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« Richard Broughton (fl.1600-1610)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Thomas Broughton (1704-1774)
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Christianity distinct from the religion of nature, in answer to a late book, entitled, Christianity as old as the creation, &c. Part. I.: Being an examination of the author's General hypothesis, that natural and reveal'd religion differ only in the manner of their being communicated (Weaver Bickerton at Lord Bacon's Head, the corner of Palsgrave-Head-Court, without Temple-Bar, 1732)
Christianity distinct from the religion of nature, in answer to a late book, entitled, Christianity as old as the creation, &c. Part. II.: Being an apology for the positive institutions of religion (Weaver Bickerton at Lord Bacon's Head, the corner of Palsgrave-Head-Court, without Temple-Bar, 1732)
Christianity distinct from the religion of nature, in answer to a late book, entitled, Christianity as old as the creation, &c. Part. III.: In which the author's occasional objections to the credit and authority of divine revelation are consider'd (Weaver Bickerton, 1732)

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