Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share:  | | Daungerous positions and proceedings, published and practised within this iland of Brytaine [by R. Bancroft.]. by R. Bancroft ( 1710) | GB |  |   |
Davngerovs positions and proceedings : published and practised within this Iland of Brytaine, vnder pretence of Reformation, and for the Presbiteriall discipline ( London : ImIohn Wolfe, 1593) | IA |  |   |
A survey of the pretended holy discipline : containing the beginings, success, parts, proceedings, authority, and doctrine of it : with some of the manifold and material repugnances, varieties, and uncertainties in that behalf : faithfully gathered ... out of the books and writings of principall favourers of that platform, anno 1593 ... ( London : R. Hodgkinson, 1663) | BDC |  |   |