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John Bastwick (c.1595-1654)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (11 titles, 11 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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[The ansvver of Iohn Bastwick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the exceptions made against his Letany by a learned gentleman which is annexed to the Letany it selfe, as articles superadditionall against the prelats. In the vvhich there is, a full, demonstration and proof of the reall absence of Christ in the sacrament of the Lords Supper, with the vanity and impiety of the consecreation of temples churches and chapples, also the necessity of the perpetuall motion and circulation of worship if men be bound to bow the knees at the name of Iesus. This is to follow the Letany as a second part thereof.] ([Leiden] : [by Willem Christiaens], in the yeare of remembrance, 1637)
The ansvver of Iohn Bastwick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the exceptions made against his Letany by a learned gentleman which is annexed to the Letany it selfe, as articles superadditionall against the prelats. In the vvhich there is, a full, demonstration and proof of the reall absence of Christ in the sacrament of the Lords Supper, with the vanity and impiety of the consecreation of temples churches and chapples, also the necessity of the perpetuall motion and circulation of worship if men be bound to bow the knees at the name of Iesus. This is to follow the Letany as a second part thereof. ([Leiden] : [by Willem Christiaens], in the yeare of remembrance, 1637)
The answer of John Bastvvick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the information of Sir Iohn Bancks Knight, Atturney universall. In which there is a sufficient demonstration, that the prelats are invaders of the Kings prerogative royall, contemners and despisers of holy Scripture, advancers of poperie, superstition, idolatry and phophanesse: also that they abuse the Kings authoritie ... ([Leiden] : [by Willem Christiaens], 1637)
A briefe relation of certaine speciall and most materiall passages, and speeches in the Starre-Chamber occasioned and delivered the 14th. day of Iune, 1637. At the censure of those three famous and worthy gentlemen, Dr. Bastwicke, Mr. Burton, and Mr. Prynne. Even so as it hath beene truely and faithfully gathered from their owne mouthes, by one present at the said censure. ([Leiden] : [by W. Christiaens], in the yeare of God, 1638)
Flagellum pontificis et episcoporum latialium: Auctum et multis argumentis locupletatum (typis E. Griffini, sumptibus M. Sparkes, 1641)
Flagellvm Pontificis & Episcoporum Latialium; sive Tractatus, De Jurisdictione Episcopali (etc.) (1635)
A just defence of John Bastwick. Doctor in Phisicke, against the calumnies of John Lilburne Leiutenant [sic] Colonell and his false accusations,:vvritten in way of a reply to a letter of Master Vicars: in which he desires to be satisfied concerning that reproch. In which reply, there is not onely the vindication of the honour of the Parliament, but also that which is of publike concernment, and behooves all well affected subjects to looke into. Printed and published with license according to order. (London : F. Leech, for Michaell Sparke Junior, and are to be sold at the Blue-Bible in Green-Arbor, 1645)
A learned, vsefull and seasonable discovrse concerning the Chvrch of England, and the Chvrch of Rome addressed by way of letter to M. St. Iohn, a Romish priest (London : John Wright, Junior ..., 1643)
Praxeis ton episkopon, sive apologeticus ad praesules Anglicanos criminum ecclesiasticorum in curia celsae commissionis (1636)
The utter routing of the whole army of all the independents & sectaries, with the totall overthrow of their hierarchy ... : or, Independency not Gods ordinance, in which all the frontires of the Presbytery ... are defended, against all enemies. And all the forces of the three generals and commanders of the sectaries, Hanserdo Knollys, J.S. [i.e. John Sadler] & Henry Burton are all dissipated ... and the field of truth still kept, viz., That the Presbyterian government dependent is Gods ordinance, and not the Presbyterian government independent. Unto which is annexed an appendix in way of answer to Henry Burton ... (London : John Macock, and are to be sold by Michael Spark ..., 1646)
The utter routing of the whole army of all the Independents and Sectaries, with the totall overthrow of their hierarchy ..., or, Independency not Gods ordinance in which all the frontires of the Presbytery ... are defended ... (London : John Macock and are to be sold by Michael Spark ..., 1646)

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