christ, set forth in the 17. chapter of the Gospel by S. Iohn: which in this treatise is plainly interpreted, with necessarie doctrines enlarged, and fit applications enforced. ( [London] : Iohn Legat, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge [and R. Field] And are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Churchyard, by Simon Waterson, 1604) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Tractatus de Salomonis nuptiis vel Epithalamium in ... nuptias inter ... Fridericum V., Comitem Palatinum ... et ... Elizabetham ... consummatas, etc (... typis Felicis Kingston, impensis vero Thomæ Man, 1612) | GB | | |
Tractatus de Salomonis nuptiis: vel epithalamium, in sacratissimas nuptias ; inter illustrissimos principes, D. Fredericum 5. comitem palatinum ad Rhenum, sacri Romani imperij electorem, & archi-dapiferum, ducem Bauariæ, &c. nobilissim. ordinis aureæ periscelidis militem: et serenissimam ... (typis Felicis Kingston, impensis vero Thomæ Man, 1612) | GB | | |
Tractatus De Salomonis Nuptiis: Vel Epithalamium, In sacratissimas Nuptias, inter Illustrissimos Principes, D. Fredericum V. Comitem Palatinum Ad Rhen ... Et Serenissimam D. Elizabetham, Potentissimi Principis Jacobi ... Britanniae Magnae, Galliae Et Hiberniae Regis, Filiam Unicam :Feliciter Consumatas, Et Solenniter celebratas, die Dominico Februarii 14. Anno 1613. in Palatiis Regiis in civitate Westmonasteriensi iuxta Londinum / [Andreas Willet] (MariaGaller, Hieronymus Ruting, [n.d.]) | HAB | | |
Tractatvs De Salomonis Nuptiis: Vel Epithalamium, In sacratissimas Nuptias, inter Illustrissimos Principes, D. Fredericum V. Comitem Palatinum Ad Rhen. ... Et Serenissimam D. Elizabetham, Potentissimi Principis Iacobi, ... Britanniae Magnae, Galliae Et Hiberniae Regis, Filiam Unicam : Feliciter Consummatas, Et Solenniter celebratas, die Dominico Februarii 14. Anno 1613. in Palatiis Regiis in civitate Westmonasteriensi juxta Londinum ( Oppenheimio, 1613) | UBH | | |
A treatise of Salomons mariage or, a congratulation for the happie and hopefull mariage betweene the most illustrious and noble Prince Frederike the V. Count Palatine of Rhine, Elector of the Sacred Romane Empire, and Arch-Sewer, and in the vacancie thereof Vicar Generall: Duke of Bauaria, &c. Knight of the most noble order of the Garter. And the most gratious and excellent Princesse, the Ladie Elizabeth, sole daughter vnto the High and Mighty Prince Iames, by the grace of God, King of great Britaine, France and Ireland. Ioyfully solemnized vpon the 14. day of Februarie, 1612. In the Kings Pallace of White-hall in Westminster. ( At London : ImF[elix] K[ingston] for Thomas Man the elder, and William Welby, and are to be sold at the Swanne in Pauls Church-yard, 1613) | EEBO-TCP | | |