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« James Forbes (c.1628-1712)
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John Forbes (c.1568-1634)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReference | DNB1Academic Titlen/a
NotesPastor to the English Company of Merchants at Delft and the English Church at Middelburgh
Primary Sources (7 titles, 8 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Four sermons which doe manifest the true sence of the 1. Epistle to Timothie 6. Chaper 13. 14. 15. [and] 16. verses of that chapter. Preached by the reverend divine Mr. Iohn Forbes late preacher to the Companie of Merchant-Adventurers in Delft. Published by S.O. (Amsterdam : [Successors of G. Thorpe], 1635)
A fruitfull sermon made by the reverend and learned Mr. Iohn Forbes. Pastour of the English company of merchants adventures at Delft. Published by some of his flock out of sincere affection for common good. (At Amsterdam : Richard Plater, 1626)
A letter first written and sent by Io. Forbes, pastour of the English Church at Middelburgh vnto certen of the companie of marchands adventurers at Stoade, at their earnest desire, for resolving this question: how a Christian man may discerne the testimonie of Gods spirit, from the testimonie of his owne spirit, in witnessing his adoption. And now againe renewed and enlarged by the authour, at the desire of divers good Christians, for the comfort of their troubled co[n]sciences, and published by those of his flocke, to whom he did dedicate it for the publike vse of the Church. (At Middelburgh : Richard Schilders, 1616)
A preparatiue sermon, to the Lords table, preached by the Reuerend Mr. Iohn Forbes, pastour to the Companie of Marchant Aduentureres residing in Delff. (Delff, 1632)
A sermon discursing the true meaning of these vvords: The I. epistle of Timothy, the 2. chapt. vers. the 4. VVho will haue all men to be saued, and to come to the knowledge of the truth, &c. Preached by the reuerend Mr. Iohn Forbes, pastour to the company of marchant adventurers residing in Delph. Anno 1632. (Delph : S.n., 1632)
A treatise tending to cleare the doctrine of iustification. Written by Io. Forbes, pastour of the English Church at Middelburgh, for the instruction of his flocke: and now published by some of them for the good of others. (At Middelburgh : Richard Schilders, 1616)
A Treatise Tending to Cleare the Doctrine of Ivstification (Middelburg : Richard Schilders)
Vol. 1 (1616)

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