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« Edward Chandler (c.1688-1750)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Samuel Chandler (1693-1766)
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Primary Sources (52 titles, 75 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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An Account of the Conference held in Nicholas-Lane, February 13th 1734-5. between two Romish priests, and some Protestant divines. With some remarks on a pamphlet [by John Gunston], entitled, The Two Conferences, &c. truly stated (J. Gray, 1735)
An Account of the Conference Held in Nicholas-Lane, February 13th. 1734-5. Between Two Romish Priests, and Some Protestant Divines. ... By Samuel Chandler (J. Gray, 1735)
An Answer to the Brief Remarks of William Berriman, D.D.: ... on Mr. Chandler's Introduction to the History of the Inquisition. In a Letter to the Said Doctor. By Samuel Chandler (John Gray, 1733)
Benevolence and Integrity Essentials of Christianity. A Sermon Preach'd at the Old Jury, March 3, 1735-6. To the Society for Relief of the Widows and Children of Dissenting Ministers. By Samuel Chandler (printed in the year, 1736)
The case of subscription to explanatory articles of faith, as a qualification for admission into the Christian ministry : calmly and impartially reiewed, in answer to I. a late pamphlet intitled the church of England indicated in requiring subscription from the clergy to the 39 articles, II. the Rev. Mr. John White's appendix to his third letter to a dissenting gentleman : to which is added, the speech of the Rev. John Alphonso Turrentine previous to the abolition of all subscriptions at Geneva .. (London : J. Noon and Jos. Davidson, 1748)
The Case of Subscription to Explanatory Articles of Faith, as a Qualification for Admission Into the Christian Ministry, Calmly and Impartially Review'd: ... By Samuel Chandler (J. Noon; and Jos. Davidson, 1748)
The Case of Subscription to Explanatory Articles of Faith, as a Qualification for Admission Into the Christian Ministry, Calmly and Impartially Review'd: in Answer to I. A Late Pamphlet Intitled The Church of England Vindicated in Requiring Subscription from the Clergy to the XXXIX Articles. II ... (J. Noon; Jos. Davidson, 1748)
The Church of England Vindicated in Requiring Subscription from the Clergy, to the XXXIX Articles of Religion. In Answer to the Objections and Calumnies of a Late Writer [i.e. to a Series of Papers in “The Old Whig”, Probably by Samuel Chandler]. [By Joseph Clarke.] (W. Innys & R. Manby, 1739)
A Critical History of the Life of David (University Press, 1853)
A Critical History of the Life of David: In which the Principal Events are Ranged in Order of Time; the Chief Objections of Mr. Bayle, and Others, Against the Character of this Prince, and the Scripture Account of Him, and the Occurrances of His Reign, are Examined and Refuted; and the ... (S. Chandler)
Vol. 1 (1766)
Vol. 2 (1766) GB 
The Danger and Duty of Good Men, Under the Present Unnatural Invasion: A Sermon Preach'd at the Old-Jewry, September 29th, 1745. By Samuel Chandler
J. Noon, 1745GB 
Deutliche Gründe warum man ein Christ seyn müsse (Leipzig : Blochberger, 1747)
Great Britain's memorial against the pretender and popery (The Biblical World, 1745)
Great-Britain's memorial against the Pretender and popery [by S. Chandler]. (1745)
The history of persecution : in four parts. Viz. I. Amongst the heathens. II. Under the Christian emperors. III. Under the papacy and Inquisition. IV. Amongst Protestants (London: : J. Gray..., 1736)
The history of persecution, .. (London, 1813)
The history of persecution, from the patriarchial age to the reign of George 11. A new ed., to which are added, the Rev. Dr. Buchanan's notices of the present state of the inquisition at Goa: also an appendix, containing hints on the recent persecutions in the British Empire, some circumstances relating to Lord Viscount Sidmouth's bill, a circumstantial detail of the steps taken to obtain the new Toleration act, with the act itself, and other important matter. By Charles Atmore (Hull Printed for the editor and J. Craggs; and sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown : London, 1813)
The history of persecution, from the patriarchial age to the reign of George II (Hull : editor and J. Craggs; and sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, London, 1813)
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