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Henry Sacheverell (1674-1724)
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Het gevaar van valsche broederen, zo in de kerk als in den staat, vertoond in eene predikacie, gedaan [...] den 5/16 nov. 1709, trans. Willem Séwel (J. Swart [bookseller], 1710)
An impartial account of what pass'd most remarkable in the last session of Parliament relating to the case of Dr. Henry Sacheverell .. ([London] : Jacob Tonson at Grays Inn Gate in Grays Inn Lane, 1710)
An impartial account of what passed most remarkable in the last session of Parliament relative to the case of Dr. Sacheverell (1710)
A letter to Dr. Sacheverell: concerning Calvin's loyalty (London, 1710)
The Liberty, Property, and Religion of the Whigs. In a Letter to a Whig. [By William Robertson.] Occasion'd by Some Discourse Upon ... Dr. Sacheverell's Sermons on Palm-Sunday, and 29th of May, 1713 (J. Morphew, 1713)
The Loyal Catechism: Wherein Every English Subject May be Truly Instructed in Their Duty to Their Prince ... In a Dialogue Between Dr Sacheverell and a Young Pupil. To which is Added Archbishop Tillotson's Letter to My Lord Russel in Newgate, and what Passed Between Dr Tenison, the Present ... (1710)
The nature and mischief of prejudice and partiality stated in a sermon, 2nd ed. (1708)
The nature and mischief of prejudice and partiality stated in a sermon : preach'd at St. Mary's in Oxford, at the assizes held there, March 9th, 1703/4 ... (London : H. Hills, 1708)
The nature, guilt and danger of presumptuous sins : set forth in a sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford at St. Mary's, Septemb. 14th 1707 (Oxford : Leon Lichfield for John Stephens, bookseller, and are to be sold by James Knapton at the Crowne in St. Paul's Churchyard, London, 1708)
The nature, guilt, and danger of presumptuous sins: set forth, in a sermon, preach'd before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, Septemb. 14th. 1707 (J. Stephens, and are to be sold by J. Knapton, London, 1708)
The nature, obligation, and measures of conscience : deliver'd in a sermon preached at Leicester, at the Assizes held there, July 25th, 1706 (Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Leon. Lichfield, for John Stephens ... and are to be sold by James Knapton, 1706)
The nature, obligation, and measures of conscience deliver'd in a sermon (1707)
The perils of false brethren both in Church and state ([Exeter] : The Rota, 1974)
The perils of false brethren both in Church and state : set forth in a sermon preach'd ... at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul on the 5th of November, 1709 (London : Henry Clements at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1709)
The perils of false Brethren, both in church and state : set forth in a sermon (London, 1709)
The perils of false Brethren, both in church and state: set forth in a sermon (London, 1709)
The perils of false brethren, both in Church and State: set forth in a sermon [on 2 Cor. xi. 26] preach'd before the lord mayor, on the 5th of November, 1709. [Another ] (1710)
The Picture of Malice, or a true account of Dr Sacheverell's enemies, and their behaviour with regard to him since the fifth of November last (J. Read, 1710)
Remarks on a letter from a Cambridge gentleman to the Reverend Dr. Sacheverell : occasion'd by his sermons and sentence against him (London : J. Baker at the Black Boy in Pater-noster Row, 1710)
A sermon [on 1 Tim. v. 18] preach'd before the Sons of the clergy at their anniversary-meeting in the cathedral-church of st. Paul, December 10, 1713 (1714)
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