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Johannes Sleidan (1506-1556)
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Commentariorum de statu religionis et reipublicae Carolo V. caesare Libri 26 (1621)
De quatuor summis imperiis / added author(s): Ulrich Koch
Basel : Brylinger, 1557BSB 
De Statu Religionis Ac Reipublicae Continuatio: Ab Anno Vindelicet MDXCV. Ad Nostra Vsqve Tempora, vol. 3 (Beckerus, 1619)
De Statu Religionis Ac Reipublicae Continuatio: Ab Anno Vindelicet Svpra Millesimum Qvingentesimvm sexagesimo nono, ad nostra vsque tempora, vol. 2 (Beckerus, 1615)
De Statu Religionis Ac Reipublicae Continuatio: Ab Anno, Vindelicet Svpra Millesimvm Qvingentesimum quinquagesimo sexto, ad nostra vsque Tempora, vol. 1 (Beckerus, 1614)
De Statu Religionis Et Reipublicae Carolo Quinto Caesare Commentarii (Varrentrapp et Wenner)
Vol. 2 (1786)
Vol. 3 (1786) GB 
De statu religionis et reipublicae Carolo V. caesare commentarii
Vol. 1 (1558) GB 
Badius, 1559GB 
De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo Quinto, Caesare, commentarii, vol. 1 (Rihelius, 1555)
De Statu Religionis Et Reipublicae, Carolo Quinto, Caesare, Commentarii: Cum Indice luculentissimo. pars altera, vol. 2 (Rihel, 1555)
De Statu Religionis Et Reipublicae, Carolo Quinto, Caesare, Commentarii: in duos tomos diuisi, argumentisque, ac locupletissimo indice insigniti. Additi sunt praeterea eodem authore, De Qvatvor Svmmis Imperiis, libri tres (Syluius)
Vol. 1 (1561)
Vol. 2 (1561) GB 
A famous Cronicle of oure time, called Sleidanes Commentaries, concerning the state of Religion and common wealth, during the raigne of the Emperour Charles the fift: Here unto is added also an apoology of the authore, trans. John Daus (London : Veale, 1560)
A famouse cronicle of oure time, called Sleidanes Commentaries concerning the state of religion and common wealth, during the raigne of the Emperour Charles the fift, with the argumentes set before euery booke, conteyninge the summe or effecte of the booke following. Translated out of Latin into Englishe, by Ihon Daus. Here vnto is added also an apology of the authoure.
London : Ihon Daie, for Nicholas Englande, 1560EEBO-TCP 
Histoire de l'estat de la r?eligion et r?epublique sous l'empereur Charles V (1557)
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