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« William Ames (-1689)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
William Ames (1576-1633)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen de | STCN | VD 17 | ADB | DNB1 | DNB2 | EMLO | NNBW | ScholasticonAcademic TitleProf. of Theology, Franeker (1622-1633)
Primary Sources (148 titles, 210 vols.) | Secondary Sources (1)Suggest a New Source
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Results 161-180
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Puritanismus Anglicanus, sive Praecipua dogmata eorum, qui inter vulgò dictos Puritanos in Anglia, rigidiores habentur, vol. 1 (apud Joannem Janssonium, 1658)
Puritanismus Anglicanus, Sive Praecipua Dogmata eorum, qui inter vulgo dictos Puritanos in Anglia, rigidiores habentur (Frankfurt : Aubrius, 1610) / added author(s): William Bradshaw [NB: According to Keith L. Sprunger, Trumpets from the Tower (Brill, 1994), p. 219, William Ames wrote the preface and this was likely published in the Netherlands not Frankfurt. See also Oxford DNB]
Puritanismus Anglicanus, Sive Praecipua Dogmata eorum, qui inter vulgo dictos Puritanos in Anglia, rigidiores habentur: Quibus annectitur scholastica disceptatio de circulo pontificio & eorum omnium akatalepsia qui in scripturis non acquiescunt (Aubrius, 1610)
A reply to Dr. Mortons generall Defence of three nocent [sic] ceremonies. viz. the surplice, crosse in baptisme, and kneeling at the receiving of the sacramentall elements of bread and wine. ([Amsterdam] : [by Giles Thorp], 1622)
Rescriptio scholastica & brevis ad Nic. Grevinchovii responsum illud prolixū, quod opposuit dissertationi de redemptione generali, 2nd ed. (ex Office J. Livii)
Vol. 2 (1633)
Vol. 1 (1634) GB 
Rescriptio scholastica & brevis ad Nic. Grevinchovii responsum illud prolixum, quod opposuit dissertationi de redemptione generali, & electione ex fide prævisa. Accesserunt eiusdem disceptatio scholastica de circulo Pontificio, aliique theologici tractatus
Harderwijk : Nicolai a Wieringen, 1645GB 
Rescriptio scholastica et brevis ad Nic. Grevinchovii responsum illud prolixum, quod opposuit dissertationi De redemptione generali et electioni ex fide praevisa: accesserunt eiusdem Disceptatio scholastica de circulo Ponteficio, aliique theologici tractatus (ex. Office Justi Livii, 1634)
Rescriptio scholastica et brevis ad Nic. Grevinchovii responsum illud prolixum, quod opposuit dissertationi, de redemptione generali, et electione ex fide praevisa, vol. 1 (ap. Henr. Laurentium, 1615) / added author(s): Nicolaas Grevinchoven
A Second Manuduction for Mr Robinson. Or a confirmation of the former, in an answer to his manumission. [By William Ames.] (1615)
A second manuduction, for Mr. Robinson. Or a confirmation of the former, in an ansvver to his manumission. ([Amsterdam?], 1615)
Sententia de origine sabbati & die Dominico, quam ex ipsius mente concepit scripto & publice disputavit Nathanael Eatonus (Amsterdam : Joannes Janssonius, 1658)
The substance of Christian religion, or, A plain and easie draught of the Christian catechisme in LII lectures on chosen texts of Scripture, for each Lords-day of the year, learnedly and perspicuously illustrated with doctrines, reasons, and uses (London : T. Mabb for Thomas Davies, and are to be sold at his shop ..., 1659)
The Substance of Christian Religion: Or, A Plain and Easie Draught of the Christian Catechisme, in LII. Lectures
London : T. Mabb for T. Davies, 1659GB 
Theologiæ medullæ liber primus, ed. James Stuart Candlish (London : James Nisbet, 1874)
Theologische Verhandelinghe over twee poincten ... Van welcke het eerste is: Van de verzoeninge door de doodt Christi ... het andere: Van de verkiesinge uyt het voorzien gheloove ... Ghevoecht is ... Grevinchovij Antwoordt op de aenhoudinghen Amesij (M. Bastiaensz, 1615) / added author(s): Nicolaas Grevinchoven
Theologische verhandelinghe over twee poincten, huydens-daeghs in gheschil staende, van welcke het eerste is: vande verzoeninge door de doodt Christi, voor allen ende yeder mensche verworven. Het andere: vande verkiesinge uyt het voorzien gheloove. Eerst mondelingh begonnen, maer daer ... (Matthijs Bastiaensz. #Boeck-verkooper opt Steyger, in Josephus#) / added author(s): Nicolaas Grevinchoven
Vol. 1 (1615)
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“Guilielmus Amesius”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
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