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Henoch Clapham (fl.1585-1614)
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Primary Sources (13 titles, 13 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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An abstract of fayth grounded on Moses, and applyed to the common Creede; plainely and briefly. By Henoch Clapham, in the beginning of his third yeares bands. ([London] : S.n., 1606)
Antidoton or a soueraigne remedie against schisme and heresie: gathered to analogie and proportion of faith, from that parable of tares. Matth.13. Aug.ep.3.Nullorum disput.&c. We ought to haue no men their disputations (although men Catholike and praise worthie) in that count as we haue the canonicall scriptures: so that it should be vnlawfull for vs to improue and refuse some things in their writings, if happily we finde that they thought otherwise then the truth hath. Such a one am I in other mens writings, and so would I haue others to vnderstand of my writings. (London : Im[Felix Kingston for] Iohn Wolfe, 1600)
A briefe of the Bible drawne first into English poësy, and then illustrated by apte annotations: togither vvith some other necessary appendices. By Henoch Clapham. ([Edinburgh] : Robert Walde-graue, printer to the Kings Maiestie, 1596)
A chronological discourse touching, 1 The Church. 2 Christ. 3 Anti-Christ. 4 Gog & Magog. &c. The substaunce whereof, was collected about some 10. or 11. yeares since (as may be gathered by an epistle prefixed before a tractate, called, The visible Christian) but now digested into better order; and first published, by the author himselfe, H. Cl. (London : William White, dwelling in Cow-lane ouer against the signe of the white Lion, 1609)
The discription of a true visible Christian right confortable & profitable for all such as are distressed in sowle about present controversies in the churche. Dravven by He. Cl. but published by occasion (as will appeare in the epistle) by Io. I. (Amsterdam? : [S.n.], In the Yeare from Christ his incarnation, 1599)
An epistle discoursing vpon the present pestilence. Teaching what it is, and how the people of God should carrie themselues towards God and their neighbour therein. Reprinted with some additions. By Henoch Clapham. (London : T. C[reede] for the Widow Newberry, and are to be sold at her shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Ball, 1603)
Errour on the left hand, through a frozen securitie Howsoeuer hot in opposition, when Satan so hears them. Acted by way of dialogue. Betw. 1 Malcontent and Romanista. 2 Mal-content Romanista & Libertinus. 3 Malcontent and Libertinus. 4 Malcontent and Atheos. 5 Malcontent and Atheoi. 6 Malcontent & the good & bad spirit. 7 Malcontent and Mediocrity. By Henoch Clapham. (London : N. O[kes] for Nathaniel Butter, 1608)
Errour on the right hand, through a preposterous zeale. Acted by way of dialogue. Betweene 1 Mal-content and Flyer. 2 Flyer and Anabaptist. 3 Anabaptist, & Legatine-arrian. 4 Flyer and Legatine-arrian. 5 Flier, Legaine-arria[n] & Familist. 6 Flyer and Familist. 7 Flyer and Mediocritie. Whereto is also added, certaine positions touching Church and Antichrist: as without the true holding thereof, it is impossible for a zelous soule, to auoyde either schisme or faction. By Henoch Clapham. (London : W. White, dwelling in Cow-lane, 1608)
Henoch Clapham his demaundes and answeres touching the pestilence methodically handled, as his time and meanes could permit. (Middelburg : [Richard Schilders], 1604)
A manuel of the Bibles doctrine for law and Gospell, letter and spirit, signe and thing signified reduced to the first chapter of Leuiticus: Wherewith (occasionally) be plainely considered, and briefelie concluded, the most mayne questions wherewith the christian churches be combied. By H.C. (At London : R. B[radock] for Nathaniell Butter, and are to be sold at his shop neere saint Austens gate, 1606)
The syn, against the holy ghoste made manifest from those grounds of faith, which haue bene taught & received by the faithfull in Engla[n]d, & that for those 40.y. togither vnder the prosperovs raigne of my Soveraigne Lady and Quene Elishabet. Which may serue for a rayning in of the heady, & yet for a spur to slouthfull spirits: by Henoch Clapham. (At Amsterdam, 1598)
Theologicall axioms or conclusions publikly controuerted, discussed, and concluded by that poore English congregation, in Amstelredam: to whome H.C. for the present, ad-ministreth the ghospel. Togither with an examination of the saide conclusions, by Henoch Clapham. Here-vnto is added a litle tractate entituled. The carpenter. (Amsterdam? : [S.n.], 1597)
A tract of prayer by He. Clapham. (At London : W. White, dwelling in Cowlane, 1602)

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