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« John Rider (1562-1632)
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Thomas Ridgley (1667-1734)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (16 titles, 40 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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A body of divinity: wherein the doctrines of the Christian religion are explained and defended, being the substance of several lectures on the Assembly's larger catechism (Philadelphia : William W. Woodward)
Vol. 2 (1814)
Vol. 3 (1814) IA 
Vol. 4 (1814) IA 
A body of divinity: wherein the doctrines of the Christian religion, are explained and defended ... The third edition (John Bryce, 1770)
A body of divinity...: With notes, original and selected, vol. 1 (W.W. Woodward, 1814)
The Doctrine of Original Sin Considered. Being ... Two Sermons [on Rom. V. 18] ... With a Postscript, Etc (1725)
An Essay concerning truth and charity ... (London : John Clark, 1721)
An essay concerning truth and charity: In two parts. Containing, 1. An enquiry concerning fundamental articles of faith, and the necessity of adhering to them, in order to church-communion. II. Some historical remarks on the behaviour of the Jews and Prinitive Christians, towards those who had ... (John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry near Cheapside., 1721)
A Funeral Sermon [on Jude, verse 24] preached, and since enlarged on the decease of Mrs. Gertrude Clarkson, etc (N. Hiller, 1701)
A Funeral Sermon [on Ps. cxvi. 7] preached on the death of Mrs. E. Bankes, etc (1711)
A Sermon [on 1 Tim. i. 15] occasion'd by the death of the Reverend Mr. J. Sladen, etc (1733)
A Sermon [on John v. 35] occasioned by the death of the Reverend ... J. Hurrion, etc (1732)
The Unreasonableness of the Charge of Imposition Exhibited Against Several Dissenting Ministers in and about London, Consider'd: And the Difference Between Creed-making as Practis'd in Former Ages, and Their Late Conduct in Declaring Their Faith in the Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity ..., vol. 7 (John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, near Cheapside., 1719)
The Unreasonableness of the Charge of Imposition Exhibited Against Several Dissenting Ministers in and about London, Consider'd: And the Difference Between Creed-making as Practis'd in Former Ages, and Their Late Conduct in Declaring Their Faith in the Doctrine of the Blessed Trinty, Stated and ... (John Clark, 1719)
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