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William Beveridge (1637-1708)
TraditionAnglican, ReformedReference | BBKL | DNB2Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (42 titles, 73 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Results 21-40
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Private thoughts on religion : and a Christian life: In two parts. / by William Beveridge ... with an introductory essay by Thomas Chalmers
William Collins, 1827GB 
Private thoughts on religion, and a Christian life (Philadelphia : Thomas Kite for E. Littell, 1829)
Private thoughts upon a Christian life; or, necessary directions for its beginning and progress upon earth, in order to its final perfection in the beatifick vision. Part II, 3rd ed. (London : R. Smith, 1712)
Private thoughts upon a christian life: or, necessary directions for its beginning and progress upon earth, in order to its final perfection in the beatifick vision, Part 2, 3rd ed. (Smith, 1713)
Private thoughts upon religion and a Christian life: to which is added the necessity and advantage of frequent communion (J. Hatchard)
Vol. 1 (1834)
Vol. 2 (1834) GB 
Private Thoughts Upon Religion, Digested Into Twelve Articles (London : W. Taylor, 1709)
Private thoughts upon religion: digested into twelve articles, with practical resolutions form'd thereupon (R. Smith, 1709)
Private thoughts, in two parts complete. Part I. Upon religion, digested into twelve articles; with practical resolutions, formed thereupon. Part II. Upon a Christian life; or, Necessary directions for its beginning and progress upon earth, in order to its final perfection in the Beatific vision (London : Mozley, 1817)
A sermon [on 2 Kings viii. 13] preach'd before the ... lords spiritual and temporal, January the 30th (London, 1710) [missing first pages]
A sermon preach'd before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled in the abbey church at Westminster, January the 30th 1695/6 being the day of the martyrdom of King Charles I (London : H. Hills in Black-fryars near the waterside, 1708)
Sermons concerning the Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ, and the Mission of the Holy Ghost, 2nd ed., vol. 6 (London: R. Smith, 1712, 2nd ed., vol. 6 (London : R. Smith, 1712)
Sermons on several subjects, vol. 8 (London : W. Taylor, 1710)
Sermons on the ministry and ordinances of the Church of England
J. A. Sparks, 1845GB 
New York : C. Shepherd, 1847IA 
3rd ed. / C. Shepard, 1847GB 
Sermons, selected and abridged [ed. by J. Dakins]., ed. John Dakins (1815)
The theological works of William Beveridge, ed. James Bliss
ed. James Bliss (1842)GB 
ed. James Bliss (1843)GB 
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