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« Daniel le Roy (1661-1722)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Royal Society (1662-)
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Primary Sources (4 titles, 15 vols.) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
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Philosophy (15) | Related (26)
Results 1-15
A list of the Royal Society of London; instituted by His Majesty Charles II. For the advancement of natural knowledge. ... As also an advertisement, shewing what subjects seem most suitable to the ends of its institution (London : J. Morphew, 1718)
Miscellanea curiosa: Being a collection of some of the principal phaenomena in nature, accounted for by the greatest philosophers of this age. Together with several discourses read before the Royal society, for the advancement of physical and mathematical knowledge, vol. 1 (London : J. B. for Jeffery Wale; and John Senex, 1705)
Philosophical Transactions, Giving Some Accompt of the Present Undertakings, Studies and Labors of the Ingenious in Many Considerable Parts of the World (London : T. N.) / added author(s): Henry Oldenburg
Vol. 1 (1666) [1665-1666]
Vol. 2 (1667) [1667] GB 
Vol. 3 (1669) [1668] GB 
Vol. 5 (1669) [1670] GB 
Vol. 4 (1670) [1669] GB 
Vol. 5 (1670) [1670] GB 
Vol. 8 (1673) [1673] GB 
Vol. 10 (1675) [1675] GB 
Vol. 11 (1676) [1676] GB 
Vol. 13 (1683) [1683] GB 
The Record of the Royal Society of London, 3rd ed. (London : Royal Society at Oxford University Press [by H. Hart], 1912)

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