Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share:  | | British Constitutional Liberty: A Sermon, Preached in Broad-Mead, Bristol, November 5, 1775. By Caleb Evans, ... (W. Pine, T. Cadell, M. Ward, &c. - And in London, by J. Buckland, G. Keith, E. and C. Dilly, and W. Harris, 1775) | GB |  |   |
The Hope of the Righteous in Death: A Sermon, Preached at the New Chapel, in the Parish of Stapleton, October 6, at the Interment of Dr. Joseph Mason, who Departed this Life, Sept. 28, 1779, ... By Caleb Evans, ... (W. Pine, 1780) | GB |  |   |
The Kingdom of God. A Sermon Preached in Broad-mead, Bristol, Before the Bristol-Education-Society. August 16, 1775. By Caleb Evans, M.A. Published at the Request of the Society, vol. 8 (W. Pine, T. Cadell, M. Ward, &c. - and by G. Keith, J. Buckland, and W. Harris, London, 1775) | GB |  |   |
A Reply to the Rev. Mr. Fletcher's Vindication of Mr. Wesley's Calm Address to our American Colonies (W. Pine, 1776) | GB |  |   |
The Scripture Doctrine of the Deity of the Son and Holy Spirit, Represented in Two Sermons Preached at Bristol, March 24, and April 21, 1765: Occasioned by a Pamphlet, Entitled An Attempt to Restore the Supreme Worship of God ... By George Williams, ... Together with Some Adimadversions on the ... (S. Farley, 1766. Sold also by J. Buckland, and G. Keith, London, 1766) | GB |  |   |