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« Johann Franz Coing (1725-1792)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634)
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Primary Sources (4 titles, 4 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Law (4)
Results 1-4
The first part of the Institutes of the laws of England, or, A commentary upon Littleton : not the name of the author only, but of the law itself ([n.d.]) / added author(s): Sir Thomas Littleton
The fourth part of the Institutes of the laws of England: Concerning the jurisdiction of courts ([n.d.])
The second part of the Institutes of the laws of England: Containing the exposition of many ancient and other statutes (1797)
The third part of the institutes of the laws of England: concerning high treason, and other pleas of the crown, and criminal causes (W. Clarke and Sons, 1809)

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“Coke”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
“Sir Edward Coke”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
“Edward Coke”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
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