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Augustus Toplady (1740-1778)
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Primary Sources (23 titles, 48 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (19) | Theology (29) | Translated (4)
Results 21-29
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Rock of ages
Boston : Lee and Shepard ; New York : C. T. Dillingham, 1879IA 
Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York : C.T. Dillingham, 1879IA 
New York : F. A. Stokes, 1887IA 
New York : The Lovell co, 1900IA 
The scheme of Christian and philosophical necessity asserted : in opposition to Mr. John Wesley's tract on that subject. With a dissertation concerning the sensible qualities of matter: and the doctrine of color in particular (London : Vallance and Simmons, 1775)
The Scheme of Christian and Philosophical Necessity Asserted: In Opposition to Mr. John Wesley's Tract on that Subject. With a Dissertation Concerning the Sensible Qualities of Matter: and the Doctrine of Color in Particular (Vallance and Simmons, 1775)
The works of Augustus M. Toplady .. (London : Proprietors, 1794)
The works of Augustus Toplady (London : J. J. Chidley, 1844)
The works of Augustus Toplady, B.A., late vicar of Broad Hembury, Devon (London : J. Chidley, 1837)
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