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« William Benn (1600-1681)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Benjamin Bennet (c.1674-1726)
TraditionReformedReferenceen | DNB1Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (7 titles, 8 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The Christian oratory, or, The devotion of the closet displayed : to which is added an appendix (London : E. Blackader, Took's Court)
Vol. 1 (1811)
Vol. 2 (1811) IA 
A defence of the memorial of the reformation: against the exceptions of Presbyterian prejudice display'd by an hearty wellwisher of the established church : with a particular enquiry into the authors and abettors of the Irish massacre ... (J. Morley, at the Cross-Keys in the Poultrey, 1723)
Devout meditations from the Christian oratory (Norristown, [Pa.] : James Winnard, 1819)
Discourses on the credibility of the Scriptures : in which the truth, inspiration, and usefulness of the Scriptures are asserted and proved (New-Brunswick : A. Blauvelt, 1795)
A memorial of the reformation (chiefly in England) and of Britain's deliverances from popery and arbitrary-power, since that time to the year M DCC XIX ..., 2nd ed. (J. Clark, 1721)
A memorial of the reformation: (chiefly in England) and of Britain's deliverances from popery and arbitrary-power, to, 1716 (William Gray, 1748)
Plegtige bespiegelingen oft godvruchtige overdenkingen; voor de verdere christelyke feest-dagen (Jan Bosch, 1753)

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