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« Alexander Catcott (1725-1779)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Alexander Stopford Catcott (1692-1749)
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Primary Sources (5 titles, 5 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (2) | Philosophy (1) | Arts (2)
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An Answer to the Observations on a Sermon Preach'd Before the Corporation of Bristoll, and the Lord Chief Justice Hardwicke, on Sunday the 16th Day of August, MDCCXXXV.: Being the Day Before the Assizes (Sam. and Felix Farley; sold also by W. Cossley, M. Lewis, J. Wilson, and P. Brown in Bristoll; and by Messrs. Knapton, Messrs. Innys and Manby, C. Rivington, and C. Corbett, in London; J. Leake at Bath; Mr. Piesly at Oxford; Mr. Crownfield at Cambridge; a, 1737)
The supreme and inferiour Elahim, a sermon preached before the corporation of Bristol, 2nd ed. (H. Woodfall for John Oswald, 1742)

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