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« Samuel Walker (c.1675-1718)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Samuel Walker (1721-1761)
Traditionn/aReference Academic Titlen/a
NotesCurate of Truro
Primary Sources (23 titles, 25 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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A Sermon on the Danger of Neglecting the Salvation Offered in the Gospel: By Samuel Walker, A.M. Late Curate of Truro in Cornwall (Reprinted in, 1795)
A short instruction and examination for the Lord's supper (Wertheim and Macintosh, 1850)
A short Instruction and examination for the Lord's Supper. A new edition (1850)
Ten Sermons, entitled The Refiner; or, God's method of purifying his People ... With a ... preface by the Rev. Mr. Barker, ed. John BARKER (Vicar of St. Mary's, Hull.) (1790)
Three Tracts. (The necessity of being acquainted with our fallen state:-A familiar introduction to the knowledge of ourselves:-Helps to Self-examination. [With] Two Sermons by ... J. Harvey.-The Death-Bed of a modern Free-thinker.-The Death-Bed of a Christian.). (1785)
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