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Joseph Mede (1586-1638)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen Academic TitleMildmay Greek Lecturer / Christ's College, Cambridge (1618-1638)
Primary Sources (29 titles, 36 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (2) | Theology (34)
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The apostasy of the latter times in which, according to divine prediction, the world should wonder after the beast the mystery of iniquity should so farre prevaile over the mystery of godlinesse, whorish Babylon over the virgin-Church of Christ, as that the visible glory of the true church should be much clouded the true unstained Christian faith corrupted the purity of true worship polluted, or, The gentiles theology of dæmons i.e. inferiour divine powers, supposed to be mediatours between God and man : revived in the latter times amongst Christians in worshipping of angels, deifying and invocating of saints, adoring and templing of reliques, bowing downe to images, worshipping of crosses, &c : all which together with a true discovery of the nature, originall, progresse, of the great, fatall and solemn apotisy are cleared : delivered in publique some years since upon I Tim. 4. 1,2,3 (London : Richard Bishop for Samuel Man ..., 1641)
The apostasy of the latter times. In which, (according to divine prediction) the world should wonder after the beast, the mysterie of iniquity should so far prevaile over the mysterie of godlinesse, whorish Babylon over the virgin-church of Christ, as that the visible glory of the true church should be much clouded, the true unstained Christian faith corrupted, the purity of true worship polluted, or, The gentiles theology of dæmons, i.e. inferiour divine powers, supposed to be mediatours betweene God and man : revived in the latter times amongst Christians, in worshipping of angels, deifying and invocating of saints, adoring and templing of reliques, bowing downe to images, worshipping of crosses, &c. all which, together with a true discovery of the nature, originall, progresse, of the great, fatall, and solemne apostasie, are cleered : delivered in publick some years since upon I Tim. 4. I, 2, 3 (London : L.N. for Samuel Man, 1644)
Churches, that is, appropriate places for Christian vvorship both in, and ever since the Apostles times. A discourse at first more briefly delivered in a colledge chappell, and since enlarged. By Joseph Mede, B.D. and fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. (London : M[iles] F[lesher] for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under St Peters Church in Cornhill, 1638)
Clauis apocalyptica ex innatis et insitis visionum characteribus eruta et demonstrata. Ad eorum usum quibus deus amorem studiâumq[ue] indiderit prophetiam illam admirandam cognoscendi scrutandâique. (Cantabrigiæ : [T. and J. Buck] impensis authoris, in gratiam amicorum, 1627)
Clavis apocalyptica (Cantabrigia, 1649)
Clavis apocalyptica ex innatis et insitis visionum characteribus eruta et demonstrata
Cantabrigia, 1641BSB 
Cantabrigiae, 1641GB 
Cantabrigiae, 1649GB 
Daniels weekes an interpretation of part of the prophecy of Daniel (London : M. F. for John Clark ..., 1643)
Diatribae discovrses on on divers texts of Scriptvre (London : M.F. for John Clark ..., 1648)
Diatribae Pars 4. Discourses on Sundry Texts of Scripture: Delivered Upon Severall Occasions; by Joseph Mede, ... Never Before Published. And Mr Mede His Epistles, in Answer of Divers Letters from Learned Men: .. (London : J. F., 1652)
Diatribae, or, A continuation of certain discourses on sundry texts of Scripture (London : M.F. for John Clark, 1648)
Dissertationum ecclesiasticarum triga : De sanctitate relativa De veneratione sacra, De sortitione & alea. Quibus accednnt Fragmenta Sacra
Londini : Roycroft Martin, Allestrye, & Garthwait, 1653BSB 
Dissertationum ecclesiasticarum triga De sanctitate relativa De veneratione sacra, De sortitione & alea : quibus accednnt [sic] fragmenta sacra (Londini : Typis Tho. Roycroft : , Impensis Jo. Martin, Jac. Allestrye, & Tim. Garthwait ..., 1653)
Dissertationum ecclesiasticarum triga: de sanctitate relativa, de veneratione sacra, de sortitione & alea. Quibus accednnt [!] fragmenta sacra. A Josepho Medo, ... scripta (typis Tho: Roycroft, 1653)
Gründlicher Beweiss daa Kirchen oder gewisse Oerter zum christlichen Gottesdienst verordnet, in und von der Apostel Zeit her gewesen seyn, geführet von Joseph Mede, aus dem Engländischen aber ins Hochteutsche übersetzet, durch einige Anmerckungen erläutert, und mit einer Vorrede ... (zu finden bey Nicolaus Förstern, 1706)
Gründlicher Beweiß, daß Kirchen und gewisse Oerter zum christlichen Gottesdienst verordnet in und von der Apostel Zeit her gewesen seyn
Förster, 1706GB 
Hannover : Förster, 1706BSB 
Josephi Medi, ... Opuscula latina ad rem apolalypticam ferè spectantia; quorum catalogum dabit versa pagina (Thomam Buck almae academiae typographum, 1652)
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